Rabu, 07 Desember 2011

"Is The World Spinning Out Of Control?"

Two interesting articles below: The first summarizes the global financial crisis and the imminent wars:

Is the World Spinning Out of Control?

More Europe bailout news.

The latest scheme is for countries to trade sovereignty over their budgets in return for more bailout money.

The Sunday Times is reporting the ECB is putting together €1 trillion that will be used for a “colossal” intervention in European bond markets. The paper goes on to say,

“The cash injection will only be carried out if leaders can agree on handing over more fiscal control to the EU and for strict controls to be imposed on nations struggling to control their debts.”

In an interview last week, she said, “Europe is done. Europe is mathematically impossible. It cannot be saved. You even want to make a start at trying to bail out Europe, we’re talking $25 trillion JUST TO START…we’re in excess of $100 trillion to bail out Europe.”

Jim Rickards, author of the new best-selling book called “Currency Wars,” thinks the risk of a meltdown is greater than most experts think. Rickards said in an interview over the weekend, “The likelihood of a collapse is higher than a lot of analysts assume . . . therefore we are in very dangerous territory

That's the financial end of things - now the article turns to the coming wars:

The Telegraph is reporting, “Iran’s military said on Sunday it had shot down a US reconnaissance drone aircraft in eastern Iran and warned it would retaliate on foreign soil for the incursion.”

The Iranians have become the black sheep of the world ever since the International Atomic Energy Agency confirmed it is developing nuclear weapons earlier this year. What do you bet the downed drone had something to do with spying on that program? Sanctions have been building against Iran from around the world, but the smell of war is in the air.

Meanwhile, a story recently on Chinese state run Television said China would side with Iran if it were attacked, even if it means “World War Three.”

If war breaks out in the Persian Gulf, Iran’s first move would be to shut down oil flow from that region by closing off the Straits of Hormuz. 40% of the world’s oil moves through this narrow 30 mile passage every year.

Between war or sanctions, oil prices will spike and push a world economy teetering on the brink over the edge into an abyss. If the global economy is not killed off by the EU debt crisis, it would surely collapse under the weight of $300 barrel oil. Never in history has the world been this close to total financial chaos and nuclear war at the same time.

And this related article, as referenced above:

China Joins Russia, Orders Military To Prepare for World War III

A grim Ministry of Defense bulletin issued to Prime Minister Putin and President Medvedev today states that President Hu has “agreed in principal” that the only way to stop the West’s aggression led by the United States is through “direct and immediate military action” and that the Chinese leader has ordered his Naval Forces to “prepare for warfare.”

"China will not hesitate to protect Iran even with a Third World War,” and Russian General Nikolai Makarov who grimly stated last week: “I do not rule out local and regional armed conflicts developing into a large-scale war, including using nuclear weapons.”

The raising of global tensions between the East and West was exploded this past fortnight when Russian Ambassador Vladimir Titorenko and two of his aides retuning from Syria were brutally assaulted and put in hospital by Qatar security forces allegedly aided by CIA and British MI6 agents attempting to gain access to diplomatic pouches containing information from Syrian intelligence that the United States was flooding Syria and Iran with the same US-backed al Qaida mercenaries who toppled the Libyan government.

Sadly, but as always, the American people are not being allowed to know the horrific future their elite leaders are planning for them, a situation made even worse this past week when the US Senate passed a new law by a 93-7 vote that is warned will destroy America for all time by giving total control of this once free nation over to its military forces and destroy their Constitution.

As we noted in our previous report, it is worth mentioning again the words of the American Founding Father, Thomas Jefferson, who warned his fellow citizens over 200 years ago about what is happening today by saying:

“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”

What we are now seeing on a daily basis - is a world that is racing towards the Tribulation. There is no doubting that now.

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