Sabtu, 16 November 2013

Saturday In The News And Genesis 12:3

Saturday is always a good day to reflect with some commentaries and today is no exception. 

First up - we see another highly germane commentary from Caroline Glick. This is important, prophetically, under the category of "How does America fall from power during end times?"

That answer is becoming painfully clear. Additionally, make no mistake about it - America will be judged according to Genesis 12:3 and the current treatment of Israel. Let us hope that such judgment happens after the gathering up:

What happened in Geneva last week was the most significant international event since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. The collapse of the Soviet Union signaled the rise of the United States as the sole global superpower. The developments in the six-party nuclear talks with Iran in Geneva last week signaled the end of American world leadership.

Global leadership is based on two things – power and credibility. The United States remains the most powerful actor in the world. But last week, American credibility was shattered.

Secretary of State John Kerry spent the first part of last week lying to Israeli and Gulf Arab leaders and threatening the Israeli people. He lied to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and the Saudis about the content of the deal US and European negotiators had achieved with the Iranians.

Kerry threatened the Israeli people with terrorism and murder – and so invited both – if Israel fails to accept his demands for territorial surrender to PLO terrorists that reject Israel’s right to exist.
Kerry’s threats were laced with bigoted innuendo.
He claimed that Israelis are too wealthy to understand their own interests. If you don’t wise up and do what I say, he intoned, the Europeans will take away your money while the Palestinians kill you. Oh, and aside from that, your presence in the historic heartland of Jewish civilization from Jerusalem to Alon Moreh is illegitimate.
It is hard to separate the rise in terrorist activity since Kerry’s remarks last week from his remarks.
What greater carte blanche for murder could the Palestinians have received than the legitimization of their crimes by the chief diplomat of Israel’s closest ally? Certainly, Kerry’s negotiating partner Catherine Ashton couldn’t have received a clearer signal to ratchet up her economic boycott of Jewish Israeli businesses than Kerry’s blackmail message, given just two days before the 75th anniversary of Kristallnacht.

Kerry’s threats were so obscene and unprecedented that Israeli officials broke with tradition and disagreed with him openly and directly, while he was still in the country. Normally supportive leftist commentators have begun reporting Kerry’s history of anti-Israel advocacy, including his 2009 letter of support for pro-Hamas activists organizing flotillas to Gaza in breach of international and American law.

Kerry’s failure to reach the hoped-for deal represented a huge blow to America, and a double victory for Iran. The simple fact that Washington was willing to sign the deal – and lie about it to its closest allies – caused the US to lose its credibility in the Middle East. Even without the deal, the US paid the price of appeasing Iran and surrendering leadership of the free world to France and Israel.

Just by getting the Americans to commit themselves to reducing sanctions while Iran continues its march to a nuclear weapon, Iran destroyed any remaining possibility of doing any serious non-military damage to Iran’s plans for nuclear weaponry. At the same time, the Americans boosted Iranian credibility, endorsed Iranian power, and belittled Israel and Saudi Arabia – Iran’s chief challengers in the Middle East. Thus, Iran ended Pax Americana in the Middle East, removing the greatest obstacle in its path to regional hegemony. And it did so without having to make the slightest concession to the Great Satan.

 Any US ally is now on notice that US promises – even if based on US interests – are not reliable. American commitments can expire the next time America elects a radical to the White House.

America’s appalling betrayal of Jerusalem under Obama likewise is the straw that has broken the back of American strategic credibility from Taipei to Santiago.

After all, the twice-elected president of the United States has dispatched his secretary of state to threaten and deceive US allies while surrendering to US foes. It is now an indisputable fact that the US government may use its power to undermine its own interests and friends worldwide.

Thursday, Nov. 14, Israel sent the White House in Washington a confidential document outlining blow by blow how and when Iran will attain a nuclear weapon if the Obama-Kerry strategy for dealing with the issue goes through.

Communications between the prime minister’s office in Jerusalem and the State Department have almost petered out since exchanges between Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Secretary of State John Kerry sharpened in tone.

