Senin, 20 Juni 2011

In the news:

This first article is interesting, because many of us have been asking this same questions. The entire article is interesting and some of the news will be "eye-opening" if you haven't seen the items before:

12 Things That The Mainstream Media Is Being Strangely Quiet About

As the mainstream media continues to be obsessed with Anthony Weiner and his bizarre adventures on Twitter, much more serious events are happening around the world that are getting very little attention. In America today, if the mainstream media does not cover something it is almost as if it never happened.

Right now, the worst nuclear disaster in human history continues to unfold in Japan , U.S. nuclear facilities are being threatened by flood waters, the U.S. military is bombing Yemen, gigantic cracks in the earth are appearing all over the globe and the largest wildfire in Arizona history is causing immense devastation. But Anthony Weiner, Bristol Palin and Miss USA are what the mainstream media want to tell us about and most Americans are buying it.

In times like these, it is more important than ever to think for ourselves. The corporate-owned mainstream media is not interested in looking out for us. Rather, they are going to tell us whatever fits with the agenda that their owners are pushing.

Without going through the entire list, here are a few stories that the MSM is attempting to suppress - for whatever reason:

That is why more Americans than ever are turning to the alternative media. Americans are hungry for the truth, and they know that the amount of truth that they get from the mainstream media continues to decline.

#2 Most Americans are aware that the U.S. is involved in wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. However, the truth is that the U.S. military is also regularly bombing Yemen and parts of Pakistan.
Now there are even persistent rumors that U.S. ground units are being prepared to go into Libya. Are we watching the early stages of World War 3 unfold before our eyes in slow motion?

#3 The crisis at Fukushima continues to get worse. Arnold Gundersen, a former nuclear industry senior vice president, recently made the following statement about the Fukushima disaster....

"Fukushima is the biggest industrial catastrophe in the history of mankind"

TEPCO has finally admitted that this disaster has released more radioactive material into the environment than Chernobyl did. That makes Fukushima the worst nuclear disaster of all time, and it is far from over.

#5 China's eastern province of Zhejiang has experienced that worst flooding that it has seen in 55 years. 2 million people have already been forced to leave their homes. China has already been having huge problems with their crops over the past few years and this is only going to make things worse.

#6 Thanks to the Dodd-Frank Act, over the counter trading of gold and silver is going to be illegal starting on July 15th. Or at least that is what some companies apparently now believe.

#9 There are reports that North Korea has tested a "super EMP weapon" which would be capable of taking out most of the U.S. power grid in a single shot. The North Koreans are apparently about to conduct another nuclear test and that has some Obama administration officials very concerned.

The second article is interesting only because the Mediterranean Union is back in the news:

Med Union: Hamas must accept Quartet terms

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) called on Monday for Hamas to recognize the Quartet's conditions for a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians.

Deputy Knesset Speaker MK Majallie Whbee (Kadima) and MK Dov Henin (Hadash) attended the meeting of 23 countries and the Palestinian Authority in Croatia. The assembly called for an end to the Israel-Palestinian conflict, and a return to negotiations.

FM Lieberman: Iran is our first foreign policy issue

The expected vote on Palestinian statehood at the United Nations in September is “important but not so important,” said Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman at the second day of the World Jewish Congress’s Board of Governors in Jerusalem.

While eyes have turned towards the possibility that a Palestinian state may be recognized at the UN, Lieberman warned that Iran has continued to advance its nuclear program defying the international community.

Assad Stops Exodus to Turkey

Syrian President Bashar Assad addressed his country Monday, expressing love, promising reforms and warning of a conspiracy while his troops block people from fleeing to Turkey.

Expressing the same paranoia of dictators who have been ousted or try to hang on to power in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Yemen and other Muslim countries, Assad said Syria is confronted by one of a series of conspiracies that “are like germs which increase every moment.”

Israel launches major home front defense drill

Israel on Sunday launched a major five-day home front defence exercise intended to prepare its population and emergency services to respond to massive missile attacks, the Israeli military said.

Named "Turning Point 5," the exercise involves testing nationwide siren systems and the cellular network, distributing emergency kits, improving coordination and practising evacuation and shelter procedures.

Maher: Palin and Bachmann are "Crazy, Know-Nothing, Jesus Freaks"

Bill Maher from HBO's "Real Time" last night: "New rule: Stop comparing Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann just because they're both Republican. And crazy. And know-nothings. And Jesus freaks … who claim to receive messages from God.

