Rabu, 15 Juni 2011

Ahmadinejad calls for alliance against the 'West'

Ahmadinejad seems to be picking up the anti-Israeli and anti-American rhetoric recently and today is no exception:

Iran's president calls for post-Soviet security alliance to unite in alliance against West

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called Wednesday for a security alliance of several former Soviet nations and China to form a united front against the West.

Ahmadinejad's address to fellow heads of state at the summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Kazakhstan will likely deepen suspicions that the bloc is intended as a counterweight to the United States across the region.

In a summit declaration signed by all the member states, the organization also attacked missile defence programs in another apparent dig at the United States.

Much of Ahmadinejad's fiery speech was devoted to levelling an exhaustive series of thinly veiled accusations against unnamed Western countries, which he described as "enslavers, colonialists, (and) invaders."

This isn't exactly shocking news coming from Ahmadinejad, but what is new is the forum and the other countries involved, who implicitly give approval.

The SCO was formed in Shanghai in 2001 by China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan to address religious extremism and border security in Central Asia, but it has in recent years attracted interest in full membership from countries like Iran, India, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Its scope has since broadened to economic issues, but the organization has struggled nonetheless to forge a clear purpose.

Also see:

Ahmadinejad joins China, Russia leaders at summit

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Wednesday joined the Chinese and Russian leaders in a rare encounter at a summit in Kazakhstan, where he launched a new attack on the "slavers and colonisers" of the West.

In a characteristically firebrand speech peppered with rhetorical questions, he launched a new call for a wholesale shake-up of the world order, which he said was "managed and run by slavers and colonizers of the past."

The summit is the latest in a string of big international meetings hosted by Astana, Kazakhstan's shiny new capital, which in the last months has already welcomed a summit of the OSCE and the annual meeting of the EBRD.

And this perspective from the Jerusalem Post:

Watching Ahmadinejad through Israeli eyes

It’s creepy, actually, the thought of sitting in the same building with today’s incarnation of evil, with a man who, if he just could, would love to incinerate me and mine and all that is dear to me. It is foul, actually, knowing you are sharing air space with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

What is creepier still is to watch Ahmadinejad on a movie-theater sized screen in the media center, looking so human, so matter-of-fact, as he spews his venom about the West and Israel, with his words translated by someone with a soothing voice and a British accent. There he goes again, talking about how for the last 60-plus years Zionism has wrought nothing but disaster and humiliation on the Palestinians and on the Middle East.

There is also a disconnect in the room of at least 300 journalists – from Russia, China, Uzbekistan, India, Kazakhstan,Pakistan, and a handful of native English speakers – in Astana to cover the summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

The disconnect is that when Ahmadinejad speaks, when he indulges in his hateful rant, there is no buzz at all.

The next part of this interesting commentary seems particularly surreal:

An hour after Ahmadinejad finishes I look to see if his words about Zionism are on the Web yet, picked up by the agencies, splashed around the world.

But, alas, they are not. Nobody pays attention. An AFP report makes note that the Iranian President launched a new attack on the “slavers and colonizers” of the West and winked at 9/11 conspiracy theories by speaking of “the creation of 9/11 under whose pretext Afghanistan and Iraq were invaded and more than one million people have been killed or wounded.”

But nary a word about his attack on Zionism. That’s all just Ahmadinejad being Ahmadinejad. At least for the world.

But for the lone Israeli Jew in the crowd it’s more than that – it’s a disgrace

A disgrace compounded tenfold by the silence of the other world leaders sitting impassively while listening to his despicable comments, and an ugly reminder of the sad truth of the first part of Hillel’s famous admonition: “If I am not for myself, then who will be for me?”

The world continues to ignore his calls for the complete destruction of Israel. Similarly, the world ignores the fact that Hamas refuses to acknowledge Israel's right to even exist. The nations are too busy attempting to divide Israel and create artificial borders which will render Israel defenseless with the idea that there will be sudden peace in the Middle East if only Israel will concede these borders. But still no mention of Hamas' stated goals and objectives which are to destroy the nation of Israel.

Israel's viability as a free nation isn't a concern. Only the desires of those who are determined to destroy Israel - that is what seems to matter to "the nations".

God made it perfectly clear where He stands on the issue of Israel. Unfortunately God's word is being ignored by those attempting to force Israel into indefensible borders.

Where will this lead?

The Bible tells us in plain language:

"...my hot anger will be aroused" (Ezekiel 38:18)

"I will display my glory among the nations, and all the nations will see the punishment I inflict and the hand I lay upon them." (Ezekiel 39:21).

He couldn't be more clear. Man's ignorance and arrogance can be astonishing - and we are seeing this in abundance at this time in history.

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