Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

A Call To Action: Joel Part IV

Joel Rosenberg now has part IV of his series on the book of Joel:

A Call To Action: Understanding the Book of Joel - Part Four

This is an introduction worth reading:

Talk is cheap. In a time when economic, religious and geopolitical threats are rising….a time when so much of the world is turning against God…a time when so many have forgotten God in their daily lives….a time when so many think the Church is irrelevant and/or hypocritical….and a time when many have turned against Israel and God’s Chosen People, what we need isn’t a bunch of religious hot air — slogans, bumper stickers or platitudes.

What we desperately need is a bold and sincere and solid and revolutionary faith that moves us to action, that moves us to know God more deeply and serve Him more faithfully before the Day of the Lord arrives.

This one of the reasons I love the Old Testament Book of Joel and why I’m grateful we studied it together at the 2011 Epicenter Conference — because it is a powerful call to action

Today, I’m posting Part Four of my personal study notes on the Book of Joel. I hope you’ll find them helpful as you seek a faith that changes your life and moves you to serve the Lord with more passion and conviction than ever before.

Amen. Now on to the Bible study. Below is just a small sample of what is contained in the article:

The Hebrew Prophet Joel indicates a day of severe and unprecendented judgment is coming upon the world. The question is: How should mankind in general – and the people of Israel in particular – prepare for such judgments before they come? Beginning in Joel 2:12, the Lord is very clear and specific. His people are to:

- Return to the Lord with all our heart
- Return to the Lord with fasting
- Return to the Lord with weeping
- Return to the Lord with mourning
- Rend our hearts and not our garments

- This is not just a call to a generic, run-of-the-mill prayer meeting — this is a call to get on our faces and beg and plead with the Lord to have mercy on us as individuals, as families and as nation

There is much much more to this article and it is very good and very timely.

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