Barbarians Within the Gate

China is now building a 50 square-mile self-sustaining city outside of Boise, Idaho and setting up Foreign Trade Zones in the US.For perspective, 50 square-miles will encompass most of the greater Reno, Nevada area. The Reno metropolitan area has a population of roughly 500,000 people.

We have literally invited the barbarians to enter through our gates and set up house among us. Surely they would never overthrow us? This is insanity – not only are we giddily waltzing up to the chopping block, we are laying down, baring our throat and providing a sharpened blade and a warm and fuzzy basket for our heads to fall into. The Chinese just can’t believe the gift of weakness laid at their Communist doorstep – conquering America is beginning to look like a walk in the garden to them.

Worst flooding since 1955: 2 million suffer in China

More than 2 million people have been displaced or otherwise affected by flooding in China's eastern province of Zhejiang, the official Xinhua News Agency reported Sunday. Torrential rains have left huge areas of the relatively wealthy province underwater, with 42,254 acres of farmland inundated, according to Xinhua.

China braces itself for more heavy rain

China was braced for more torrential rain on Monday after deadly flooding forced hundreds of thousands of people to flee their homes.

Authorities estimate that 550 million euros’ worth of crops have been wiped out as the water wreaks a trail of destruction across the region’s farmland. Heavy flooding in China last year left 4,300 people dead or missing.

Thousands descend on Greek parliament in anger at austerity measures

Protesters are angry that they are paying for the country's debt through tax rises and wage cuts and claim corrupt politicians, who they blame for the situation, are not being targeted by the measures.

Greece, which has been paralysed by strikes and riots over the past week, is in talks to receive another £10.6billion (€12bn) from the European Union as it struggles to avoid defaulting on repayments on last year's rescue package.

Anti-austerity protests spread across Europe

Anti-austerity rallies have been held across Europe – in Spain thousands marched to protest against high unemployment and their government’s handling of the economic crisis.

In France there were calls for people to stand up and be counted as around 500 marched in the capital. Pension reforms and public sector cuts have angered many. Meanwhile in Berlin, protesters came out in solidarity with their Greek and Spanish neighbours.

Iranian Commander: 'We Have Infiltrated America and the UK'

According to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard’s Fars News Agency, on Tuesday night — during a gathering of high-ranking members of the IRGC command and the Basij militia — Brigadier General Mohammad-Reza Naghdi announced:

Today we are in a full-scale war with our enemies.

But the enemy has been hit hard and the proof of that is in the collapse of the Western block, the humiliation of the banking and investment sector, the awakening of our various nations, the spread of the religion of God...

You all have managed to infiltrate into the heart of the enemy’s various nests to the point where even in the streets of New York, Ashura is known as Imam Hossein Day and it is observed by pious self-mortification and prayer; in London, the month of Muharram and the passing of Fatimah are observed. This is what it means to penetrate into the enemy camp.

New rules for world economy should be devised by the UN says Medvedev

New regulations for the functioning of the world economy should be drawn up by the widest possible international representation, including up to the level of the United Nations, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said on Saturday.

Among the measures that remained to be worked out, he cited the redistribution of quotas in multilateral financial institutions including the IMF and World Bank, to the benefit of countries with rapidly developing economies, and modernization of the rules of financial regulation

The EPA assault on Texas

The necessary precondition for Texas’s unique economic success – a beacon in a deep recession – is energy. And the EPA is closing in for the kill.

But the EPA isn’t really making the argument that Texas is an environmental pigsty. It’s not putting any data or findings behind that premise, at any rate. Instead, it is simply acting high-handedly, assuming an authority that nothing in written law confers on it, to pronounce Texas’s procedures in violation of EPA rules – even when there is no basis for making that claim. To put it bluntly, the EPA is making a power grab.

Keep in mind that throughout the 16 years in which Texas issued its industrial air permits, air quality in Texas improved – a lot. The Texas system wasn’t failing to produce a compliant outcome. And it took the EPA 16 years to decide, in spite of that record of success, to invalidate all the existing state-issued permits. The motivation was clearly political.

Just imagine how we could fleece our fellow men if we all had the power to declare it “deregulation” – mercy, relief, a benefit to the regulated – when we don’t do as much as we could have done. There is a distinctly mafia-like ring to that thought process.

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