Our Washington sources report that Rice and the NSC have taken a critical stand against the State Department’s policies – not just on the Iranian nuclear question, but also on Saudi Arabia, the Arabian Gulf and Egypt. However, the Israeli document does not take issue directly with Obama administration policies per se. It confines itself to a dry account, step by step, of how the Iranian nuclear bomb program will continue to unfold if the administration’s secret proposition is accepted.

The root of the disagreement between the Obama administration and Netanyahu was illustrated in the exchanges around the visit the nuclear watchdog (IAEA) Director Yukiya Amano paid to Tehran Monday, Nov. 15.

Amano commented to reporters after the visit that he had seen no changes in Iran’s nuclear program in the three months since Hassan Rouhani became president – an indirect dig at the White House insistence that the election of a moderate Iranian president opened the door to a diplomatic solution of the nuclear controversy with Iran. Amano added that 20 percent enrichment of uranium continued.

Both these comments flew in the face of official Washington’s presentation of the state of Iran’s nuclear program. And indeed, 12 hours later, responding to US pressure, “IAEA sources” countered Amano’s comments by stating that Iran had stopped installing the new IR2 centrifuges, proving that enrichment had slowed.

This is the nub of the disagreement between Washington and Jerusalem. Obama and Kerry welcome this situation as a “freeze” for which they are offering a loosening of the sanctions stranglehold on the Iranian economy, if it is extended to other key parts of nuclear program.

Netanyahu sees it as a lease of life for a dangerous process. 

The document he has presented to the NSC shows in detail how the US proposal spurred the Iranians into rushing forward the work for finishing all the working parts of their nuclear weapons program and making them ready to go into full operation at a moment’s notice, including enrichment and centrifuge production, as soon as sanctions are eased.

The American proposal, says Israel, has therefore shortened Iran’s road to breakout for a nuclear weapon.

We'd love to be able to stop writing about John Kerry, really we would. But the guy can't stop taking shots at Israel long enough to behave like, you know, an actual ally.
On Wednesday, Kerry and lead Iran negotiator Wendy Sherman appeared before the Senate Banking Committee to dissuade Congress from imposing additional sanctions on the Islamic Republic.
According to senators and aides who spoke to popular Internet news siteBuzzFeed, Kerry explicitly told the attending lawmakers to ignore everything they had been told by Israel concerning current negotiations on an Iran nuclear deal.

"Every time anybody would say anything about what would the Israelis say they’d get cut off and Kerry would say, ‘You have to ignore what they’re telling you, stop listening to the Israelis on this,’" revealed one Senate aides.
Senator Mark Kirk (R-Il.) added that the entire presentation was "fairly anti-Israel."

The damage that Kerry and his boss, President Barack Obama, are doing to US-Israel relations was evident in an Israel Radio poll showing that Israelis no longer trust America to help defend them against Iran, or presumably any other major threat.

My “I Can’t Believe This is Happening to America” list is growing larger by the day. It is so vast now, I can write a book. Would my book have an audience? Judging by the eagerness with which most Americans have embraced the transformational hope and change of our country to communist utopia, the answer is no.

I can’t believe our government would make 12 ads portraying young people, Millennials, as promiscuous individuals whose only goal in life is to hook up and engage in dangerous sexual activities with strangers and in life-altering practices for self-gratification. This is America, they should not have to control themselves, they have the freedom to be immoral – if it feels right, do it. But not to worry, if they enroll inObamaCare, the government will pay for all their mistakes, STDs, unwanted children, and all 
other purposeful missteps in life that have serious consequences.

I can’t believe that government would take control over our bodies, over every facet of our lives, break so many laws in such a short period of time that I’ve lost count, with nobody protesting, impeaching, or sending the offenders to prison.

I can’t believe our stellar medical care that is beneficial to Americans and people around the world is in such a state of chaos that quality and quantity may be gone in just a few short months. Doctors must be invited to participate in ObamaCare in order for patients to keep their doctors in the exchanges and the selection process is secret.

