Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

Daily Headlines

There are a lot of follow-up articles to stories we have been following, and a few new ones:

Gordon Brown to IMF?

GORDON Brown still harbours hopes of becoming the £260,000-a-year head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), it has emerged, despite outright opposition from David Cameron. It had been thought the Prime Minister had an effective veto on who should succeed Dominique Strauss-Kahn – now the focus of sex crime allegations in America – as the international body’s managing director.

However, his predecessor in Downing Street is believed to think this is not the case and, prior to Mr Strauss-Kahn’s arrest, had been in Washington and Paris taking soundings.

This week in the American magazine Newsweek, the former PM penned an article which some thought read like a job application for the IMF post. He wrote: “The IMF showed a few months ago that if the world worked together, up to 50 million new jobs could be created – millions of them in Europe and America – and 100 million people could be taken out of poverty.”

Uttering "Jesus" in school "not protected free speech"

A hearing is scheduled Monday before the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans that could determine if students in elementary schools have the protections of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
The case arose in the Plano Independent School District in Texas where Thomas Elementary School Principal Lynn Swanson and Rasor Elementary School Principal Jackie Bomchill were sued for restricting student speech when it referenced "God" or "Jesus."

According to the Liberty Institute, in the first incident, officials banning 8-year-old Jonathan Morgan from handing out candy canes with Jesus' name on them to classmates at a school party.
"They even banned an entire classroom from writing 'Merry Christmas' on cards to our troops serving in Iraq."

Iranian FM says Bushehr nuclear plant is operational

Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said that the Bushehr power plant is operational, Press TV reported on Wednesday.
"As we have previously announced, Bushehr power plant has reached the criticality stage, meaning it has been successfully launched," Salehi reportedly said.

Criticality is the stage in a nuclear reaction when the fissile material is self-sustaining.
"This stage lasts for two months. We hope the plant will gain some 40 percent of its power within the next one or two months," Salehi added.

Drones Becoming Pervasive INSIDE America

The Washington Post reported in January:

The operation outside Austin presaged what could prove to be one of the most far-reaching and potentially controversial uses of drones: as a new and relatively cheap surveillance tool in domestic law enforcement.

For now, the use of drones for high-risk operations is exceedingly rare. The Federal Aviation Administration - which controls the national airspace - requires the few police departments with drones to seek emergency authorization if they want to deploy one in an actual operation. Because of concerns about safety, it only occasionally grants permission.

But by 2013, the FAA expects to have formulated new rules that would allow police across the country to routinely fly lightweight, unarmed drones up to 400 feet above the ground - high enough for them to be largely invisible eyes in the sky.

One manufacturer already advertises one of its small systems as ideal for "urban monitoring." The military, often a first user of technologies that migrate to civilian life, is about to deploy a system in Afghanistan that will be able to scan an area the size of a small town. And the most sophisticated robotics use artificial intelligence to seek out and record certain kinds of suspicious activity.

Hamas MP: Jews Ingathered for Us to Annihilate Them

And THIS is who the Nation of Israel is expected to make peace with? Really?

Yunis al Astal, a member of the Palestinian Authority parliament, spelled out his organization's vision for the genocidal annihilation of the Jewish people in a television interview last week. The interview was broadcast on Hamas Al Aqsa TV and monitored by incitement watchdog group MEMRI.

Al Astal described the ingathering of the Jewish people in the Land of Israel in terms of a divine plan that would give the Arabs "the honor" of annihilating "the evil of this gang."

In a few years' time, he predicted, the Zionists will understand that they were brought here for the purpose of being slaughtered in "a great massacre."

Using Hitleresque language, he said that the Jews are more dangerous than all of the world's lethal birds of prey, dangerous reptiles and lethal bacteria combined.

Arrest of IMF Chief Threatens To Derail Banksters Plans

This article is interesting, in that it exposes the real agenda of the IMF:

The arrest of IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn on sexual-assault charges represents a seismic blow to the efforts of the global financial elite to bury the euro and dollar currency blocs and replace the dollar-demoninated global monetrary system with an IMF and UN-run currency.

Whatever is decided could either hasten the collapse of the dollar and the euro and so pave the way for the introducion of a super souvereign IMF/UN currency controlled by the banks and usher in a new era of global repression and poverty. Or, it could stop the bankster’s plans for wrestling control of the globe’s currency in their tracks.

Right now, the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights (SDR) are still only an internal accounting unit for governments to denominate their foreign exchange reserves, but the SDR is set to have a more central role and the UN is also already producing bullion coins called the „uno“ to give flesh to the currency.

