Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011

China Is Buying U.S. Assets And Land

We have seen this story recently and it is truly remarkable and disturbing. Below we see a comprehensive review on this situation and the detail and referenced information (links) are impressive. The bottom line? It is actually happening and there are few measures being done to prevent it. The article is too long to even attempt to summarize, but for a few statements extracted from this review:

The Chinese Government Is Buying Up economic Assets And Huge Tracts Of Land All Over The United States

Below is the introduction:

In 2011, America is for sale and the communist Chinese are eager buyers. The Chinese government is using sovereign wealth funds and Chinese state-owned enterprises to buy up economic assets and huge tracts of land all over the United States. Many of our politicians hail all of this "foreign investment" as something that is "good for America", while many others see something much more sinister going on here. In any event, this is a trend that is rapidly accelerating and that is causing great concern among patriotic Americans.

In my recent article entitled "China Wants To Construct A 50 Square Mile Self-Sustaining City South Of Boise, Idaho", I examined a potential deal that Sinomach (a company controlled by the Chinese government) wants to do with the government of Idaho. There will be more on this deal in a minute.

But first it is important to note that this is a phenomenon that is happening all across the United States.

After citing numerous, specific examples of this process, which is well worth reading, we see the concluding remarks:

It is insane what we are doing.

Now the Chinese are starting to colonize us.

Would we have ever allowed the Soviets to come in and buy up our companies and buy up huge tracts of land all over the country?

Yet somehow we have become convinced that it is okay for the communist Chinese to do it.

We have become dangerously dependent on China.

In fact, if our relationship with China went south, there would be a lot of weapons systems that we would suddenly not be able to get parts for.

The people that originally decided that it was a good idea for China to produce electronics for our planes and weapons systems should resign immediately.

We are allowing the Chinese to dominate us in hundreds of different ways.

As China becomes wealthier and as the United States becomes poorer, all of this is only going to accelerate.

China is going to become even more dominant in the years ahead.

Should we all start learning to speak Chinese?

Life in these last days has become surreal and bizarre. I suppose we should expect this - as the road to the Tribulation continues to be paved.

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