Jumat, 30 September 2011

UNSC Holds First Meeting On PA Statehood Bid

UN panel holds first meeting on Palestinian statehood bid

A UN Security Council panel on admitting new members to the United Nations met on Friday for the first time on the Palestinian Authority's bid to join the world body as Palestinians lobbied council members for support.

Lebanese UN ambassador says committee unanimously agreed to continue meeting at expert level; Palestinians say they have 8 of 9 necessary votes, plan to visit Bosnia and Herzegovina, Colombia.

After the closed-door meeting of the council's standing committee on admitting new members, which comprises all 15 council members, Lebanese UN Ambassador Nawaf Salam said the committee unanimously agreed to continue meeting at the expert level next week.

Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Riad al Malki said Thursday that he would soon visit Bosnia, while PA President Mahmoud Abbas would visit Colombia and Portugal in October, as part of efforts to secure the necessary nine votes in the UN Security Council to pass a resolution recognizing a Palestinian state as a full member in the world body, The Telegraph reported.

Bosnia, Colombia and Portugal are three of the 15 nations currently sitting on the UN Security Council that must make a determination on the Palestinian statehood issue.

Malki added that Abbas will also visit Honduras and the Dominican Republic while on his Latin American swing, and the PA president was also scheduled to address the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France on October 6.

All of this could be moot assuming the U.S. stands firm and exercises their veto option which would effectively kill this effort.

Previous news has indicated that the U.S. would prefer not to use this option and the only way to accomplish that is to somehow ensure that Abbas doesn't gain the necessary 9 vote majority. Presently it is difficult to know if the 9 votes can be gathered by Abbas and the PA.

If indeed, the PA does gain the 9 vote majority it will be interesting to see if the U.S. will actually implement the veto option.

This entire scenario may become more and more interesting over the next two weeks.

Escalation Between Turkey and Israel

It is becoming obvious that control over the gas and oil finds in the Mediterranean will lead to trouble:

Report: IAF Jets Circling Turkish Ships

Aerial incident above the Mediterranean?

A crew onboard a Turkish exploration ship searching for gas reservoirs near Cyprus claimed that two Israeli aircraft and a helicopter circled above them on Thursday night,

According to a report published Friday in the Turkish newspaper Watan Daily, two F-15 jets passed through Cyprus' Greek and Turkish airspace and approached the Turkish coastline, while ignoring air controllers' warnings in north Cyprus, which is considered a Turkish territory.

The report, which was featured on the paper's front page, also claimed that the jets retreated only after Turkey dispatched two F-16 planes.

Earlier this week, Turkey unveiled its first domestically developed and produced battleship.

Last week, Erdogan Addressed the Greek Cypriot administration's exploratory drilling in the eastern Mediterranean and said that what Israel and southern Cyprus embarked upon was insanity.

Israel scrambles IAF warplanes toward Turkish ship

The report added that the warplanes approached the Turkish ship despite incessant warnings by forces in Turkish Cyprus, according to which the planes had breached the territory's airspace.

Ultimately, the report indicated, Turkey launched two F-16 fighters to track the Israeli planes, at which point the IAF fighter jets returned to Israeli airspace.

In addition, the report claimed that an IAF helicopter hovered over the ship, Piri Reis, while the ship was in the Aphrodite gas field off Cyprus' southern coast and near to the larger Leviathan natural gas field.

This action represents a significant increase in tensions in the region.

Also in the news:

Palestinians press Security Council members to back UN statehood bid

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is due to leave for Colombia next week, in an attempt to convince officials in the South American nation to support a bid for Palestinian statehood at the United Nations Security Council.

A Palestinian official speaking with Haaretz on Friday, said that "within the Security Council there are nine nations who had already recognized a Palestinian state, so the Palestinians expect those countries to support the [UN] proposal too."

Haaretz has also learned that the Arab states have been pressuring Bosnia by threatening not to support a recognition of Kosovo's independence if Bosnia failed to back the Palestinian bid at the UNSC.

