Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011

The Soros Plot To Destroy Israel

Finally, more and more people are becoming aware of what is happening behind the scenes to take down both America and Israel.

This article is a must read for a prophecy watcher - as Mr Soros seems to have a pivitol role in end times events:

The George Soros Plot To Destroy Israel

If you’re wondering who’s funding the network of left-wing, non-government organizations in Israel, which aim to topple Netanyahu’s government and turn Israel into an Arab majority state, it turns out to be the same man who’s funding the Occupy Wall Street mobs: George Soros. Tel Aviv has had to contend with the same left-wing protests, tents and all, obviously all coordinated by one central global puppeteer.

That is why the Israeli Knesset passed the NGO Funding Transparency Bill by 40 to 34 in February.

It was a hard-fought battle. But despite its neutered state, the bill survived and was enacted. It is a declaration of war by the conservative Likud Party against the shadow NGO empire being used by George Soros to shape the future of Israel. Its liberal opponents called it a “threat to democracy.”

Dan Greenfield writes in FrontPage Magazine, 9/22/2011:

While the bill was no longer able to empower the lifting of tax exempt status for foreign funded NGOs and it only addressed foreign funding of NGOs by government entities, it was a major step for foreign funding transparency. The Soros empire had been built on non-transparency, on hidden donor lists and front groups funded by think tanks with money pipelined in grants through a dozen different organizations.

Some facts below:

Soros’ global reach is what is contributing to world-wide economic and political disequilibrium. His attempt to overthrow the Netanyahu government is a particularly odious campaign. He has aroused intense hatred among many supporters of Israel. Dan Greenberg writes:

Soros is using against Israel the same communist-inspired strategy, which calls for “pressure from above and below” (pioneered by the Italian communist strategist and writer, Antonio Gramsci), which is presently being used so openly in the United States. Soros has a paid cadre of operatives who keep the OWS encampments in place, although municipalities have decided that enough is enough and are dismantling these putrid tent colonies. But they represent the pressure from below. Obama is the pressure from above.

Soros also uses other people’s money to fund his projects. Among the NGOs in Israel working to undermine the Netanyahu government are the New Israel Fund (NIF) and Rabbis for Human Rights. Concerning the NIF, FrontPage reveals:

The New Israel Fund is the mothership of Israeli left-wing NGOs and it is the most threatened by donor transparency.

The NIF’s 25-million-dollar annual budget is used to fund even more radical groups, some of which call for boycotting or outright destroying the State of Israel. A recent WikiLeaks report quoted the local head of NIF, Hedva Radovanitz, as saying that she expected the country to disappear and be replaced by a more “democratic” Arab state.

More below on the methods used by the ultimate "puppet-master":

All of this funding comes through Soros’ Open Society Institute, the Tides Foundation, and other nonprofit entities in the network. Even “J Street,” the left-wing Jewish lobby in Washington created to oppose pro-Netanyahu AIPAC (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee), is a creation of the Soros network. It was Shadow Party billionaire S. Daniel Abraham, a former member of Soros’ International Crisis Group, who provided the manpower for J Street. The Soros money was carefully hidden in the paperwork.

It is obvious that Barack Obama’s attitude toward Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu has been shaped by his puppetmaster. He takes his instructions from the Shadow Party, that network of private organizations that now controls the policies of the Democratic Party, which is pursuing goals that are never openly discussed in public. These goals embody a fundamental hostility to American institutions and even to American sovereignty as a nation.

However, the only government in the world which wants to expose the existence of the Shadow Party and how it uses its hidden power is the conservative Israeli government. And that is why its enactment of the NGO Funding Transparency Bill is an extremely important measure in exposing to the world and Americans in particular how the Shadow Party works. And that’s all the more reason why Soros wants to get rid of Netanyahu.

And this:

A reader of the FrontPage Magazine article left this comment (corrected for typos and grammatical errors):

The New Israel Fund ... is supported and funded by George Soros and many American Jews. They organized the Rent-tent campaign as a deception in order to attack Israel’s government. Where, what and when the next attack will be is unknown, but there will be more attacks.

George Soros is the most dangerous enemy Israel has, trying to destroy the state of Israel through nonprofits.

He has used the same techniques in Asia, by using a ruse to create chaos.... The Israel Resource News Agency confirms this: “The Israeli Arabs in the Galilee are determined to intimidate thousands of Jews to leave the Galilee. A New Israel Fund official wants Israel to disappear.

Thus, should a conservative Republican government take power in Washington in January 2013, the first act of Congress should be a full-scale investigation of the Shadow Party and its clandestine activities in the United States. The exercise of stealth, hidden money, bribery, and intimidation to achieve political power in Washington should be exposed for what it is: wholesale corruption of the political process. Only by enacting our own transparency law will we be able to protect Americans from the kind of fraud and deception that led to a socialist takeover of the White House.


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