I can’t believe our faith has been attacked to the point that Christians are cowering under the fear of government. Priests and men of cloth are beginning to preach communism every Sunday and support Islam.

I can’t believe the number of mosques that are mushrooming around the country literally overnight. But then we are tolerant in America to the point of foolishness while most Muslim countries do not tolerate Christianity except until recently, Egypt.

Hollywood does not make much fuss over the killing of Christians in Egypt and elsewhere. I wonder what keeps them from saving Tibet. I’ve seen “save Tibet” and “coexist” bumper stickers for decades now; Tibet is not saved, Darfur is still an awful place for non-Muslims and the only people willing to coexist are the Christians, not the Marxists or the Muslims.

I can’t believe our military is being destroyed and TSA goons with unreasonable power are in charge of our flying “safety.”

I can’t believe police are everywhere, cavity searching, car searching, and home searching, with or without probable cause, with or without warrants. I can’t believe most judges are now communist activists litigating from the bench the rules of Marxist utopia.

I can’t believe NSA is listening in, gathering data, and recording everything we do in the same vein that the Stasi in East Germany were spying on, listening in, and keeping detailed written records of the “Lives of Others.”

I can’t believe border patrols are told not to watch our borders. I can’t believe the illegal aliens’ blatant disregard for our laws and the gall to demand equal rights with Americans at the National Mall in D.C. while our veterans were denied access to the same mall where their memorials were erected.

I can’t believe Islam has infiltrated our country so deeply that imams are now demanding and succeeding in some parts of the country in installing Sharia Law as part of our legal system in violation of our Constitution.

I can’t believe our schools in many states are now bowing down to Islam while forbidding our Christian traditions, national anthem, the Pledge of Allegiance, and our flag.

I can’t believe our doctors, medical care, and medical life and death decisions are now residing with 16,000 IRS agents who work with numbers but will decide and approve the necessity of our medical procedures.

I can’t believe people with rap sheets of criminality are now “navigators,” tasked to enroll Americans in ObamaCare, and trusted with personal information, inviting massive fraud.

I can’t believe our military has turned into a compliant army of the administration, where sensitivity training towards gays and transgenders trumps our national security.

I can’t believe we are turning our food supply, preparation, and delivery to the Chinese and a few very large corporations.

I can’t believe we are turning into a welfare nation supported by part-time workers who cannot find jobs because they’ve been shipped overseas in the quest for cheap labor or because of the expensive cost of ObamaCare that employers must partially bear.

I can’t believe our property rights, zoning, and water usage, passage, mineral and fossil fuel exploration rights will be turned over to the United Nations.

I can’t believe that our small arms will be confiscated eventually under the guise of the Small Arms Treaty.

I can’t believe most Americans are so gullible to believe the global warming hoax and the manufactured “consensus” paraded as faux science in the face of real scientific evidence to the contrary.

I can’t believe our currency has been so debased through the work of the Federal Reserve System which has been buying $85 billion worth of bonds each month, propping up Wall Street, not Main Street.

I can’t believe that 29 progressives wrote Common Core education standards, using $178 million in funds from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, with the intent of turning our children into good little communist subjects, yet Americans think that is good for the country. I can’t believe that the curriculum was not scrutinized by those in charge from the 45 states that adopted Common Core indoctrination.

I can’t believe that our education will be further dumbed down towards the collective mindset where American exceptionalism that gave us all the technological developments in the last 150 years will be relegated to the dust bin of history.

I can’t believe that we lost our country to Marxists and everybody seems to be preoccupied by the latest episode of their favorite reality show, sports team, vampire show, and witch show.
The Romans were dulled and bought with “pane et circenses,” bread and circuses, and their end came at the hands of the invading hoards who refused to learn Latin and wanted to have what the Romans had, instant prosperity, property, and power.

My list of “I Can’t Believe This is Happening in America” grows each day. At what point my country is no longer America remains to be seen.

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