Bosnia and Colombia are both temporary members of the UNSC, making them crucial in the Palestinian bid to gain full recognition as an independent state in the Security Council.

Islam's History of Forced Conversions

Consider the issue of forced conversion in Islam, a phenomenon that has a long history with ample precedents. Indeed, from its inception, most of those who embraced Islam did so under duress, beginning with the Ridda wars and during the age of conquests, and to escape dhimmi status. This is a simple fact.

Yet, when one examines today’s cases of forced conversions with those from centuries past, identical patterns emerge, demonstrating great continuity. Consider:

Days ago in Pakistan, two Christian men were severely beaten with iron rods and left for dead by a group of Muslims, simply because they refused to convert to Islam.

According to Compass Direct News, they were returning from a church service when they were accosted by six Muslims. After they discovered they were Christian, the Muslims:

then started questioning them about their faith and later tried to force them to recite the Kalma [Islamic conversion creed, “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger”] and become Muslims, telling them that this was the only way they could live peacefully in the city.

They also offered monetary incentives and “protection” to Ishfaq and Naeem [the Christians], but the two refused to renounce Christianity.

“After cajoling the two Christians for some time,” the Muslims pretended to go away, only to ram their car into the Christians:

“The Muslims [then] got out of the car armed with iron rods and attacked Ishfaq and Naeem, shouting that they should either recite the Kalma or be prepared to die…severely beating[ing] the two Christians, fracturing Ishfaq Munawar’s jaw and breaking five teeth, and seriously injuring Masih…. [T]he two Christians fell unconscious, and the young Muslim men left assuming they had killed them.”

After citing similar stories from the past and noting the similarities, we see this:

Now, consider the near identical patterns in the two accounts, separated by half a millennium:

- The Muslims first begin by talking to the Christians about their religion, suggesting they convert to Islam.

- Failing to persuade the Christians, the Muslims proceed to “cajole” and offer “monetary incentives and protection” (in the modern case) and “flatter” and offer “many honors and much glory” (in the historic case). All that the Christians need do is speak some words, the Kalma, and become Muslim.

- When the Christians still refuse, the Muslims fly into a savage rage, beating and torturing their victims to death (in the modern case, the Muslims assumed they had killed their victims).

How about some (sarcasm based) humor to end this news update today?

The Ongoing Occupation of America

Kamis, 29 September 2011

The Islamist-Nazi Link

The most recent Golden Report begins this story:

Israel-Ishmael = No Peace. Until the Prince of Peace Returns

I was in the process of writing an article showing why the so-called "Palestinians" will never accept A Jewish State, when it occurred to me that all I really needed to do is re-run this article written not so long ago.

When reading this put yourself in the shoes of the Israeli and then remember the Holocaust and who and what Hitler was, now we can plainly see that same Nazi spirit moving in the Islamic Jihad towards Israel.

We can never forget what happened to the Jews during the WWII era. One of the main reasons is the simple fact that it is happening again right now and right before our watching eyes. World-wide sentiment today is absolutely opposed to the Nation of Israel, and the parallels to Nazi Germany and today's world is haunting at best.

It probably is not necessary to tell the readers of this article that the Islamic Arabs are evil, that their plan for the world is to impose Sharia Law on mankind world wide. In fact, when you take a look at what is happening in Europe, you might understand that what they plan seems to be working.

If you look at the African continent you will once again see that it is happening there as well.

But what may surprise you is how successful they have become in the United States. Most people believe that the Nazi movement died with Hitler, but that is very far from the truth. My purpose in this report is to show how the Nazi movement has moved into, and controls, the Islamic Arab World.

Take a look at the rest of this article, and then this short film which is also contained in the article:

The Islamist-Nazi Link Video

Is this really surprising? Christians and Jews who refuse to take the Mark of the Beast will be exterminated during the Tribulation, not unlike what happened during Nazi Germany, only this time it will take place on a world-wide scale.

It is coming and today we see the beginnings as the world aligns against the nation of Israel.

