Minggu, 19 Juni 2011

Lebanon: "Now Fully in Hizballah's Hands"

It was just a matter of time, and widely predicted:

israel Today has a brief but interesting article on the current status of Lebanon (it seems that Lebanon has been forgotten lately):

Lebanon in Hizballah's hands

While the international community remains excited about the perceived spread of democracy in the Middle East, one of the region's only true democracies is now fully under the control of Islamist radicals.

Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati on Monday finally announced his new cabinet, and it is made up primarily of Hizballah representatives and their allies.

Of the 30 cabinet ministers, 19 belong either to Hizballah or to smaller Christian parties that are allied with the Muslim terrorists.

Mikati himself, despite being a Sunni Muslim, was the prime ministerial candidate supported by the Shiite Hizballah after former Prime Minister Saad Hariri resigned in protest over the Islamists' growing power.

On Monday, Hariri slammed the new government as a "Hizballah government."

Syrian government officials praised the formation of the new Hizballah-dominiated cabinet, which is also expected to strengthen ties between Lebanon and the Iranian regime.

The pieces of the puzzle continue to come together for the coming wars - exactly as we would expect from biblical prophecy.

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