Kamis, 30 Juni 2011

In the news:

Global agriculture supply keeps worsening

The global agriculture supply situation has worsened and a failure to boost food production fast enough to meet demand may lead to shortages, said investor Jim Rogers, chairman of Rogers Holdings.

“We’ve got to do something or we’re going to have no food at any price at times in the next few years,” Rogers said in a Bloomberg Television interview with Rishaad Salamat today in Singapore.

Inventories are declining as demand continues to outstrip production that’s forecast to rise to a fifth consecutive year of record.“Production just hasn’t been able to respond to new demand,” Michael Creed, an agribusiness economist at National Australia Bank Ltd., said in a phone interview from Melbourne today. Demand continues to outstrip global harvests because of rising ethanol production in the U.S. and China’s surging demand for meat, Creed said

Britian and the U.S. top league table of countries that would be worst affected by an asteroid strike

If you live in Britain, the U.S. or China, start preparing now.

Scientists have drawn up a league table of the countries which will be worst affected in the event of an asteroid strike.

They have identified for the first time those which will suffer catastrophic loss of life or be so crippled it will be almost impossible for them to recover.

'The threat of Earth being hit by an asteroid is increasingly being accepted as the single greatest natural disaster hazard faced by humanity,’ said Nick Bailey, of the University of Southampton, who developed the NEOimpactor software.

Riots herald a 'dark day' in Greek history

As tens of thousands gathered to protest outside the vast white edifice that is Greece's parliament, the 300 lawmakers within seemed to pay no heed to the clamour beyond its walls and voted to pass a deeply unpopular austerity bill.

But coming after a year of deep cuts that have seen public sector salaries and pensions slashed and unemployment rise to above 16 percent there is little faith, at least among the population as a whole, that the measures will work.

Violence rocks Athens

Violence continue in the streets of the Greek capital Athens late on Wednesday as riot police clashed with opponents to spending cuts passed by parliament earlier in the day.

On Thursday, MPs vote on an implementation plan. Both must be passed before the next 12-billion-euro tranche of the bailout loan is released.

As deputies prepare for another tense day in parliament, the fury of ordinary Greeks continues to be heard but unheeded.

The Greek Tragedy Could Engulf Many More European States

Greece and Europe are still in crisis as the European countries scramble for a solution.

...the leaders of the EU cannot possibly save Greece and the other five nations in serious financial trouble and save the euro and the European Union simultaneously.

It is simply impossible if for no other reason, which is the cost, which is $4 to $6 trillion. Eventually all six will have to be cut loose reducing the euro zone from 17 to 11 members, all of which will have to face eventually more trouble among the remaining weak members.

"11 members" huh? That is very close to "10 members", thus worth watching closely.

Thus, it is only a matter of time before the euro is history. At least for now there will not be a euro as the basis for a one-world currency and the EU as the cornerstone for world government.

That is very true. We have to "progress" into the 10 Kings phase first.

The problem is not only Greece, but also Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Italy and Belgium. They are all in financial situations similar to Greece. Once Greece goes they will all follow. They will leave the euro and leave behind a long string of insolvent banks and countries, which will negatively effect England, the US and the world. Greece and the others probably will take down the world’s financial system.

Spain will probably be the next failure, a country on the edge of revolution.

Then will come Italy and Belgium.

The world public is discovering how the criminal banking system works and how it is impossible to deal with them.

This is the IMF formula used since 1948 to control and loot countries that stay perpetually in debt.

Austerity Riots - A Glimpse of America's Future?

Are the austerity protests and riots happening in Greece right now a glimpse of America's future?

The truth is that both nations are absolutely drowning in debt. It is just that the "day of reckoning" has already arrived for Greece but it has not arrived for the United States yet.

As budget cuts on the federal, state and local levels in the United States start to really become painful, will we eventually see the same kind of austerity riots in this country that we are currently seeing in Greece?

Below, we see the bottom-line:

The Greek government is swamped under an unpayable debt load and without international assistance the Greek government will default.

But all of that "international assistance" comes with strings. The EU and the IMF are insisting on the implementation of very strict austerity measures, and the Greek people are not thrilled about this.

Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou is telling the Greek people that it is their patriotic duty to accept these austerity measures, but most of the Greek population is not buying it.

The truth is that these international "bailouts" are just more new loans. What the EU and the IMF are proposing is that Greece should go into even more debt and hand over even more sovereignty.

But Greece will not be able to pay back these new loans either. In fact, these new loans will just enslave them to debt even further. Sadly, Greece appears destined to default sooner or later regardless.

So what about the U.S.?

Sadly, many believe that we could see these kinds of economic riots inside the United States eventually.

Over the past several decades, the federal government, state governments and local governments have been on the greatest debt binge of all time.

For example, this year the federal government will take in about 2.2 trillion dollars.

It will spend about 3.7 or 3.8 trillion dollars.

But the U.S. government simply cannot continue down the road that it is on. Since Barack Obama was elected, the U.S. national debt has increased by almost 4 trillion dollars. Our debt is increasing exponentially. Something has to be done.

The truth is that the world is becoming a very unstable place and the next major crisis could erupt at any moment.

The global financial system is so vulnerable right now that it would not take much to set off the next big global recession.

The unprecedented economic prosperity that we have enjoyed for decades is coming to an end.

The world is changing.

The United States is changing.

I hope that you are getting prepared for what is ahead.

Iran 'carrying out secret nuclear missile tests'

The claim comes as the Iranian regime mounts a visible show of its military technology with 10 days of missile tests. One tested this week was capable of reaching Israel or the Gulf states.

Mr Hague told the Commons that Iran "has been carrying out covert ballistic missile tests and rocket launches, including testing missiles capable of delivering a nuclear payload".

Britain believes that since last October, Iranian forces have carried out three secret tests of missiles that could be used to carry nuclear material.

Conspiracy of silence over four Iranian nuclear-capable missile tests

Our Iranian and intelligence sources offer details on the British Foreign Secretary William Hague's allegation Wednesday, June 29, that Iran has carried out secret tests of missiles capable of delivering a nuclear payload in breach of UN resolution 1929:

Three of those tests, four in all, were carried out between October 2010 and February 2011and the fourth on Tuesday, June 28, in the course of the Prophet Mohammed war games currently in progress.

Iran is clearly continuing to upgrade and improve the accuracy of the missiles in its armory that are capable of delivering nuclear warheads.

Riyadh will build nuclear weapons if Iran gets them

A senior Saudi Arabian diplomat and member of the ruling royal family has raised the spectre of nuclear conflict in the Middle East if Iran comes close to developing a nuclear weapon.

Prince Turki al-Faisal, a former Saudi intelligence chief and ambassador to Washington, warned senior Nato military officials that the existence of such a device "would compel Saudi Arabia … to pursue policies which could lead to untold and possibly dramatic consequences".

Is The Mainstream Media Covering Up The Truth At Los Alamos, Ft. Calhoun And Fukushima?

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