Also see:

Ashton shows pro-Palestinian side at EU parliament

Europe: Palestinian statehood big 'legitimate'

While it may be tempting to fall into the politically correct response of "Oh, its no big deal, the 'Palestinians' should have their own state". Don't forget. These same "Palestinians" are the very people who are sworn to destroy the Nation of Israel and kill every Jew in the region. And it is the same Europe who supports this, while completely ignoring the daily rhetoric by the Islamic leaders.

We can never ever forget that fact.

In the news:

PA: We are one vote shy of a majority in Security Council

Palestinian Authority foreign minister says 8 out of 9 necessary UNSC members back the Palestine resolution; Malki optimistic Palestinian statehood bid will pass.

Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malki said that the Palestinians have received approval from eight members of the UN Security Council in support of their bid for full membership to the United Nations.

If nine members of the Security Council vote in favor of the Palestinian state bid, the the resolution will pass, unless one of the council's five permanent members uses a veto.

Below is the list:

According to Malki, the eight Security Council members who will back the resolution are Russia, China, India, South Africa, Brazil, Lebanon, Nigeria, and Gabon - a Central African Nation that Israel media was reporting as being "on the fence" about the issue. Malki said that the Palestinians will focus their attention on persuading either Bosnia and Herzegovina or Columbia to offer their vote in favor of the resolution

The UN Security Council will discuss the Palestinian application on Wednesday morning.

Iran Says Its New Cruise Missile Can 'Sink Giant Warships'

Iran has begun to mass manufacture a domestically developed cruise missile that reportedly could be used to strike Israel and potentially counter U.S. naval presence in the Persian Gulf.

Iran’s growing arsenal includes short- and medium-range ballistic missiles that are capable of hitting targets in the region, such as Israel and U.S. military bases in the Gulf. Reports of the mass production comes at a time when there appears to be increasing tension between Iran and the U.S.

Hezballah Cells Active Worldwide, Including the U.S.

The terrorist group Hezb'allah, based in Lebanon, is establishing "resistance cells" worldwide under the direction of Iran, according to Mohammad Hussein Babai, the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards in the province of Golestan.

The cells are already infiltrating the United States with the help of Venezuela's Hugo Chávez and drug cartels.

This is the first time that a high-ranking Revolutionary Guard commander in the Islamic regime of Iran has revealed the presence of such jihadist cells in the world.

And what is their focus?

We see two main elements:

"We must not fear anyone, and an international jihad must take place to prepare for the Coming." The "Coming" refers to Imam Mahdi, the Shiites' 12th Imam, who, according to a Shiite hadith, will reappear and reap destruction on Israel and the West.

Azghadi said it is the duty of Iran, "the center of the religious fighters worldwide," to export revolution. "As our Imam [the founder of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini] declared, we must destroy Israel and free Jerusalem.

Of course. To hasten their "Mahdi", which will bring forth the destruction of Israel.

World opinion swings back against Israel

Even when the Palestinian regime openly identifies itself as an impossible peace partner, it never takes long before the international community finds an excuse to again blame Israel for the lack of a peace agreement.

Why? Because Israel dares to initiate construction on their sovereign land:

But already on Thursday, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton returned to the familiar rhetoric, suggesting that the construction of a few apartments in Jewish neighborhoods of Jerusalem is what's really blocking peace.

EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton and British Foreign Secretary William Hague also condemned what they called "provocative settlement activity."

The three diplomats were referring to Israel's approval of the construction of 1,100 new apartments in the southern Jerusalem neighborhood of Gilo, which is already home to tens of thousands of Jews. The Palestinians claim Gilo as part of their future state, as it lies on the side of Jerusalem that was illegally occupied by Jordan prior to 1967.

It is worth pointing out that while Clinton is quick to jump on Israel for building a few apartments, she has not been consistent in calling out the "kind of action which could undermine trust" when it comes to the Palestinians.

