Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

The United States vs God

The original title was "The United States vs Israel", but upon reflection, it is really more accurate to see this as the U.S. vs God Himself.

We saw the scriptures yesterday, so there is no need to repeat that. The U.S. is advocating a division of Israel's land, a shrinking land mass, and borders which would be indefensible for Israel. In other words, the U.S. is attempting to make changes to Israel which would seriously threaten their viability as a sovereign nation.

The U.S. is basically giving God the finger. That isn't hyperbole, but based upon a literal reading of biblical prophecy. God was very clear and precise on this point regarding Israel.

We'll see how this works out.

Disturbing Questions about President Obama's Vision for Israel

President Obama's speech yesterday about U.S. policy in the Middle East in general and about the Israel-Palestinians conflict specifically calls for democracy yet abandons the only democracy in the Middle East

It rewards terror states and potential terror-states.

It asks Israel to accept U.S. assurances while abandoning all the assurances he made as a candidate. Rather than answers, the speech leaves us with many disturbing question

The article contains a lengthy list of such items. Below are the highlights:

The president calls for ethnic cleansing of some areas in the disputed territories and even Jerusalem.

There are no calls for Palestinians to refrain from building in certain areas which the president wants Muslim-free. Is ethnic cleansing only for Jews?

The president asks Israel to take bold (dangerous) steps for peace.

Responding to American pressure, Israel has acted bolding in unilateral withdrawal from Lebanon and Gaza. The return for these bold moves was increased terror. What bold steps does the president ask the Palestinians to take?

"The borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps..."

These armistice lines, drawn after the War of Independence, left Israel vulnerable to attack then and would be even more dangerous today. Every assurance since then, including UN Resolution 242 acknowledged that such lines were indefensible. A border on these lines would return the strategically important Golan Heights to Syria and make Israeli towns once again easy targets for the Syrian state-sponsor of terrorism.

The pre-1967 lines endorsed by President Obama includes Jerusalem's holiest sites. Jews would be denied access to their holiest sites, which would certainly be desecrated as they were when Israel lost control of Jerusalem in 1948 or even more recently when Israel removed guards from Joseph's Tomb

The president's vision describes a sliced up nation of Israel.
Look at a map and try creating a contiguous Palestinian state without splitting Israel into little indefensible slices.

The president expects Israel to negotiate with terrorists and give up security for empty promises.

The president holds onto a fantasy that Hamas will reject the path of terror and rejection

Obama's Speech to the State Department Means New Dangers for Israel

What the president has said is essentially that rather than borders and boundaries being established as an end result of negotiations, the two states that will be created should be based on the 1967 lines, a conclusion that gives the Palestinian Authority its own desired boundaries — and takes away from Israel the necessary buffer zone it gained after the 1967 war, and from which it has been able to prevent attacks on its own people.

Moreover, the newly developed Hamas-Fatah “unity government” agreement has already made it clear that the Palestinian leadership will not honor the requirement that the existence of a Jewish state in the region must be accepted.

In effect, the president is rewarding Abbas for his bad behavior, after the PA leader’s own recent op-ed in The New York Times in which he revealed his intransigence. Statehood, as he perceives it, is not an end in itself, but is put forth as the new means for waging a continuing war against Israel.

Obama and Netanyahu face tense meeting on Mideast

U.S. President Barack Obama's endorsement of a longstanding Palestinian demand on the borders of their future state sets the stage for what could be a tense meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday.

Netanyahu, who has had strained relations with Obama, headed for Washington saying the president's vision of a Palestinian state on the borders of 1967 -- as part of his vision for an elusive U.S.-brokered peace deal -- could leave Israel "indefensible."

'Obama says Netanyahu unable to make peace'

US President Barack Obama told aides that he does not believe Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will be able to make a peace deal, The New York Times reported on Thursday night.

Obama reportedly said that Netanyahu can not make the concessions necessary for peace.

The Times also reported that the timing of Obama's speech was planned intentionally to preempt Netanyahu's address to Congress on Tuesday.

A day before their scheduled meeting in Washington, Netanyahu and Obama staked out dramatically conflicting positions Thursday as to the path for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Netanyahu issued a quick, bitter response on Thursday night to Obama’s landmark Middle East speech, saying that the establishment of a Palestinian state could not come “at Israel’s expense.”

“The Palestinians, and not only the US, must recognize Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people,” he said.

The bottom line?

First of all, the U.S. choose to give this speech before PM Netanyahu has an opportunity to make his speech to congress.
Then we see the U.S. conceding the "Palestinian" position before negotiations even begin.
We also see the U.S. demanding another land give away by Israel, withdrawing into borders that are indefensible.
We also see a proposed division of Israel, literally dividing the tiny country in half.
If this isn't enough, we also see the U.S. demanding that most, if not all of Jerusalem given away. They would certainly give up holy sites such as the Temple Mount.

All of this is in direct conflict with God's warnings (Genesis 12:3 and Zechariah 12:1-3, just to cite two such warnings).

There isn't much more to add to the information given above.

"The nations" are clearly aligned against Israel, exactly as biblical prophecy foretold.

We can't say that we weren't warned.

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