Sabtu, 02 November 2013

U.S. vs. Israel

"The Lord Said To Abram...

'I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
and you will be a blessing.

And I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you I will curse...'"

(Genesis 12:3)

The scriptures are clear aren't they? Is there any ambiguity here? Any qualifiers? Any exceptions listed for various countries such as the U.S., when it comes to Israel's interests?

Israel is fuming with the White House for confirming that it was the Israeli Air Force that struck a military base near the Syrian port city of Latakia on Wednesday, hitting weaponry that was set to be transferred to Hezbollah.

Israel has not acknowledged carrying out the strike, one of half a dozen such attacks widely ascribed to Israel in recent months, but an Obama administration official told CNN on Thursday that Israeli warplanes had indeed attacked the Syrian base, and that the target was “missiles and related equipment” set for delivery to Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Israel’s Channel 10 TV on Friday night quoted Israeli officials branding the American leak as “scandalous.” For Israel’s ally to be acting in this way was “unthinkable,” the officials were quoted as saying.

A second TV report, on Israel’s Channel 2, said the leak “came directly from the White House,” and noted that “this is not the first time” that the administration has compromised Israel by leaking information on such Israeli Air Force raids on Syrian targets.

It said some previous leaks were believed to have come from the Pentagon, and that consideration had been given at one point to establishing a panel to investigate the sources.
Channel 2′s military analyst, Roni Daniel, said the Obama administration’s behavior in leaking the information was unfathomable.
Daniel noted that by keeping silent on whether it carried out such attacks, Israel was maintaining plausible deniability, so that Syria’s President Bashar Assad did not feel pressured to respond to the attacks.
But the US leaks “are pushing Assad closer to the point where he can’t swallow these attacks, and will respond.” This in turn would inevitably draw further Israeli action, Daniel posited, and added bitterly: “Then perhaps the US will clap its hands because it will have started a very major flare-up.”
Jerusalem’s reported anger with the White House over the leak coincided with efforts by the Administration to assure Israel that it is holding to a tough line on Syria and in the effort to thwart Iran’s nuclear program, and is maintaining its robust military partnership with Israel.

Comrades! Now we are sharing jobs with the glorious communist motherland of Russia!! California is not content with their socialist and Marxist leanings. Oh no… now they are painting the state Russian red and putting actual communists in bureaucratic positions of power. With just a hint of KGB swagger and a whole lot of jack booted thuggery for the surveillance state:

WASHINGTON, October 30, 2013 — The California bureaucrat behind a big brother plan to track vehicles and “tax by the mile” worked as a government transportation planner in the former USSR.
Hasan Ikhrata, Executive Director of the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), who told the Los Angeles Times “This really is a must for our nation. It is not a matter of something we might choose to do,” worked for the Moscow Metro Corporation, according to his official SCAG biography.
SCAG foresees mandatory tracking of all California motorists by 2025. A black box tax-by-the-mile pilot program is underway in Oregon and several other states. Some of the methods Oregon is experimenting with involve using GPS to track miles driven by program participants.
Ikhrata’s former employer Moscow Metro announced plans in July to track the movements of individual passengers on subways by tracking the SIM cards in their mobile phones, even if the phones are powered off, according to RT. Police operations chief of the Moscow metro, Andrey Mokhov argues that the tactic is legal because “By law, we are not allowed to trace a person without appropriate sanctions…but we can keep track of the property of companies, which is exactly what SIM cards are.”
Although Ikhrata no longer spends his days working as a Moscow planner, he appears to have imported into California’s sprawling bureaucracy an instinct which runs unchecked inside the iron machinery of the world’s most authoritarian governments: track, surveil, and ultimately control everything citizens do.

You see, it is not paranoia if the government is actually after you. It is not a conspiracy if it is provably happening. Hasan Ikhrata was supposedly chosen from a diverse pool of candidates across the country. They just didn’t say which country, although it is claimed he is a long time resident of San Bernardino County. He’s still a Russian and he’s still a commie. You can take the red out of Russia, but you can’t take the Russian out of the red. Side note: just as Russian officials are now becoming American officials, has anyone looked into who Obama is replacing the purged military officers with? Inquiring Americans would like to know. We know they are sycophants and Marxists, but are they imported? So many questions — so little time left.

The proposed tracking and surveillance of autos for the measurement of miles traveled to impose taxation will forcefully bring income into the Marxists coffers and further the economic collapse descending on America. It’s a win-win for the Progressive agenda. Tracking your every move, well, that’s priceless. Justification for this fascist move is that the government wouldn’t increase gasoline taxes and the money is needed to improve roads and bridges. Where have we heard that load of crap before? Oh yeah… on virtually every lame program used to tax and further empty our pockets since Obama took over.
Since we are down the rabbit hole on everything these days, this further infringement of our Constitutional rights is now being fought by odd bedfellows. The Tea Party, the ACLU and privacy groups are raising the alarm over the prospect of governments tracking the movements of Americans in their own vehicles. And so they should. Echoes of Ayn Rand:

We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force. – Ayn Rand

A rare hybrid solar eclipse is set to take place this weekend, and one pastor believes that such events are not simply coincidences of nature.
Pastor Mark Biltz of El Shaddai Ministries says that these types of solar eclipses in the past have been signs, foretelling important events throughout history, such as the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem. He points out that the rarity of their occurrence reinforces their symbolism.

“Two happened right in a row at the time of destruction of the temple in 70 A.D. and on feast days,” Biltz told WND.
“Around eight months before the Temple was destroyed we find on 10/18/69 there was a partial lunar eclipse on the Feast of Sukkot. A total solar eclipse followed this on Nisan 1-3/30/70, the beginning of the religious year. Two weeks later there was a penumbral lunar eclipse on Passover on 4/14/70. An annular solar eclipse followed this on Rosh Hashanah on 9/23/70. Then another penumbral lunar eclipse on Sukkot on 10/8/70,” Biltz continued.

“This would be totally unbelievable, if it wasn’t verified by the NASA. But that’s not all. Then there was another partial lunar eclipse on Purim the following year on 3/4/71,” Biltz said.
Biltz said the pattern of eclipses continued to occur on Jewish Holy Days for the next year and, in his opinion, corresponded with significant events in Jewish history.
“A hybrid solar eclipse on Nisan 1 on 3/20/71 followed by another hybrid solar eclipse on Rosh Hashanah on 9/12/71. Talk about signs of astronomical proportions happening on the feast days around the destruction of the Temple,” Biltz said.

Pastor John Hagee recently was invited by Fox News to discuss the significance of four eclipses – four blood moons coming over the next two years – on the Jewish Passovers on April 15, 2014, and April 4, 2015, and the Feasts of Tabernacles on Oct. 8, 2014, and Sept. 28, 2015.
Such events have occurred only three other times in recent centuries, and each time they were linked to significant events for the Jewish nation, as outlined in Hagee’s new book, “Four Blood Moons: Something is About to Change.”
For example, when it happened in 1493 and 1494, Jews were expelled from Spain. The blood moons in 1949 and 1950 came right after the nation of Israel was born, giving the Jews a homeland for the first time in thousands of years.
And in 1967 and 1968 it was linked to the Six-Day War.

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