For instance, Palestinian police forces have been operating in eastern Jerusalem in violation of signed agreements for the past couple of years. The Palestinian Authority has also resumed political activity in Jerusalem, again in violation of signed agreements.

Sadly, we already know that the truth has no relevance in bizarro world.

And in Europe we see this:

Fury At "Brainwashing" Plan For EU Citizenship Lessons In Every School

CHILDREN could be forced to attend compulsory lessons in “European citizenship” under draconian plans drawn up by Euro-MPs in Brussels, it emerged last night.

In a move likened to Nazi indoctrination, the European Parliament wants pupils as young as five to be taught about EU “benefits” and encouraged to behave as “good Europeans”.

“We fear it will be a carte blanche to push the federalist agenda that is so close to the hearts of the Eurocrats. When you are targeting youngsters and their education, that amounts to political interference; when you are talking about pushing propaganda at children, that is a little sinister.

Volcano threat sparks evacuation in Canaries

With the Pico de Malpaso mountain spitting rocks intermittently and a growing rumbling underground, authorities made emergency preparations on Wednesday in case the volcano blows its top on the Atlantic island of El Hierro.

The national defence ministry said it had sent 31 military personnel to the island to help with the evacuation and Defence Minister Carme Chacon was heading there to inspect the emergency preparations.

The Spanish National Geographic Institute has recorded 8,000 tremors since July 19, most of them too small to be felt, but they have been growing in intensity. One recorded overnight on Wednesday reached 3.4 magnitude.

Rabu, 28 September 2011

More Updates: Palestinian Statehood Goes to UN Admissions Panel

PA Statehood To Admissions Panel

The United Nations Security Council agreed Wednesday to send the Palestinian application for statehood to its admissions committee for review.

The first meeting of that committee, which includes all 15 members of the council, is set for Friday.

"As you see, the process is moving forward step by step, and we hope the Security Council (will) shoulder its responsibility and approve our application and send a recommendation to the General Assembly for the admission of Palestine into the United Nations," Mansour said Wednesday.

In some other news in the region:

Region Watch: Storm Clouds Over Eastern Mediterranean

Another potential tipping point:

Cyprus dipute over natural gas exploration could be flashpoint where Ankara’s deteriorating ties with Jerusalem become truly dangerous.

Cyprus’s defiance of recent Turkish warnings against beginning the search for natural gas in this area is unlikely to be the last word on the matter.

Muscle-flexing in the eastern Mediterranean forms part of Ankara’s broader combined strategic and economic ambitions. Israel is part of the picture and is drawing closer to the Cypriots.

The Turkish Piri Reiss and a Norwegian seismic ship are to commence exploration, accompanied by ships of the Turkish Navy. There are reports that Turkish F-16s will be stationed on Northern Cyprus to provide protection for this activity.

The article closes on this ominous warning:

AKP leaders of Turkey are sailing into confrontation with a list of long-demonized enemies. Israel is near the top of the list. Economic ambitions and rivalries are combining for Turkey with strategic goals and ideological visions. The storm clouds are gathering over the eastern Mediterranean.

Meanwhile, in the midst of a dramatic escalation in world-wide sabre rattling, the U.S. plans to disarm:

Disarming America's Military

In an article posted on Military.com, a September 26 report released by the House Armed Services Committee warned that $465 billion in cuts to the defense budget over ten years would “transform a Superpower into a Regional Power” and return the military to funding levels of “the post-Vietnam Carter era of the late 1970s.”

Below are a few details:

The report contemplated cuts that would “eliminate 60 ships, two carrier battle groups, and over 200,000 troops through 2021.

The Army would lose ground combat vehicles. The Navy would suffer cuts in ship building and replacements for older ships.

The Air Force would likely lose the next generation bombers and aerial refueling tanker aircraft. The Marine Corps would lose personnel carriers and indefinitely postpone replacements for new amphibious assault vehicles and ships.

We also see this tragic story involving persecution:

Iranian Pastor Must Disavow His Christian Faith This Week Or Face Execution


Today there are several updates to some of the stories we have been following recently.

