Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011

Interesting news

Today we have the usual news stories, but for some reason, it seems that today's news are a little more tangential - perhaps a little more "conspiratorial" ( a word I really don't like, because it is used by the MSM to 'control' the news according to their political slant). I don't endorse any of the below news, just putting these stories here as "FYI":

1. What is happening in Iran?

Ahmadinejad row with Khamenei intensifies

A political dispute between Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president, and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the country's supreme leader is reported to have intensified.

Ahmadinejad is said to be contemplating resigning after Heidar Moslehi, the intelligence minister he had sacked, was reinstated by Khamenei.

The president is understood to have shirked some of his duties and skipped cabinet meetings for the past ten days in anger over the decision.

"It shows the level of disunity at the very top of the Iranian [political] hierarchy [with] Ahmadinejad having already polarised the internal political scene as a result of fraudulent election results that were announced more than 20 months ago," Khonsari said.

"He is now beginning to encroach on the powers and privileges vested in the supreme leader, and he and his constituency - mainly among the Revolutionary Guards - have tried to do this.

Reports of the Arrest of Ahmadinejad's 'Exorcist' Fuel Concerns About Iran's Leadership

A mysterious man known by some as the Iranian president’s “exorcist” has been arrested, in the latest sign that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s involvement with purveyors of the so-called “dark arts” is raising concerns among Iran’s leadership.

Abbas Ghaffari, described as Ahmadinejad’s “exorcist” or “jinn (genie) catcher” is reportedly among a number of people in Ahmadinejad’s circle who have been arrested lately, amid reports of continuing strains between the president and Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. As is typical in Iran, details on the timing and specific charges behind the arrests are somewhat murky.

In a fiery speech Tuesday in the Iranian holy city of Qom, Mojtaba Zolnour, Khamenei’s representative in the Revolutionary Guard, said he asked Ahmadinejad: “What do you see in this Mashaei, other than links to exorcists, soothsayers and fortune tellers? … They come and gurgle on about his prophecies, and Mr. Ahmadinejad thinks he has divine knowledge."

Clearly there is turmoil and a power struggle in Iran right now and it will be fascinating to see where this leads. Ultimately we know that Iran will be involved in the "Gog-MaGog" coalition which will invade Israel, but how this comes about is anyone's guess. Meanwhile we watch this internal power struggle with great interest.

2. At the same time, we see power struggles inside America - inside the White House. Again, as stated above, I'm just passing this information along - take it with a grain of salt:

White House Insider

A longtime Washington D.C. insider, and former advisor to the Obama election campaign and transition team, speaks out on an administration in crisis, and a president increasingly withdrawn from the job of President.

So how bad are things at the White House these days? I don’t know about right now, because I have not been there in over a month. But I still hear things, and I know what it was like when I left. It’s not good. As bad as it might look to voters based on what they do know, it’s much worse. The infighting is off the charts. You got a Chief of Staff who despises cabinet members, advisors who despise the Chief of Staff, a President and First Lady having their own issues…

And this is also interesting:

Has the U.S. Military Finally Had Enough?

and this

New Tax Plan: Part of the Radical Green Agenda

Do you know what a trial balloon is? It is when politicians will float an idea in the media to see what the reaction of the public will be. Well, right now one trial balloon that is being floated is the idea that we should tax Americans for the number of miles that they drive. This proposal showed up in a draft bill that was being circulated within the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Office of Management and Budget.

Among other things, CBO suggested that a vehicle miles traveled (VMT) tax could be tracked by installing electronic equipment on each car to determine how many miles were driven; payment could take place electronically at filling stations.

There is much much more to this proposal described in this long but interesting article. So now we see a proposal which would involve government devices planted on each vehicle, so that the government would know exactly where and when each citizen is at all times. This sounds a lot like the kinds of things one would expect to see during the Tribulation. We're moving in that direction at light speed right now.

How many of you are going to line up to be the first ones to have this tracking equipment installed in your car?

Sadly, if this ever does become law, the tracking equipment will probably be installed on all new vehicles.

The sad truth is that the radical green agenda is at the very heart of the tyrannical New World Order system that the global elite very much desire to impose on every nation on earth.

3. The growing Influence of radical Islam:

Hezbollah in Mexico

A terrorist organization whose home base is in the Middle East has established another home base across the border in Mexico.

“They are recognized by many experts as the ‘A’ team of Muslim terrorist organizations,” a former U.S. intelligence agent told 10News. “We are looking at 15 or 20 years that Hezbollah has been setting up shop in Mexico,” the agent told 10News.

“Their operators are far more skilled … they are the equals of Russians, Chinese or Cubans,” he said. “I consider Hezbollah much more dangerous in that sense because of strategic thinking; they think more long-term.”

Now, the group is blending into Shi’a Muslim communities in Mexico, including Tijuana. Other pockets along the U.S.-Mexico border region remain largely unidentified as U.S. intelligence agencies are focused on the drug trade.

