Kamis, 21 November 2013

Netanyahu: No Nukes For Iran's 'Dark Regime'

Netanyahu: No Nukes For Iran

The Iranian government is reminiscent of “dark regimes of the past” that tried to wipe out the Jews and then conquer the world, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Thursday in Moscow, vowing to deny Iran nuclear weapons.

“The Iranians deny our past and repeat their commitment to wipe the State of Israel off the map. This reminds us of the dark regimes of the past that plotted against us first and then against all of humanity,” Netanyahu said in an address to Russian Jewish community leaders.

Efforts to portray the Islamic Republic as a peace-seeking nation are propaganda and do not show “the real Iran,” he said, noting that Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khameini on Wednesday “called Jews ‘rabid dogs’ and said that they were not human. The public responded to him with calls of ‘Death to America! Death to Israel!’ Doesn’t this sound familiar to you?”

“They must not have nuclear weapons — and I promise you that they will not have nuclear weapons,” Netanyahu said.

On Thursday, Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman said that Khamenei, “someone who uses the words of Goebbels and Hitler when talking about the Jews,” has shown that Iran “certainly does not aim to acquire nuclear power for peaceful purposes.”
Liberman called on the representatives of the P5+1 countries to “pay attention” to Khamenei’s words. ”The speech by Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, is the true face of the Iranian regime, not the false representation that [Iranian President Hassan] Rouhani and his people are showing the world,” Liberman said.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is determined to prevent Iran from fielding nuclear weapons, but warned in an interview with German newspaper Bild that the Islamic Republic already possesses enough low-enriched uranium for five atomic bombs.
From the moment it decides to do so, Iran would need only weeks to further enrich that uranium to weapons-grade material.
And, Netanyahu noted, Iran has already built intercontinental missiles capable of delivering its new weapons to Israel, Germany and the rest of Europe.
With the threat so severe and so imminent, Netanyahu vowed to go down in history as a leader "who did everything possible to protect the Jewish people and prevent a repeat of the horrors of the past," despite what others might think of him at present.
Regarding the deal being discussed by Western leaders in Geneva that would allow Iran to keep its uranium enrichment centrifuges, Netanyahu said this is "a terrible historical mistake."

A former senior US official on Thursday used tough rhetoric in warning the Obama administration to employ vigilance in engaging Iran in the ongoing nuclear negotiations with world powers.

“The Iranians are known as great rug merchants, not for nothing,” the 92-year-old former US secretary of state George Shultz told the BBC in an interview. “They’re good at this business of smiling, encouraging you on and then cutting your throat, so you have to be tough-minded, you have to be realistic." 

Shultz added that Iran is “a pretty tough customer” and the world’s largest state-supporter of terrorism, including support for Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Shultz, the former US secretary of state, also published an op-ed in theWall Street Journal on Thursday in which he cautioned the US against rushing into an agreement with Tehran. “The guy who is anxious for a deal will get his head handed to him,” said the Reagan-era diplomat, who negotiated nuclear nonproliferation with the Soviets.
The former secretary of state pointed to Iran’s “increasing nuclear capacity and its unacceptable behavior” as points of comparison to nuclear negotiations with the Soviets.

The rhetoric on both sides now has sunk to a new low and the vitriol is spilling over with name calling, jabs and public displays of distaste for each other. While Obama and his Islamic infiltrated government are doing all they can to buy time for Iran to complete their nuclear preps, they have also been stalling Israel and the world claiming just the opposite. How Progressive of them – how very, very evil. 

The thin veneer of diplomacy between the US and Israel is cracking and their long friendship is cratering, all because of Marxists and Islamists, who America knowingly let take control. Now these same players are on the verge of destroying America without a shot fired and are doing their damnedest to get Israel wiped off the map. America has always been a friend and staunch ally to God’s chosen people — now we have turned our back and are actively arming her enemies. Not to stand, is to stand and we will pay a monstrous price for this betrayal. A sharp division lays between the American people who support Israel and our Marxist President who bears them ill will:

Rumor has it that Obama and Netanyahu are no longer speaking. Both sides deny it, but I absolutely believe it. Obama’s minions are saying if a deal is not reached (which in essence gives everything to Iran and nothing to Israel), that war will follow. 

Do you really think with the hate that Iran and the rest of the Islamic world have for Israel, that when they get nukes they won’t use them? No one is that stupid. So, the ones supporting the ‘deal of the century’ are the ones who hate Israel and want to see her annihilated. Et tu America?

Note to Israel: Obama is not your friend and he never was. He has cost you dearly in the time needed to take down your enemy before they strike you. It is to America’s great shame that you now stand alone. But you will never be alone as long as God is with you. Your enemies will be the ones to pay a heavy price in the end.

Taking a move from the Buzzfeed playbook, a Twitter feed associated with Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Thursday morning shared a photo of an IDF canine unit with his quote from Wednesday that “Israel is the sinister, unclean, rabid dog of the region.”

Using language that Iran analyst Arash Karami called harsher than usual, Khamenei had told an assembly of tens of thousands of Basij militiamen on Wednesday that the Jewish state was ready to fall and that the leader of the “Zionist regime,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was the “rabid dog of the region.”

“The (Israeli) Zionist regime is a regime whose pillars are extremely shaky and is doomed to collapse,” he said, according to French news agency AFP. “Any phenomenon that is created by force cannot endure.”
Khamenei’s comments on Wednesday prompted rebuke by France, one of the six states engaged in negotiations with Iran over its illicit nuclear program. A French government spokeswoman said Wednesday that President Francois Hollande considered Khamenei’s comments “unacceptable” and that they complicated negotiations.
Spokeswoman Najat Vallaud-Belkacem told reporters that Hollande’s cabinet discussed the Iran nuclear dossier just hours before negotiations between Iran and six world powers resumed talks in Geneva.
She said, however, that France still hopes for a deal and its position has not changed in the talks.

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