Iran has been back in the news recently:

'French UN envoy warns of 'strong' risk of strike on Iran'

Gerard Araud says "some countries" won't accept the prospect of Iran crossing nuclear threshold, AFP reports; follows Russian calls for freezing of centrifuge production, ahead of Panetta visit to Israel.

French Ambassador to the United Nations Gerard Araud warned of a "strong" risk of a military strike on Iran if it proceeds on the path to nuclear proliferation, AFP reported on Wednesday.

"If we don't succeed today to reach a negotiation with the Iranians, there is a strong risk of military action," AFP quoted the French envoy as saying in a New York panel discussion.

Meanwhile, US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta was expected to arrive in Israel for talks with counterpart Defense Minister Ehud Barak, talks which were expected to include the Iranian nuclear threat.

France: Iran faces high risk of military strike

Debka weighs in and reveals how far tensions are escalating around the Iranian nuclear situation:

France's UN Ambassador Gerard Araud warned Wednesday, Sept. 28 that Iran runs a high risk of a military strike if it continues on the path to nuclear proliferation. "Some countries won't accept the prospect of Tehran reaching the threshold of nuclear armament," he said. "Personally I am convinced that it would be a very complicated operation …with disastrous consequences in the region."

Ambassador Araud's comment confirmed reports from DEBKAfile's military sources in recent months that US and European sanctions against Iran had been ineffectual and the ayatollahs had no intention of slowing down on their drive for a nuclear weapon.

Tehran was not idle: Tuesday, the day before the war game ended, Adm. Habibollah Sayyari, commander of the Iranian Navy, stated that Iranian warships would be deployed "close to US territorial waters," since the Islamic Republic of Iran considers the US presence in the Persian Gulf "illegitimate and makes no sense."

After Tehran rejected a recent US request to establish a "red phone" link between the countries to avoid unwanted confrontation between their armed forces in the Gulf region, Ali Fadavi, Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Navy chief, commented enigmatically: "When we are in the Gulf of Mexico, we will establish direct contact with the United States."

The ambassador therefore held out little hope of the long-stalled US-South Korea talks with the North resumed lately getting anywhere on Pyongyang's denuclearization.

All these ominous events – pointed comments by French and British diplomats and the large-scale Russian-Central Asian war game – add up to widespread skepticism about any chance of halting Iran's race for a nuclear weapon or disarming North Korea.

Iranian Navy Plans to Send Ships Near U.S. Waters

The Iranian navy plans to move naval vessels out of the Persian Gulf and into the Atlantic Ocean, "near maritime borders of the United States," the Tehran Times reported Tuesday.

According to the English-language paper based in Tehran, the announcement came from a top Iranian naval officer on Tuesday.

As the global arrogance (forces of imperialism) have a (military) presence near our sea borders, we also plan to have a strong presence near the U.S. sea borders with the help of the soldiers who are loyal to the vali-e faqih (supreme jurisprudent),” said Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari, as quoted and paraphrased by the Tehran Times.

20,000 Heat-Seeking Missiles Reportedly Feared Missing From Libyan Warehouse

A recent secret White House meeting revealed that an estimated 20,000 portable, heat-seeking missiles appear to have vanished from an Army warehouse in Libya, ABCNews.com reported.

The new revelations stoke ongoing fears that such weapons, which are light, relatively easy to use and have the capacity to take down a commercial airplane, could end up in the wrong hands as the Libyan war that ousted Muammar Qaddafi winds down.

Icy Comet Elenin Passes Close to Sun, Could be Falling Apart

In August, doomsday prophets speculated that icy comet Elenin would wreak havoc on Earth. Now new images from an amateur Australian astronomer are showing a rapid dimming in Comet Elenin, leading some astronomers to believe that the comet may be falling apart.

Michael Mattiazo, an amateur astronomer from Australia, captured two images of Elenin -- one on Aug. 19 and the other on Sept. 6 -- that show the comet could be disintegrating. The video footage of Elenin shows that the comet began losing some cohesion around late August and early September as it neared the sun.

