Jumat, 10 Juni 2011

Joel: Part II

Joel Rosenberg has just produced part II of his study of the book of Joel. Before getting to that, though, is a timely preface:

Record breaking natural disasters keep happening around the world. The global economy remains in serious trouble. Millions are sinking into poverty. Islam is spreading around the world. Rumors of new wars in the Middle East are mounting. New threats to Israel are metastasizing.

Yet as the world is being shaken and serious new threats and challenges are rising, so much of the world seems to be asleep. Alarm bells are going off, yet so much of the Church seems to be asleep as well, intoxicated by the pleasures of the world and unable or unwilling to respond to the call of God to pray, fast, and repent despite the fact that, as the Hebrew Prophet Joel wrote in the Bible, ”the day of the Lord is coming; surely it is near.”

Now to the bible study. Here it is:

Joel Chapter One: "A Wake Up Call"

This is very well done and worth reading.

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