Kamis, 15 September 2011

Palestinians: We will seek full UN membership

In a new twist, the PA is now stating that they do plan on submitting for full membership at the UN Security Council on September 23rd. Previously they had stated that they only planned on approaching the General Assembly, but apparently now they will attempt both avenues.

The most interesting aspect about this development, is the fact that the U.S. would be the lone dissenting voice within the Council - and that leads to the obvious question regarding the true intent of the U.S. and whether the U.S. will stand firm in its pledge to dissent.

One has to wonder if this represents a complicated form of brinksmanship. We shall see.

Palestinians to seek full UN membership

Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malki said Thursday that the Palestinians will submit a bid for full membership at the United Nations Security Council on September 23, but said that they would be open to other suggestions.

The remarks by Malki put an end to speculation that the Palestinians might avoid a showdown with the United States by sidestepping the Security Council and going directly to the UN General Assembly to seek a lesser status of a non-member observer.

This will place an enormous amount of pressure on the U.S. to concede to the "PA".

Malki said Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will personally submit the Palestinian request for membership to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon after addressing the General Assembly on the afternoon of Sept. 23. In the meantime, he said the Palestinians would listen to suggested alternatives.

The paragraph below reveals the key to this situation:

The Palestinians will likely still end up at the General Assembly with scaled-back ambitions, however, if the U.S. exercises its veto power in the Security Council as expected.

PA foreign minister: Abbas awaiting 'credible offer'

This article lends some credibility to the "brinksmanship" argument:

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas will submit an application for full membership of a Palestinian state at the UN on September 23, unless he receives a “credible offer” for resuming peace talks with Israel, PA Foreign Minister Riad Malki announced on Thursday.

Malki predicted that more countries would declare their support for the PA’s statehood bid before next week’s session of the UN General Assembly in New York.

He said the statehood bid was aimed at strengthening the chances for the resumption of the peace process.

Also see this article which reminds us of the important upcoming dates:

The Palestinian statehood circus: Rage, rage against the dying of the light

Today, 15 September, kicks off an 8-day period in which socialists, radical leftists, Islamists, and Palestinian activists will rail at a world that is disappearing. The schedule includes the following:

15 September: Rallies for Palestine in New York and other cities in the US and Europe

16 September: Rally in Los Angeles to protest the US plan to veto the Palestinian statehood bid

17 September: Day of Rage for the radical left, with protests in major cities and the 50 state capitals, plus an “occupation” of Wall Street

22 September: Durban III conference to promote hysterical anti-Semitism at UN headquarters in New York (the US will not attend the conference, but it’s being held on our soil)

22 September: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad address to the UN

23 September: Palestinian delegation calls for a UN vote on Palestinian statehood

Israel warns of 'harsh' consequences of Palestinian UN bid

Hardline Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman warned on Wednesday there would be "harsh and grave consequences" if the Palestinians persist with their plan to seek UN membership as a state.

Erdogan warns Israel: Turkey can send warships to east Mediterranean at any time

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Thursday Israel could not do whatever it wanted in the eastern Mediterranean and that Turkish warships could be there at any moment.

"Israel cannot do whatever it wants in the eastern Mediterranean. They will see what our decisions will be on this subject. Our navy attack ships can be there at any moment," Erdogan told a news conference shortly after arriving in Tunis.

UN Chief: End to Israeli-Palestinian conflict 'long overdue'

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon told a news conference Thursday that an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict "is long overdue" and it's vital that long-stalled negotiations resume.

He said he's sympathetic to the frustrations of the Palestinian people who have failed to achieve an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel. "I am profoundly troubled by the lack of progress in the peace negotiations," he said. "Time is not our friend."

One more date to add to the list of "dates":

Netanyahu to address UN next week

On Thursday Netanyahu decided to address the UN General Assembly next Friday, the day the Palestinians will submit their statehood bid.

Netanyahu said on Thursday that his speech to the United Nations would stress that negotiations are the only road to peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

"The General Assembly is not a place where Israel usually receives a fair hearing," he said at a press conference with Czech Prime Minister Petr Necas at his Jerusalem residence. "But I still decided to tell the truth before anyone who would like to hear it."

Unfortunately, Mr Netanyahu, not too many people are interested in hearing the truth these days, here on planet earth.


Thousands protest against 'murderous' Israel in Turkey and Jordan

The birthpains are unequivocally increasing, as we find ourselves in the midst of a significant 'contraction'. The earthquake story, the EU situation, the Epicenter, Turkey, Syria, Egypt, Libya, the global financial situation, The UN, the push for a "PA State", etc...and many more. The prophetically related news is now coming in at a dizzying rate.

The bottom line?

We're getting closer and closer to the final stages - which means closer and closer to hearing the footsteps of the Messiah.

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