Senin, 13 Juni 2011

Book of Joel: Part III

Joel Rosenberg now has part III of his study of the book of Joel posted and it is developing into an excellent study.

A Trumpet Call For Israel and the Church

Before getting into the heart of this study, we see an interesting preface:

Both the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament teach that in the “last days,” severe military threats will mount against the State of Israel, yet the Jewish state will become more and more isolated internationally. Ultimately, the Bible indicates that no country will come to the defense of the Jewish people when the major prophetic battles unfold and Israel’s enemies attack.

Rather, Israel will find herself all alone in the world. This makes recent headlines all the more troubling, for international pressure against — and isolation of — the modern State of Israel seems to be intensifying this year. Consider the latest key stories from the epicenter from just the past few days and weeks:

The New York Times reports that an anti-Israel leader and his party have just won a big election in Turkey.

They are increasingly moving away from the West and towards the Radicals in Iran, Syria, Lebanon, and Gaza, as well as building closer ties to Moscow.

The AKP government has also continued to support Hamas, which Washington and Brussels classify as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO).”

Ynet News reports that Italy is turning against the Jews, citing a “murky wave of anti-Israel zeal, demonization of Jews growing at alarming rate in Italy“

The Washington Post reports that the U.S. is bullying Israel to make deal with Palestinians

The Washington Times reports that the U.S. is pressuring Israel to agree to accept the pre-1967 borders as a basis for peace talks

This is all happening as we would expect from biblical prophecy, including an increasingly isolated Israel with no support from any nation. Turkey's alliance with Iran and Russia also sets the stage for the epic battle of Gog-MaGog as described in Ezekiel 38-39.

There are 43 "points" in this study and a few are worth repeating here:

- As the “Day of the Lord” approaches in the last days, those who know the Lord, follow the Lord, listen to the Lord, study the Word of the Lord, and teach the Word of the Lord are supposed to do a series of things:

- Understand that danger is coming and thus ”blow a trumpet in Zion” and ”sound an alarm” on God’s holy mountain — that is, call people to action (2:1)

- We are to alert “all” the inhabitants of the land of Israel that the “Day of the Lord is coming; surely it is near” (2:1)

- We are to let Israel know that that the Day of the Lord will be historic….”there has never been anything like it” – even the previous apocalyptic plagues of locusts described in Joel chapter one – “nor will there ever be again after it” (2:2)

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