Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

Blair calls for "European President"

Don't forget - the EU really doesn't have a single president who presides over the entire union. There is a president of the EU Council, who is mistakenly seen as the EU President, but right now there isn't really a president over the EU.

Keep in mind - the antichrist will come from the expanded EU, when it reaches the "10 kings" stage:

Blair Calls For European President

Europe should have a properly elected president and be ready to unify in a bid to compete with China, former Prime Minister Tony Blair was quoted as saying.

The ex-premier believes Britain could only benefit by closer links with her European neighbours. And that a president - elected by voters from more than 27 nations - would enjoy a massive mandate to lead the continent.

"Europe has got a fantastic opportunity, but only if it's prepared to reform and change radically in the way it works.

"Mr Blair, who spoke to the paper to mark the publication of the paperback version of his autobiography, set out five areas where the EU should become closer.

They covered: tax policy and 'the social model'; completion of the single market; to forge a common energy policy; a common defence policy and a common immigration and organised crime policy.

"But what they can understand completely is that in a world in particular in which China is going to become the dominant power of the 21st century, it is sensible for Europe to combine together, to use its collective weight in order to achieve influence. And the rationale for Europe today therefore is about power, not peace."

Yet another fascinating and potentially prophetic development. Additionally, is it just me, or does it appear that Mr Blair is already lobbying for the job?

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