Officials at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., said they are still waiting for the comet to reappear from the near-sun pass before they make any new observations.

Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), a U.S. and European satellite observatory, might see Elenin by Sept. 29, according to Space.com. Scientists expect Elenin to pass closest to Earth on Oct. 16. At that time, the comet, which is about two to three miles (three to five kilometers) wide, will be about 22 million miles (35 million kilometers) from the planet.

Growing Persecution

The article below puts things in perspective and offers some facts that are quite disturbing:

18 Examples Of How Christians Are Being Specifically Targeted By Big Brother

I'll just put the introduction to the article below, but the article is worth reading. As shocking as the information is, we should expect such as we enter the era of the Tribulation:

The truth is that any individual or group that does not "fit in" with the new "politically-correct" global system that is emerging is going to be persecuted sooner or later. In our society today, it has become quite fashionable to bash Christians. In fact, I am quite certain that some of the comments that get left after this article will say really horrible things about Christians.

When I speak of "Big Brother", I am not just speaking of the government. In today's world, giant corporations and the mainstream media also play instrumental roles in the totalitarian police state prison grid that is being constructed all around us.

Anyone that does not "conform" to their system is a threat. As time goes by, the persecution of those that attempt to "rebel" against their system is only going to become more intense.

Now, take a look at the examples cited. Rather than allowing these examples to create anger and/or depression - use them to see the nearness of the hour. And the hour is drawing ever so close. That should be our focus now.

Selasa, 27 September 2011

Ketika Orang Kaya....

Ketika Orang Kaya Menolong Orang Miskin

Banyak orang kaya yang menolong orang miskin
     bukan karena ia ingin menolong mereka
Tapi karena ia ingin dilihat orang sebagai penderma
     dan ingin mendapatkan pahala
          atas apa yang telah dilakukannya

Ketika Orang Kaya Ditinggalkan oleh Pembantunya

Banyak orang kaya yang baru sadar
     betapa besar jasa pembantunya
          yang telah membuat mereka
               merasa nyaman menikmati hidupnya
setelah mereka kehilangan atau ditinggalkan oleh pembantunya     

Iran Threatens The U.S. While Thousands Of Surface-Air Missiles Disappear In Libya

If tensions weren't already high enough in the world, today we have two more to add to the growing list:

Iran Threatens to Deploy Navy Off U.S. Coast

Reuters is reporting that Iran has raised the possibility of sending Iranian warships close enough to U.S. shores to ratchet up tensions.

According to the official IRNA news agency, Iranian naval chief Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari said:

“Like the arrogant powers that are present near our marine borders, we will also have a powerful presence close to American marine borders.”

This Iranian saber-rattling comes on the heels of other recent provocations, including the passage of Iranian warships through the Suez Canal a few months ago, which marked the first time the Islamic Republic of Iran has ever deployed warships to the Mediterranean.

Sayyari was speaking at a ceremony marking the 31st anniversary of the start of the 1980-1988 war with Iraq. He didn’t elaborate on the scale or timing of the possible naval deployment.

Iran says could deploy navy near U.S. coast

Iran raised the prospect on Tuesday of sending military ships close to the United States' Atlantic coast, in what would be a major escalation of tensions between the long-standing adversaries.

The United States and Israel have not ruled out military action against Iran if diplomacy fails to stop it getting nuclear weapons. Tehran denies it is developing nuclear arms saying its atomic program is for purely peaceful purposes.

Nightmare in Libya: Thousands of Surface-to-Air Missiles Unaccounted For

The White House announced today it planned to expand a program to secure and destroy Libya's huge stockpile of dangerous surface-to-air missiles, following an ABC News report that large numbers of them continue to be stolen from unguarded military warehouses.

ABC News reported today U.S. officials and security experts were concerned some of the thousands of heat-seeking missiles could easily end up in the hands of al Qaeda or other terrorists groups, creating a threat to commercial airliners.

