Sabtu, 11 Juni 2011

"It Can't Happen Here"

This is a very interesting commentary - fact based - and it includes many of the elements that we follow daily. It also follows a rather deep "rabbit hole" that is most definitely worth watching. The beginnings if this article deal with the aspect of world-wide natural resources and the ultimate quest to control these resources:

It Can't Happen Here

No nation, no matter how large or powerful, is immune to the need for resources. Not America, not Russia, and not China.

With over a billion mouths to feed, a growing economy to support, and a trajectory to eclipse America to maintain, China has its work cut out if it is to maintain and grow.


Water. Food. Oil.

Metals.Nearly the entire history of humanity has been a constant struggle for resources, with a few scattered periods of quiet, made possible through violence and subjugation.

This introduction sets the stage - now we get into the ramifications of this struggle in the modern-day world and the coming North American Union (NAU), which I believe serves as an indicator of possible movement of the world into the 10 kings stage (Daniel 2):

Enter North America. Mexico. America. Canada.

Exhibit one: page three of the following:

Link here

This outlines the North American Supercorridor, shown below.

See This

And This

Take into consideration the weakening of America, the ascendancy of China, the fact that China practically owns our nation (in the sense that the .gov is monetarily indebted to it), and the very real fact that China, a country that killed somewhere around forty million of its own people (See for some estimates) within the lifetime of many people still living, is going to need an ever-increasing supply of resources in the next few years. Think.

Add to this the fact, or even the possibility, that our nation is heading towards a cliff, brick wall, or oncoming train, as inexorably as any other of nature’s laws and consequences, and the possibilities / potentials are, well, they are.

It makes the criminal actions of our oathbreaking elected officials all the more serious, all the more consequential. It puts the actions taken by officials, elected or not, in a whole new light.

See, I don’t know what “collapse”, or even a slow fade into obscurity will bring.

Depression? Probably.

Hyperinflation? Maybe.

I think "the economy", while a concern, is not the worst of our problems right now or in the near future. A "nation" is should be more than an economy. Americans are should be more than consumers.

These ideas can no longer be scoffed at or ridiculed. It is time to wake up and face reality.

Internal Conflict? Our medicated, reality-denying nation is tiptoeing on a hair trigger on many, many levels. We are perhaps as divided as we have been in a long, long time. We are Balkanized, even now.

OK, back to the issue of dwindling natural resources:

The world is getting smaller. Resources are thin. Our nation is being weakened by forces within and other forces, now outside of our control.

It’s simple, cold math.

It’s not about anything other than cause and effect.

Think about the ramifications of American decline.

We fool ourselves and are vain if we think that “progress” has immunized us to the possibility of yet another total war. I can refer you to the same vain conceit expressed in the years just prior to Archduke Ferdinand’s assassination, and the start of WW 1.

We fool ourselves to thing that the first stages of a total war will resemble the crossing of the Maginot line, Pearl Harbor, or the breach of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact.

We humans are experts at devising ways of weakening and killing each other. Not all wars begin with tanks rolling across a border, or bombs falling from the sky.

This all ties into the prospect of a North American Union - and one has to consider if the managed decline of America and the collapse of the U.S. dollar (as planned by George Soros) is a necessity for the formation of a North American Union. How many Americans would embrace such a movement if they know it was the only way to save their 401K, IRA, home ownership and their way of life?

It is hard to consider any other scenario in which Americans would allow such a union to be formed. And the people working behind the scenes (such as the Bilderbergs know this full well).

If indeed the world will continue its progress into 10 world unions, as seemingly planned by the EU (see here), then the NAU would present the biggest obsticle.

Progress is being made on this front. All we have to do now is sit back and watch because there is a plan, as admitted by Mr Soros many times, but no one seems to be listening nor payng attention.

It can happen here. It already is.

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