Selasa, 20 Desember 2011

Today's Headlines

This first article is interesting because it summarizes just where we are right now as the world teeters on the brink:

Americans Must Stop World War 3 Now or Face Extinction

Relations have been strained between the United States and key governments in recent months.

The United States and Pakistan have had quite the falling out since the ‘Wag The Dog’-style psy-op faked assassination of Osama Bin Laden within Pakistani borders.

Since the Rothschild-funded NATO took over Libya in a bloody coup, CIA-funded Al-Qaeda rebels have launched campaigns to destabilize Libya’s neighbor Syria.

Iran has recently shot down a US stealth drone, which was at first disavowed by US military then confirmed. Iran has also been performing drills practicing closing the Strait of Hormuz, and has threatened to close it if attacked.

“closing the Strait for a period of just 30 days would send crude racing up to $300-$500 dollars a barrel, a level that would trigger global economic instability and cost the U.S. nearly $75 billion in GDP.” Iran is now also being implicated with 9/11 somehow.

Last month Russia issued warnings against the United States disrupting key strategic allies of Russia. They have put their radar stations on alert and are preparing to counter the European Missile Defense System which looks possible.

The United States and China have been involved in a defacto currency war for a few years now, with China still dishing out the jabs and the US Dollar still taking the hits.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey has recently expressed fears about global unrest due to the pending breakup of the EU and eurozones. But this cannot be blamed on Europe alone. Rodney Shakespeare, Professor of Binary Economics in London, recently said the following in an interview:

“Yes , at the moment the Americans have tended to be blaming the Europeans, but of course, the Americans are just as much part of this collapsing fraudulent system as the Europeans, but he is quite right… I think that Europe is going to collapse, and when, for example, the bonds etc are defaulted, that is going to hit the derivatives, commitments of the American banks and is going to be big, big trouble.

And that (above) is just the beginning.

Also in the news:

A nuclear Iran and potential war with Syria

Hezbollah and Hamas are just some of the challenges Israel could face in the coming year of 2012. With Iran continuing what appears to be an unstoppable race towards obtaining nuclear weapons, 2012 appears to be turning into the year which might be the last chance to stop the Ayatollahs from obtaining the bomb.

Hezbollah, Israel believes, has obtained 50,000 rockets and missiles of various sizes and ranges that encompass the entire State of Israel and could be fired in a future war. This is in comparison to the 15,000 rockets it had just five years ago during the Second Lebanon War in 2006.

With predictions that Syrian President Bashar Assad's days are numbered, concern is growing in Israel over the possibility that in the twilight days of his regime, Assad will attack Israel, possibly with his long-range Scud missiles.

And then there is the uncertainty surrounding the future of the Middle East – the American pullout from Iraq, the future withdrawal from Afghanistan, the revolution in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya - all of which can impact Israel’s security.

North Korea's Persecution Of Christians Expected To Continue

A day after authorities announced the death of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, several Christian organizations are calling for prayers for the nation's persecuted Christians, one of many so-called dissident groups that have suffered under the North Korean regime.

While Christianity has experienced immense growth throughout South Korea and other Asian countries, human rights groups estimate that there are 50,000 to 70,000 Christian prisoners in North Korea, which has routinely made the U.S. State Department's list of "countries of particular concern" when it comes to religious freedom.

"This is why it is vital that Christians around the world pray for North Korea during this transitional time. Pray especially for the brave Christians inside North Korea. They are fearful that they might face even more suffering," he said.

For eight years, North Korea has held the top spot on Open Doors' list of nations with the worst treatment of Christians. Total estimates of those imprisoned for religious and other reasons put North Korean political prisoners at 150,000 to 200,000, according to the U.S. State Department.

Kim Jong il may be dead but his illustrious great spirit lives on in USA

This is a long article but the central message is found here:

North Korea is a dictator love fest orgy of mindless obedience, carried out by a nation of total zombies who have lost any semblance of individuality or non-conformist ideas. That nation is the ultimate expression of fitting in and "going along." It's the status quo, expressed to the political extreme, and it's perhaps the world's best example of what happens when the People let their government lie to them, generation after generation, until the whole nation becomes some sort of pathetic mass of deluded worker slaves who are wholly incapable of standing up against tyranny. (At the same time, a FEW of the North Koreans actually realize they're living in The Matrix and they try to resist the system. Kudos to all those who have tried to resist government tyranny in North Korea. Real revolution may soon be within your reach...)

Here in America, some of the more extreme leftist "we want government to run everything" people would absolutely love to see Kim Jong Il's socialist policies rolled out across the USA. These Americans, you see, are acting more and more like North Korean every day: Mindlessly allowing themselves to be hypnotized by the state, spying on their own neighbors and family members ("if you see something, say something!"), and even worshipping some disingenuous political leader while he's stealing all their wealth.

Many Americans also seem to love Kim's economic policies, which were based on equality for everyone! This was achieved by making sure that every citizen was equally destitute and lacking in basics such as food, running water and even primitive health care. It's all about equality, right?

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