The missiles, four to six-feet long and Russian-made, can weigh just 55 pounds with launcher. They lock on to the heat generated by the engines of aircraft, can be fired from a vehicle or from a combatant's shoulder, and are accurate and deadly at a range of more than two miles.

Peter Bouckaert of Human Rights Watch first warned about the problem after a trip to Libya six months ago. He took pictures of pickup truckloads of the missiles being carted off during another trip just a few weeks ago.

"I myself could have removed several hundred if I wanted to, and people can literally drive up with pickup trucks or even 18 wheelers and take away whatever they want," said Bouckaert, HRW's emergencies director. "Every time I arrive at one of these weapons facilities, the first thing we notice going missing is the surface-to-air missiles."

The ease with which rebels and other unknown parties have snatched thousands of the missiles has raised alarms that the weapons could end up in the hands of al Qaeda

You have to wonder just how much longer a lid can be kept on the ability of terrorist groups to create widespread havoc in the world with large-scale attacks. Surface-to-air missiles could be used not only against military aircraft, but on commercial airlines as well.

This was one of the initial fears when the uprisings began in Libya and it seems that these fears are now being realized.

In the news:

Joel Rosenberg is also noticing Putin's movements to continue his power grab in Russia:

Putin Set To Re-Emerge As Czar Of Russia

On August 17th – in a column entitled, “Putin Rising: But Is He Gog?” — I wrote that “after keeping a relatively low profile for the last several years, Vladimir Putin is rising. In recent weeks, the Russian leader — currently serving as his country’s prime minister — once again has been making headlines, stoking controversy, and seeming to position himself to run for president of Russia again in March 2012.”

As stated before, I would argue that he never really lost power, due to the way he crafted the position of Prime Minister.

Reuters notes that “the next president will be elected for six years and the constitution still allows the head of state a maximum of two straight terms — meaning Putin could be in power for another 12 years.”

The re-emergence of Putin as Russia’s central tyrant will re-stoke speculation that we are heading towards the “War of Gog and Magog”as prophesied in the Bible in Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39.

A growing number of Jews also believe Ezekiel 38 and 39 could come true in our lifetime, and possibly in the next few years. In June of 2010, for example, a group of Rabbis in Israel said current events seemed to be leading to the “War of Gog and Magog.”

Below we see another stark reminder of the rising Christian persecution around the globe, as the nations yawn:

More Than 100 Christians Killed in Nigeria's Plateau State

A rash of attacks by armed Muslim extremists on villages in Nigeria’s Plateau state in the past month have left more than 100 Christians dead, including the elimination of entire families, sources said.

In a guerilla-type “hit and run” attack on the Christian community of Vwang Kogot, Muslim attackers at about 8 p.m. on Sept. 9 killed 14 Christians, including a pregnant woman. Survivors of the attack told Compass that the assailants raided the village with the aid of men in military uniforms of the Nigerian Army.

“After the soldiers and the Muslims left, we rushed into the place to see the destruction they did,” he said. “We discovered that 14 people were killed. Among them was a pregnant woman who died with a child in her womb – bringing the number of deaths to 15 persons. We also observed that the victims died from gun and machete wounds.”

Netanyahu's Speech and the Deafening Silence

If Israel shrank to just one downtown city block in Tel Aviv, it would still be reason for an all-out war of extermination by the Arab and Muslim world.

Those of you who saw Bibi’s speech at the UN - that Temple of Hypocrisy and Moral Turpitude - will have noticed the polite but tepid applause from a few along with the deafening silence from oh, so many of the international delegates.

The stark fact, which nobody wants to hear, is that Islam will never make peace with a non-Muslim state, especially if the Muslim foot trod triumphal upon that same territory once occupied in the name of Allah.

In conclusion, the endless and repeated begging for peace from a perverse and irretrievably hostile Muslim and Arab world must stop. The reality is desperately hard to acknowledge and accept, but it is an Islamic fact that Islam and its adherents will never make peace with non-Muslims.

