Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

More Headlines:

As if the story (below) on U.S. troops amassing at the Syrian border isn't enough:

Iranian Army Says It Will 'Practice' Shutting Down The Strait Of Hormuz

Increasingly irritated by the world's critique of its blossoming nuclear program, Iran announced Monday it is gearing up its military to practice closing the Strait of Hormuz.

UN: Syria Death Toll Over 5,000

Interesting timing that the UN would publish this report now, with U.S. troops at the border.

Christians, Jews Banned From Temple Mount

Jerusalem Police spokesman Shmulik Ben Ruby confirmed to WND that Jews and Christians are restricted from entering the Temple Mount due to safety concerns over the main access gate for non-Muslims, known as the Mughrabi Bridge.

"Mugrabi Bridge Closure Is Religious War"

Israeli officials closed the Mugrabi Bridge on Sunday for safety reasons, three days before the municipality deadline to close the ramp leading from the Western Wall plaza to the Temple Mount. The ramp was closed due to a decision by the Western Wall Heritage Foundation, which oversees the Western Wall plaza.

Most people agree that the bridge is indeed dangerous to use, and that closing it is not a political move.

I'm not sure why this action provokes outrage among the Muslims in the community, but it certainly has:

Hamas warned Monday that the Israeli closure of the Mugrabi Bridge is tantamount to a “declaration of war” on Muslim holy sites.

The Palestinian Authority also condemned the closure of the Mugrabi Bridge and said that Israel does not have any jurisdiction over Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem.

“This is a serious step that shows the Zionist scheme of aggression against al-Aksa mosque,” said Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhum in an interview with AFP. “This is a violent act that amounts to a declaration of religious war on the Muslim holy places in Jerusalem.”

And below, see more news relating to the U.S. FEMA camps and 'indefinite' detention of U.S. citizens:

FEMA Camps: Seeking Contractors and Personnel to Staff and Confine

Is it inconceivable, for even a corrupt, neo-Marxist led instrument of controlling globalist elites who have historically supported Communist and Fascist regimes, to intern U.S. Citizens en masse in concentration camps? Keep in mind, the liaisons of one Barack Obama with not only authoritarian and totalitarian regimes abroad, but the apparently close friendship of the likes of American communist terrorist, William Charles (Bill) Ayers. Larry Grathwohl, undercover agent of the FBI who infiltrated Ayers’ Weather Underground of the early 1970′s has testified his people were considering the execution of up to twenty-five million Americans in their revolutionary conjectures, then settled with the idea that a large percentage of them could be placed in concentration camps, for re-education, communist-style, or else….

Obama Insists On Indefinite Detention Of Americans

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