Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

EU Wins New Powers at UN: The Rise of World Unions?

This is a significant article and it may mark the beginning of the rise of the world unions. Don't forget, we are rapidly approaching the "10 Kings phase" of biblical prophecy - the very last stage before the rise of the antichrist and the last stage in human government which will also be in existence during the Tribulation.

Many prophecy watchers believe that the various "World Unions" will end up as 10 such unions and serve as the biblical "10 Kings".

Today's news bolsters that view:

EU wins new powers at UN, transforming global body

EU Council President Herman Van Rompuy will now be able to address the United Nations no differently from US President Barack Obama, Venezuela's Hugo Chavez or Russia's Dimitri Medvedev.

In order to win the vote, the EU had to agree to changes to the global organisation that transforms the UN from an assembly of nation states into a body that also offers representation rights to regional blocs as well, including potentially the African Union, the Arab League and the South American Union.

This is a huge development - one that should be watched carefully. It certainly should not be ignored:

The EU on Tuesday was given almost all the rights in the global chamber that fully-fledged states enjoy after the General Assembly backed 180 to two a resolution giving the bloc, which until this week only maintained observer status at the UN, the union the right to speak, the right to make proposals and submit amendments, the right of reply, the right to raise points of order and the right to circulate documents.

The following bit of information is even more stunning:

There will also be additional seats put in the chamber for the EU's foreign policy chief, High Representative Catherine Ashton and her officials.

Ashton and her team have lobbied heavily over the last six months, according to her representatives, with a major offensive in the last 48 hours by the high representative herself in New York, to push through the changes after the EU was dealt a surprise defeat last September when other regional blocs voted against a similar resolution.

She declared herself "delighted" at the win, which, she said: "will in future enable EU representatives to present and promote the EU's positions in the UN."

Indeed it will.

In order to win over these refuseniks, the EU had to back an amendment to the resolution, put forward by Hungary - currently at the helm of the bloc's six-month rotating presidency - that gives these other blocs the same rights Brussels has won, should they ask for them.

Another "wow". This paves the way for the other unions to gain equal power within the UN, identical to the EU.

"Following the request on behalf of a regional organisation which has observer status in the general assembly and whose member states have agreed arrangements that allow that organisation's representatives to speak on behalf of the organisation and its member states, then the general assembly may adopt modalities for the participation of that regional organisation's representatives," read the amendment.

Talk about "road paving" - we have just seen - in a single announcement, the ability for world unions to have equal status to existing countries within the UN. This is a fascinating development.

Are we watching the rise of the 10 Kings?

Quite possibly - don't forget, the EU has already designated 10 such "unions" in the world. Not 11, not 9, but 10. How interesting: 10 World Regions

Stay tuned, this development is highly significant for a prophecy watcher!

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