Rabu, 01 Juni 2011

Ignorance or Arrogance?

Jan Markell has an interesting commentary which covers a lot of ground but the following points were interesting and offer a perspective worth considering:

Is it Ignorance or Arrogance?

The fanfare is over. Benjamin Netanyahu has left the building. He has returned to Israel and he and the Israelis realize that they are on their own. The President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, has identified himself as the most anti-Israel President in history.

As much as I like Jan Markell's opinion, I have to disagree here. Jimmy Carter holds that title hands down. His anti-Israel position has been in place for decades and he presided over the creation of the first radical Islamic state, Iran. Additionally, at least for now, president Obama is arguing against a UN vote to create a PA State (for reasons that are unclear - possibly involving his desire to be seen as the person responsible for a peace agreement) and it is hard to imagine Carter taking that stand.

Having said that, president Obama isn't exactly a friend and ally to Israel.

But he does not speak for all of the American people and he does not speak for all of Congress. There may be only a few issues in Washington that have bi-partisan support, but one of those issues is that both the Right and the Left in Congress -- with a few exceptions -- remain an ally of God's covenant land. Many of them are trying to hold back the water from the hole in the dam that would make the Islamic empire the chosen people.

The key part of this commentary, as seen below serves as a reminder as to what is really going on:

Let me give you the key to unraveling the end-time code God has given us. Remember three things: Israel, Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount, in that order. And Jesus returns to rule and reign out of Jerusalem -- not New York, or Cairo, or London.

Don't ever get stressed about Israel's survival.

Be justifiably concerned about America's.

God will always watch over His covenant land and people. "He who keeps Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps" (Psalm 121:4).

One hundred million Arabs have tried to annihilate her since 1948, and they have consistently struck out. But every American who is concerned about the security of the United States should be livid and should tremble for our nation.

One of the strongest delusions today is that if there were just a two-state solution between Israel and "Palestine," there would then be world peace.

But this scenario is not all dark! Now that the most powerful man in the world has turned on the Jewish state and on God, perhaps that beleaguered nation will begin to turn her eyes to the One who formed a covenant with her millennia ago.

We know that in a future war known as the Gog-Magog invasion in Ezekiel 38-39, Israel will be forced to reach out to God for help. The passage indicates that there will be no earthly ally to help her. Zechariah 12 indicates she will be friendless as well.

That reminder is much appreciated. As we watch the world around us in dismay, it is comforting to recall that God is in charge and everything that we see happening in the world today has a purpose and ties in with a bigger plan. God's plan.

God obviously desires that the Nation of Israel will turn to Him - to seek Him - in their time of need. If, for instance, the U.S. were to intervene on Israel's behalf, then perhaps the Israelis wouldn't need to seek God.

Israel will survive. God will make sure of that.

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