Kamis, 22 September 2011

Brief Updates

Erdogan slams Israel in UN General Assembly speech

In an animated speech to the UN General Assembly in New York on Thursday, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke out vehemently against Israel and put the blame for the current Israel-Turkey tension solely on the shoulders of the Israeli government.

Calling Turkish support for the state of Palestine "unconditional," Erdogan said that "it is necessary to put pressure on Israel to achieve peace."

Ahmadinejad: Zionism Sacred to West

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Thursday launched into his customary tirade against Israel and the West at the United Nations.

Ahmadinejad also cast aspersion on the Holocaust

Announcing he planned "to analyze the current situation from a different angle," Ahmadinejad immediately lambasted Israel saying the "Zionist regime imposes terror on the Palestinian people."

U.S. delegation walks out on Ahmadinejad UNGA speech

Many delegates got up and left the General Assembly hall ten minutes into the Iranian leader's speech when he suggested that European countries use the Holocaust as a pretext for giving aid to Israel.

In typically florid prose, Ahmadinejad's twenty minute speech bemoaned the world's inequities of wealth and power. He did not allude to the issue preoccupying most General Assembly attendees, specifically the Palestinians' plans to apply to the United Nations for statehood recognition.

Instead, he posed a series of rhetorical questions which implicitly posited that the United States is at the root of the world's ills due to its foreign policy decisions.

PLO's UN Logo Reveals the Truth: Wipe Israel Off the Map!

The Palestine Liberation Organization's mission to the United Nations has, on its logo, wiped Israel off the map.

The logo is displayed on the website of the Palestinian Authority's mission to the U.N., which is technically represented by the PLO, the “sole representative of the Palestinian people.”

The Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine, as it is known, displays on the website – and reportedly on the letterhead of its official reports – a map that shows Israel, Judea, Samaria and Gaza as a single entity, according to Weekly Standard blogger Anne Bayefsky. “Absent from the logo is any hint that Palestine consists of anything other than Arab territory,” she writes.

There have also been numerous other cases in which official PA media have broadcast maps of the region, obliterating Israel completely, and replacing it with the PA flag.

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