Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

Soros and the Media: Part III

Today we see the third part in a series which details Mr Soros' control of the MSM:

Soros' Media Reaches More Than 300 Million Every Month

Books, newspapers, radio stations, TV stations, websites and cutting edge videos. The pieces of the George Soros media empire are as diverse as the nations of the world and just as widespread. From nakedly partisan left-wing media like Think Progress, the blog for the Center for American Progress, and a TV show on MSNBC, to the supposedly impartial National Public Radio, Soros has influence on the flow of information worldwide.

This is an undeniable fact. Mr Soros' influence is actually more extensive than previously imagined:

It gives him incredible influence. Every month, reporters, writers and bloggers at the many outlets he funds easily reach more than 330 million people around the globe. The U.S. Census estimates the population of the entire United States to be just less than 310 million.

That’s roughly the entire population of the United States with the population of Australia thrown in for good measure – every single month.

This information is part of an upcoming report by the Media Research Center’s Business & Media Institute which has been looking into George Soros and his influence on the media.

And that’s really just the beginning. That tally takes into account only a few of the bigger Soros-funded media operations.

Some specific examples, just to reveal how extensive his influence on the media is:

On April 8, House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi headlined a Boston conference on “media reform.” She was joined by four other congressmen, a senator, two FCC commissioners, a Nobel laureate and numerous liberal journalists.

The event was sponsored by a group called Free Press, which has received $1.4 million from Soros.

Free Press has two major agenda items – undermining Internet freedom by pushing so-called “net neutrality,” and advocating for government-funded media to the tune of $35 billion a year. Many of those attending or speaking were affiliated with Soros-funded operations.

Free Press is just one of the better funded Soros groups. They also include the Center for American Progress ($7.3 million), which operates the heavily staffed Think Progress blog. That blog “now has 30 writers and researchers,” according to Politico.

Other well-funded operations include the investigative reporting operations at the Center for Public Integrity ($3.7 million) and Center for Investigative Reporting ($1.1 million), as well as Media Matters ($1.1 million) and the Sundance Institute ($1 million).

That’s not all. “Soros' foundations gave 34 grants from 1997 to 2010 to local NPR member stations and specific programs that have totaled nearly $3.4-million

In fact, Soros funds nearly every major left-wing media source in the United States. Forty-five of those are financed through his support of the Media Consortium.

And with so many various media outlets, the game becomes a process of repeating the same information over and over until it becomes part of the public consciousness:

A report by the Media Consortium detailed how progressives had created an “echo chamber” of outlets “in which a message pushes the larger public or the mainstream media to acknowledge, respond, and give airtime to progressive ideas because it is repeated many times.”

According to the report called “The Big Thaw,” “if done well, the message within the echo chamber can become the accepted meme, impact political dynamics, shift public opinion and change public policy.”

The list goes on and on. Project Syndicate calls itself “the world's pre-eminent source of original op-ed commentaries.” It has wide reach. “As of May 2011, Project Syndicate membership included 462 leading newspapers in 150 countries.” Its monthly circulation is 72,815,528. Naturally, “support comes from the Open Society Institute,” the primary Soros foundation.

The Soros “echo chamber” is even larger. Many of his organizations have a media component – from New Orleans, where he funds The Lens, to nations that were once part of the former Soviet Union. But he doesn’t have a media empire.

Mr Soros is undeniably one of the most influential humans walking this earth in these last days.

Will this influence be used for good or for evil?

After all, the world is rapidly dividing between these two fundamental forces as we approach the Tribulation.

We shall see.

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