Rabu, 01 Juni 2011

Iranian-Egyptian Alliance Forming

Even though this scenario seems highly predictable, it still represents a rapidly changing Middle East; one that gets closer and closer to the alliances that we would expect to see, based upon a literal view biblical prophecy:

Iran: Renewing Egypt ties would force 'Zionists' to leave

Ahmadinejad urges Cairo to rebuild diplomatic relations with Iran, saying it would lead to emergence of a new "great power."

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad urged Egypt on Wednesday to rebuild diplomatic relations with the Islamic Republic, saying the emergence of a new "great power" would force "Zionists" to leave the region.

At a meeting with Egyptian academics, clerics and media representatives in Tehran, Ahmadinejad pushed his plan to rebuild links with Cairo after the overthrow of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in February.

This is a significant development in the Middle East - one that shouldn't be ignored.

The idea of a rapprochement between Shi'ite-led Iran and Sunni-majority Egypt, the most populous Arab nation, would alarm the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia.

"Our enemies do not want us rebuild our ties because they know a great political and economic power will emerge from our cooperation," Ahmadinejad said.

Very true - not to mention the fact that Israel would rest firmly in their crosshairs.

"Then all the Zionists along with other enemies of nations must leave and escape this region."

Ahmadinejad has repeatedly forecast the imminent disappearance of the Jewish state, which Jerusalem says is a threat of annihilation, especially because of Iran's nuclear program.

Tehran sees improved ties with Egypt as a desirable outcome of what it calls the Arab world's "Islamic awakening", which it hopes will reduce US influence and unite Muslim countries.

Many of us see a scriptural description of two consecutive battles - with the first involving the nations specified in Psalm 83 and Isaiah 17 (Lebanon, Gaza, West Bank Palestinians, Syria and Egypt), followed by the epic battle of Ezekiel 38-39, as led by Russia-Iran-Turkey (and a northern Africa Muslim coalition). If this is true, the first battle could be a proxy war as led by Iran behind the scenes.

With Iran's current influence on Syria, Lebanon (Hezbollah) and Gaza (Hamas), an Egyptian-Iranian alliance would almost complete the first scenario and Iran would be in position to directly influence such an invasion. The second alliance is already largely in place, with Iran-Turkey-Russia representing an already a rock-solid alliance.

These last biblical wars are very getting closer and closer by the day as we watch these alliances forming.

It is truly amazing - the fact that we are watching these biblical alliances forming precisely as the prophetic scriptures have indicated. Such prophecies are a constant reminder of God Himself and His active presence.

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