Sabtu, 16 November 2013

Netanyahu: Iran's Nuclear Drive 'Directly Threatens Israel's Future'

At some point, you have to believe that PM Netanyahu is telegraphing his future intentions by these repeated warnings: 

PM Netanyahu: Iran's Nuclear drive 'Directly Threatens Israel's Future'

Iran’s nuclear drive directly threatens the future of Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told CNN in an interview to be broadcast on Sunday morning.

Iran’s bid for the bomb “threatens directly the future of the Jewish state,” he said, in a short preview clip of the interview broadcast on CNN on Saturday. As the prime minister of Israel, he stressed, he had to care for “the survival of my country.

CNN reported that Netanyahu also said in the interview that he would do whatever it was necessary to do in order to protect Israel.
Ahead of the resumption of the Geneva talks on Wednesday, Netanyahu on Friday had urged France to remain firm in its pressure on Iran.

His comments, made during an interview with France’s Le Figaro, came two days before French President Francois Hollande’s high-profile visit to Israel, his first trip to the country as head of state.
Netanyahu told Le Figaro that Israel stands behind France and called on Hollande “not to waver” on its objections to an interim nuclear deal with Iran. ”We hope that France will not yield in its stance toward Iran,” Netanyahu told the French daily.

Also Friday, Netanyahu took to Twitter to keep up pressure on Western powers over negotiations with Iran on its contested nuclear program and to warn against rushing into a “bad deal.”
Netanyahu has been increasingly vocal in recent days about his opposition to a potential deal between six Western powers and Iran that would ease some sanctions while still leaving Iran with uranium-enrichment capabilities. Netanyahu has said he utterly rejects the brewing agreement and has been lobbying American allies in Congress to keep up sanctions.

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