A Palestinian State Will Not Bring Peace

Abbas, not surprisingly, blamed the failure of earlier negotiations on Israel. He complained that "the Israeli government ... frantically continues to intensify building of settlements on the territory of the state of Palestine.

Are the Israeli settlements really the problem? No, they’re just the obstacle du jour.

In fact, the Palestinian Arabs rejected the United Nations’ original proposal to create a Jewish state and an Arab state in 1947, long before any "settlements” were on the horizon.

As Israeli Prime Minister Bejamin Netanyahu explained in his own UN address on Friday: "Our conflict has been raging for—was raging for nearly half a century before there was a single Israeli settlement in the West Bank. ...

The hypocrisy below is mind numbing:

Syria's UN envoy: Israel is committing 'state terrorism' against Palestinians

Compare these two statements:

Israel's human rights violations are proof that it is committing "state terrorism," Syria's ambassador to the United Nations told the UN's Human Rights Council on Monday.

The comment by the Syrian official came amid a months-long crackdown by Bashar Assad's regime against pro-democracy protesters. Earlier this month, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay said that at least 2,700 people have been killed in Syria since anti-government protests broke out in March.

Again. Mind numbing. Typical for discourse in the Middle East.

We can see the same below:

Stockholm Syndrome from Tehran

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad engineered the release last week of two American hikers serving eight-year prison terms on trumped-up espionage charges.

He may have thought the release would make him seem more humane, but the $1 million bail-for-freedom deal makes Tehran look like Somali pirates, grabbing innocent tourists, holding them hostage and then releasing them for ransom.

So why did released hiker Shane Bauer say the following upon his release? "Two years in prison is too long, and we sincerely hope for the freedom of other political prisoners and other unjustly imprisoned people in America (emphasis added) and Iran."

The moral-equivalent rhetoric may have worked when Bauer was a peace and conflict studies major at the University of California, Berkeley, but one country ginned up phony espionage charges to use him and his companions as political pawns -- that's Iran -- and the other country doesn't imprison critics because of what they say or use violence to quell dissent.

At the time of their arrest, Bauer and Shourd were living in Damascus, in the bosom of Bashar Assad's Syria. They have shared a professed love of Middle Eastern culture. They also shared some blind spots.

Shourd, for example, wrote that in Yemen,

"The separation of sexes is widely understood as an attempt to protect women, and I have to admit, the streets do feel safe. Men leave you alone as long as you are covered; in a bizarre way it is less of a hassle being a woman here than anywhere I've ever been."

However, reality suggests something very different. Again - its the whole "reality thing":

Newsweek lists Yemen as one of nine countries that are "the worst places to be a woman," because domestic violence is not illegal and there is no legal recognition of spousal rape.

A year before Shourd wrote about how safe she felt in Yemen, 10-year-old Nujood Ali went to a Sanaa courtroom to ask a judge to release her from an arranged marriage to an older man who beat her. Other girl brides came forward with their horror stories. A Sanaa University study found that more than half of Yemeni girls are married before they turn 18.

But reality matters little in bizarro world.

Senin, 26 September 2011

Gaya Kepemimpinan dari Kacamata Orang Miskin

Ada dua gaya kepemimpinan
Pemimpin yang suka memberikan perintah
     dan pemimpin yang hanya memberikan arah
Pemimpin yang suka berkata “Saya..”
     dan pemimpin yang suka berkata “Kita..”

Ada lagi dua gaya kepemimpinan lainnya
Pemimpin yang cepat mengambil keputusan
      dan pemimpin yang hati-hati mengambil keputusan
Pemimpin yang suka berkata “Lebih cepat, lebih baik.”
     dan pemimpin yang suka berkata “Biar lambat, asal selamat.”

Ada banyak lagi gaya kepemimpinan lainnya
Tapi apalah arti itu semua
     kalau tak satu pun mampu
          memenuhi kebutuhan hidup seluruh rakyat-kecil nya