Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

BREAKING: Has The Tipping Point Arrived? U.S. Troops On Syrian Border

We may have reached the first tipping point in the Middle East. To repeat a theme that we have been following, Syrian leader Assad has promised to attack Israel if any 'outside intervention' takes place in Syria's internal conflict, and such intervention appears imminent. A number of sites are reporting on this. We need to follow this story very closely (thanks to James for these links):

Are U.S. Troops Deploying On The Jordan-Syrian Border?

This intro/updates are very interesting and leads to a lot of questions:

Report: Foreign Troops Begin to Spread Near the Villages of Al-Mafraq

Update 1: Today at 12:00 P.M. we contacted DOD Press Office via two voicemail messages and one e-mail asking for comment(s) on this story. As of 6:00 P.M. EST we have not heard back.

Update 2: Another journalist with a major mainstream media publication was told by his editors that there would be no coverage or follow up on these developments.

No coverage? Has the U.S. requested a news blackout?

Good luck with that - eye witnesses and the internet make for good coverage of any story in 2012.

According to first-hand accounts and reports provided to Boiling Frogs Post by several sources in Jordan, during the last few hours foreign military groups, estimated at hundreds of individuals, began to spread near the villages of the north-Jordan city of “Al-Mafraq”, which is adjacent to the Jordanian and Syrian border.

And according to Iraqi sources:

“Some of the US forces that left the Ain al-Assad Air base in Iraq last Thursday, did not come back to the USA or its base in Germany, but were transferred to Jordan during the evening hours.”

“At least one US aircraft carrying military personnel landed in the Prince Hassan Air base located about 100 km to the east of the city of Al-Mafraq.”

And this last tidbit is interesting as well:

We contacted our expert sources on US media and intelligence-military and were told that the US media has been told not to report on this latest development until Tuesday, December 13. Boiling Frogs Post is the first news website to report on these latest developments.

Other sources for this story:

Breaking: U.S. Troops Deploying On Jordan-Syria Border

Foreign Troops Begin to Spread Near the Villages of Al-Mafraq Update 1_ Today at 12_00 PM we contacted DOD Press Office via two voicemail messages and one e-mail asking for comment(s) on this story. As of 6_00 PM EST we have not heard back. Update 2_ Another journalist with a major mainstream media publication was told by his editors that there would be no coverage or follow up on these developments. According to first-hand accounts and reports provided to Boiling Frogs Post by several sources

Debka has more detail on this evolving situation:

U.S. Units Exiting Iraq Deployed In Jordan To Forestall Syrian Attack

As the US completes its final withdrawal from Iraq, American special forces troops have been diverted to positions in Jordan opposite a Syrian tank concentration building up across the kingdom's northern border, DEBKAfile's military and intelligence sources report.

As of last Thursday, as of last Thursday Dec. 8, military convoys, air transports and helicopters have been lifting US troops across the border from Iraq.

They have been deployed in position to ward off a possible Syrian invasion in the light of President Bashar Assad's warning that he would set the entire Middle East on fire if the pressure on his regime to step down persisted.

Syria's other neighbors have taken precautions against this contingency but this is the first time US boots have hit the ground directly opposite Assad's army.

US troops were sighted Monday, Dec. 12, building surveillance towers and army posts in the Jordanian villages of Albaej, Zubaydiah and al-Nahdah al-Houshah as well as near the Sarham dam of the Yarmoukh River which runs down the international border between Syria and Jordan.

Saturday, Dec. 12, Jordanian surveillance units confirmed that Syrian armored units were gathering opposite the Jordanian town of Bura Al Hariri.

HOT, HOT Report: U.S. Troops deploying On Jordan-Syrian Border

U.S. Troops Deploying On Jordan-Syria Border

Nizar Nayouf who interviewed an employee in the London-based
office of Royal Jordanian Airlines:

At least one US aircraft carrying military personnel landed in the

Prince Hassan Air base located about 100 km to the east of the city of


Earlier last week, Jordanian news websites disclosed that Western

officials have requested the King to allow establishing an electronic spy

station in the north of Jordan (near the Syrian border) in order to access

the Syrian army and contact Syrian high-rank officers for convincing them

to make a military coup or (at least) rebel against the regime.

Further news should be coming out later today so stay tuned.

Of course, Assad could have been bluffing regarding his intention to attack Israel - only time will tell. Regardless, this development marks a huge escalation in the Middle East.

It appears that Mr Soros/Obama doctrine of "Responsibility to Protect" may be in effect here, as we have suspected.

We should be watching for escalation and any comments from Assad, both of which should be soon.

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