Jumat, 24 Juni 2011

Agenda 21, Population Control and Obama's Rural Council: A New World Order Coming Fast

It is absolutely unbelievable how quickly we are headed into a "New World Order" as led by the globalists, the UN and now the U.S. president. Things are happening very fast now and the Tribulation is almost within reach. There is no doubt about that.

Al Gore, Agenda 21 and Population Control

So exactly what is Agenda 21? The following is how the United Nations defines Agenda 21....

Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment.

When you start doing deep research into Agenda 21, you will find that describing it as a "comprehensive plan" is an understatement. Virtually all forms of human activity impact the environment. The rabid "environmentalists" behind the green agenda intend to take all human activity and put it into a box called "sustainable development".

The following is language from a UN resolution that was adopted by the UN General Assembly that was designed to further the implementation of Agenda 21....

"….population growth rates have been declining globally, largely as a result of expanded basic education and health care. That trend is projected to lead to a stable world population in the middle of the twenty-first century… The current decline in population growth rates must be further promoted through national and international policies that promote economic development, social development, environmental protection, and poverty eradication, particularly the further expansion of basic education, with full and equal access for girls and women, and health care, including reproductive health care, including both family planning and sexual health, consistent with the report of the International Conference on Population and Development."

Most Americans don't grasp it yet, but the truth is that the global elite are absolutely obsessed with population control. In fact, there is a growing consensus among the global elite that they need to get rid of 80 to 90 percent of us.

Sadly, this philosophy is now regularly being reflected in official UN documents. For example, the March 2009 U.N. Population Division policy brief begins with the following shocking statement....

What would it take to accelerate fertility decline in the least developed countries?

If these items weren't in plain English, in "black and white" it would be almost impossible to believe. But the fact is - these items are in plain English, in black and white:

This agenda showed up again when the United Nations Population Fund released its annual State of the World Population Report for 2009 entitled "Facing a Changing World: Women, Population and Climate".

1) "Each birth results not only in the emissions attributable to that person in his or her lifetime, but also the emissions of all his or her descendants. Hence, the emissions savings from intended or planned births multiply with time."

2) "No human is genuinely "carbon neutral," especially when all greenhouse gases are figured into the equation. Therefore, everyone is part of the problem, so everyone must be part of the solution in some way."

3) "Strong family planning programes are in the interests of all countries for greenhouse-gas concerns as well as for broader welfare concerns."

There is much much more contained in this article, but lets move on to this even more ominous article:

Agenda 21 and Obama's Rural Council?

On June 9, 2011, an Executive Order established the White House Rural Council with 25 executive branch departments including Defense, Justice, Homeland Security, National Drug Control, Environmental Quality, Labor, Commerce, Interior, EPA, Housing, Health, Education to name just a few.

The order covers 16% of the American population who lives in rural counties because they “supply our food, fiber, and energy, safeguard our natural resources, and are essential in the development of science and innovation."

Where is this taking us?

Communist “social engineering” confiscated land and homes for agriculture. People were forced to move into many-storied, tiny cinder block apartments without any compensation for the land or homes bulldozed. They were forced to commute by bicycles or public transit.

A handful of environmentalists, the EPA, and the United Nation’s dictators, using faulty debunked data from the University of East Anglia or phony research are trying to separate Americans from their land use, cars, trucks, and the open-wide roads

It is obvious that “smart growth plans” or Agenda 21 designed by United Nations will affect our future choices in how we live and where.

By the time Americans realize the implications of Agenda 21“smart growth,” they will lose their homes and lands with no compensation. At least people who lost property under Eminent Domain have been compensated.

On to Agenda 21:

Agenda 21 sets up the global infrastructure to manage, count, and control assets.

“Social equity” is the new euphemism for “social justice” the Marxists in our government have been using a lot lately. Who gave them the authority and the mandate to initiate such change? I do not remember the American people being asked through a referendum whether we wanted our way of life to be fundamentally changed according to mandates set up by the United Nations. How will population growth control be achieved in order to protect the precious environment.

Along with this, we see the ICLEI as a big part of Agenda 21:

The International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) is a conglomerate of 600 national, regional, and local government associations who promote “sustainable development” and protection of the environment because of man-made global warming that does not exist.