The replacement of the dollar with the IMF/UN currency has been a long-term goal of the bankers and China and plans are reaching a decisive phase in parallel to the disintegration of the dollar and euro.

This (below) is how the SDR's work:

The SDR basket currently comprises the U.S. dollar, British pound, euro and Japanese yen. But moves are a foot to include the Chinese currency.At the beginning of May, the head of China’s foreign exchange authority, said the IMF should include the Yuan at the earliest possible opportunity and by 2015 at the latest.

Reuters points out that the dollar and euro are set to crash while China’s economy booms – due to the fact the government prints money with involving private banks who charge interest – and so the IMF currency is set to be heavily weighted in favour of China as well as private banks who ultimately control the IMF.

Strauss-Kahn was instrumental in a report in January 2011 calling for a bigger role for the IMF’s SDR, prompting some commentators to say this was a call for a “new world currency that would challenge the dominance of the dollar”,”

Before the IMF/UN currency can, however, take over as the global currency, ushering in a new era of repression and poverty for the people of the world under the banks, the dollar and euro need to be destroyed.

The bottom line?

„So, if the US dollar is in danger of being ‘terminated’ in its role as global currency of first and last resort, and no other single currency is eager to take over the role, who or what is going to do the job?

The only candidate able to fit the bill is the IMF’s Special Drawing Right (SDR), known as a ‘fiat’ currency because it can be created at official will. It is a pale shadow of the global monetary unit ‘Bancor’ proposed by John Maynard Keynes after World War II but it is the best we have.

Israeli media reveals U.S. president's forthcoming Mideast speech

We'll be watching this speech very closely:

U.S. President Barack Obama will call on Israel to withdraw to the 1967 borders and agree to additional concessions that will enable a resumption of the peace process, Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth revealed on Tuesday.

The newspaper claimed to have obtained a draft of Obama's planned speech at the State Department on Thursday in which he will outline his administration's Middle East policy, in light of the anti-government protests that have swept the region over the past year.

According to Yedioth Ahronoth, Obama will call on Israel to withdraw to the 1967 cease-fire lines with territorial adjustments that will be agreed on in the negotiations with the Palestinian National Authority. The president will label the West Bank settlements as "illegal" and emphasize that Israel must halt their construction.

The president is also expected to announce his solution regarding the status of Jerusalem and call for its division. The U. S. envisions the city as the shared capital of the two states, Israel and Palestine, side by side in peace.

So according to this report (and we can't know for certain until Thursday's speech is given) - Obama will demand that Israel retreat back to the "pre-'67 borders" (which means giving up the Golan Heights, the West Bank and at least half of Jerusalem. All of which is expressly forbidden by God Himself - Genesis 12:3, Zechariah 12).

Barghouti: Israel, US can't stop Palestinian statehood

Jailed Senior Fatah-Tanzim official Marwan Barghouti said that a Palestinian state can not be established through negotiations, in an interview with Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram.

Barghouti is considered to be mastermind of the Second Intifada. He has been in Israeli prison since 2002, and his name is often mentioned in possible prisoner exchange deals between Israel and the Palestinians.

"We should take all of the Palestinian, Arab and international energy and go in September or even before that to the UN so that a an independent state with '67 borders and Jerusalem as its capital will be recognized," Barghouti told the Egyptian daily.

A People's Approach to National Security

Two recent incidents, a tweeted photo of TSA agents examining a baby and a man shouting pounding on a cockpit door while shouting “Allah Akbar” being subdued by passengers, remind us of the absurd fictions of airline security. The biggest fiction of airline security is that it is secure. The second biggest fiction is that it is even meant to be secure.

The TSA and its naked scanners don’t exist to provide security, but to provide plausible deniability when an attack does happen

Its fallacy is to ignore what terrorism is, instead equating any violation of their rules with terrorism, and then treating everyone like a suspected terrorist. It’s the same dumb model applied to urban crime, scaled up to global terrorism.

Airline terrorism is a direct attack on the most sophisticated section of the global transportation system. It’s why Israel made airline security such a top priority. To lose the air route, is to be cut off.

The United States focused just as obsessively on airline security, but without admitting that the problem was not slightly larger tubes of toothpaste, but terrorists of a particular ideology and from a particular part of the world. The Israeli model is imperfect, but it does address the actual threat.

The TSA model doesn’t address the threat, but a random grab bag of techniques. But both models have their limitations. In the age of crowdsourcing, the best form of airline security is other passengers.

And this:

Governments oppose empowering the public to resist terrorism, because they fear losing control.

But the law enforcement model of universal suspicious is a fundamentally corrosive one. It does not coexist well with a society of equals. If it stretches on beyond the duration of an emergency, either the people become sheep or anti-government movements begin to take off.

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