The Muslim Brotherhood Mobilizes

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood has decided to field candidates for more than half of the nation’s parliamentary seats, up from 45%, with its candidates benefiting from the party’s high level of organization in comparison to all other organizations.

Ismail Sulaiman, S=secretary of the Tagammo [Unionist] Party, confirmed that the positions of the Muslim Brotherhood are always contradictory and arouse suspicion, perplexity, and questioning. They are always talking about organizational participation for all the political and societal segments, but now it has become a conflict to express the participation of any segment at [50%] percent. It means the returning to the ideas of the defunct national party of control and [one-party] dominance over political life.

In a dramatic surprise, Dr Najeh Ibrahim, the top leader of Gamaa Islamiyah, said that the Muslim Brotherhood had committed an error in its announcement of upcoming political participation at 50%, which was close to taking over majority of the disbanded National Party’s previous parliamentary seats. However, maybe this participation may give them an upper hand in drafting the next [and permanent] constitution.

Moscow hails Fatah-Hamas reconciliation pact

This isn't exactly surprising:

Moscow has greeted the reconciliation between the Palestinian Fatah and Hamas groups with enthusiasm, according to the Russian Foreign Ministry’s official spokesperson, Aleksandr Lukashevich.

“Russia has also made its contribution, which took active political and diplomatic steps for the Inter-Palestinian reconciliation, including contacts with both Palestinians and other partners,” he also said.
Under the pact, political issues, including the Israeli-Palestinian settlement, will remain the prerogative of the Palestinian Authority leader, Mahmoud Abbas. This “offers additional opportunities for the mutually beneficial solution to the Palestinian problem,” the Russian Foreign Ministry stated.
However, the positions of Hamas and Abbas-led Fatah factions have not changed. Abbas favors a negotiated peace with Israel, while Hamas refuses to accept Israel’s existence

4. What is happening within the EU?

Eurozone core meet in secret, but Greek exit from euro a 'fantasy'

Core Eurozone finance ministers are holding a secret meeting in Luxembourg to discuss "difficult issues", including Greece's ongoing troubles, but attendees will not be talking about a possible Greek exit from the eurozone.

"Core Eurozone finance ministers are holding a secret meeting". This always gets my attention. And for those who are looking for an emergence of 10 powerful countries (and remembering that we already have the powerful WEU already existing within the EU must be remembered) to emerge from within the EU may find this interesting.

The European Commission and the finance ministers of Germany, France, the Netherlands are in the Grand Duchy for a private chat about the "outstanding eurozone creditor issues with regard to the continuing problems in Greece," a source familiar with the discussions told EUobserver.

Earlier in the evening, the European Commission said it was ‘not aware' of any secret emergency meeting in Luxembourg.

"We are not aware of such a meeting," commission spokesman Mark Gray told EUobserver.

"We have absolutely no idea of what this is about. I have no comment. I don't know where they are getting this from," added the head of the commission's spokesperson's service.

So even the EU commission is out of the loop. That is also quite interesting isn't it?

5. Communism coming to America?

Again, I'm just posting what is "out there" in the news:

SEIU drops mask, goes full commie

Look at the pictures and you can decide what is going on:

A May Day rally in Los Angeles, co-sponsored by the SEIU and various communist groups, as well as other unions, reflected yet another step in the normalization of self-identified communist and socialist ideologies in the Obama era. Not only did the SEIU help to organize the rally in conjunction with communists, they marched side-by-side with communists, while union members carried communist flags, communists carried union signs, and altogether there was no real way to tell the two apart.

This isn't hyperbole or agenda driven - its fact.

Until recently, the average American has regarded fascists and communists as equally noxious and equally malignant. As well they should have. But the drive these days by the left side of the spectrum is to make communism and socialism somewhat less remarkable and more palatable. For two years they angrily denied the Tea Party accusation that Obama’s policies and supporters had a socialist bent. But in recent months, as the accusation had started to gain traction, the new leftist tactic has become: “What’s so bad about socialism after all? You’re demonizing a very popular and respectable ideology!”

and this:

SEIU's Full Frontal Communism

I believe about a year ago, NoisyRoom and numerous other blogs, researchers and pundits began to warn Americans that there would come a day in the near future that Marxists and Communists would take off their masks and proudly proclaim their ideals. That they would no longer fear the American public as they would feel that they were unstoppable – far too powerful to be stopped in their quest for political power and domination. Sadly, that day has arrived

Witness SEIU‘s full frontal communism on display at the May Day Rally in Los Angeles. The event was sponsored by SEIU and a cabal of Communist allies, who have gleefully aligned and are celebrating the demise and fall of the Republic. Marching in militant lockstep, SEIU proudly waved Communist flags and Communists in turn brandished union signs. They were one – comrades indistinguishable from one another. Finally honest in intention and in evil agenda.

These are some strange times as we approach the last days. And as mentioned so many times before - almost everything we see today is actually part of paving the way into the Tribulation. It is most definitely coming. But we must also remember, as directed by the apostle Paul - so is the Rapture of the Church.

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