“Sustainable development” is the United Nations effort to contain and limit economic development in developed countries and thus control population growth. It is “sustainable de-growth,” plain and simple. The focus is “low-income agriculture” and to set limits on the developed world

Unfortunately, this (below) is conveniently being ignored:

Article I, Section 10 of the Constitution states clearly, “No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation, ...No State shall,... enter into an Agreement or Compact with another State or with a foreign power…” The counties and cities that are members of ICLEI in the U.S. through its national organization are attempting to implement foreign policy, which our Constitution forbids. What mayors and municipal governments are doing is plain unconstitutional.

Also see:

Alert! New Executive Order - Agenda 21 Obama's Rural Council

Obama is surrendering our Sovereignty, our country to the UN.

On June 9, 2011, an Executive Order established the White House Rural Council with 25 executive branch departments including Defense, Justice, Homeland Security, National Drug Control, Environmental Quality, Labor, Commerce, Interior, EPA, Housing, Health, Education to name just a few.

It ensures Rural America will participate in Agenda 21 goals of Globalization. The ICLEI non-governmental UN organization gets a partner to reach into Rural America.

1. Federal Control of Rural American Resources (Food, Health, Energy, Education/Schools, Property, Water and Lives).

2. Increased Federal Regulation through Executive Order (Legislation from the Oval Office)

3. More Regulation of Food production

4. More Regulation of Land use

5. Agenda 21 implementation accelerates in Rural America

6. Implementation of Cap and Trade

7. No definitions of what “Rural America” is. Matter of fact, no definitions at all.

8. More Lawmaking through Regulation (State and Local levels)

9. More State/County Control over your city/town due to grant money distribution

10. Less Local participation due to Regionalization

11. More Federal Jobs funded at Tax Payer Expense

Also see this:

Obama Signs Agenda 21-Related Executive Order

President Obama signed his 86th executive order (13575) on June 9, which established the White House Rural Council (WHRC). According to The Blaze, the Executive Order seems to be in line with the United Nations radical Agenda 21, as it is designed “to begin taking control over almost all aspects of the lives of 16 percent of the American people.”

As the Executive Order references “sustainable rural communities,” it raises a few eyebrows, since that is one of the key phrases found in the UN plan for sustainable development known as Agenda 21. The order admits that it intends to seize greater power over “food, fiber, and energy,” items that are key to human sustenance.

The order also states that the WHRC will “coordinate and increase the effectiveness of Federal engagement with rural stakeholders, including agricultural organizations, small businesses, education and training institutions, healthcare providers, telecommunications services providers, research and land grant institutions, law enforcement, State, local, and tribal governments, and nongovernmental organizations regarding the needs of rural America.”

In other words, the federal government will seemingly control every aspect of rural America.

The connections to Agenda 21 are obvious:

Even more notable than the levels of power being achieved by the creation of this new council is the various connections to Agenda 21.

For example, Valerie Jarrett served as a member on the board of the Local Initiatives Support Coalition (LISC), which uses the language of Agenda 21 and ICLEI [International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives] as their webpage descriptively explains the organization’s work to build “sustainable communities.”

Likewise, Melody Barnes is the former Vice President of the George Soros-funded Center for American Progress. Soros is a prime advocate of Agenda 21 and in fact, his Open Society provided $2,147,415 to ICLEI.

Fortunately, Americans are becoming increasingly aware of the radical agenda being pushed by the U.N. and supported by this government, and have hosted a number of anti-ICLEI rallies this week, with more planned in the future.

Obama complies with Agenda 21 and expands federal power

This is not only unbelievable, but the fact that the MSM is keeping this hidden is even more amazing. We are losing our freedoms in leaps and bounds, and no one barely notices. Not only in America, but we are watching the EU countries losing their sovereignty nation by nation, with Greece leading the charge.

We are rapidly evolving into a one world government - a concept that seemed absurd only a couple of decades ago. But we are almost there.

The Tribulation is hauntingly close.

But we all know the good news about that don't we? Indeed we do. We know that Jesus will collect His Bride prior to the beginning of the Tribulation - and as we see the Tribulation approaching like a freight train, we can also hear the quiet footsteps of our Messiah approaching.

In the midst of all of these terrifying news we must always remember this, first and foremost:

"For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a loud command, with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.

After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.


Therefore encourage each other with these words."

(I Thessalonians 4:16. Emphasis mine)

When will He come for His Bride?

We are firmly instructed to:

"...wait for his son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead - Jesus, who rescues us from the coming wrath."
(1 Thessalonians 1:10)


"Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world..." (Revelation 3:10)

There is no doubt about either fact. There will be a gathering up of the Church Saints, and it will happen before the Tribulation.


Jesus has given us hope in this time of distress!

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