Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

The Rise of the "Post-American" Empires

I cannot recall a single day in which there was so much in the news as relating to prophecy. If you are just logging on, you will see from scrolling down. But each of these articles is important and timely.

The pace of birth pains is picking up dramatically:

The Rise of the Post-American Empires

When the Utopians of the left talk about a Post-American world, they mean a great borderless globe ruled over by international law, where there are no more citizens or nations, just people who happen to enjoy working and living in New York, Shanghai or Islamabad.

This digital jet setting globocratic version of John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ is their envisioned outcome of globalization. No more governments. Only one single world girdling government.

The Utopians want an end to national power and cultural imperialism, but their globalist vision is cultural imperialism backed by national power. The Utopians visualize a world administered through international law.

The “international community” has only two major enforcement mechanisms, trade sanctions and armed invasion.

And this:

A new era of colonialism would take place under the blue flag of the UN and with the sanction of international law. Its security council would become a loose alliance of rival hegemonies, Chinese, Russian, Islamic, Bolivarian, trading territory to each other’s “peacekeeping” troops. The UN would finally become a global Hitler-Stalin pact.

That is the face of the Post-American world. Either empire building or a new dark age. Or both. Take your pick.

The Utopians are too enamored of their vision of progressive government to be able to view it as anything other than inevitable. Barring some massive natural disaster, asteroid or nuclear war, they see the entire world getting more and more liberal, casting off their mores, identities and beliefs to join in one great rainbow flavored dance number. They see the triumph of their way as inevitable.

This view looks a lot like the world which will be in existence during the Tribulation.

The states are indeed dissolving, but in the old Roman way. Empires and nations are decaying and falling apart because they lack any reason to go on. They have become giant bankrupt cradles overseen by men and women who no longer believe in nations or anything but the manifest destiny of a cradle globe run by themselves.

While the Utopians dream up global air castles, the rest of the world is planning to grab a chunk of the post-American empire.

China and the Muslim world are the most blatantly ambitious of the bunch, but there are others too. And as the collapse of the West becomes more obvious, even nations like Japan which were able to embrace the leisure of pacifism under an American umbrella, will have to go and learn war again.

This is a long article, worth reading. It sounds like we are now moving towards the Tribulation at light speed.

It is time (again) to have bibles in hand and on our knees in prayer.

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