Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

Iran continues to flex its muscles

Below we see some news regarding Iran:

Iran continues to flex its muscles

As the Middle-East descends into chaos and Mr. Obama asks our only reliable ally in the region to surrender territory which is vital to its defense, Iran continues to spread its influence and build its military capabilities. Reuters reports:

Iran’s military received a new ballistic missile system on Sunday, which it said demonstrated the country’s self-sufficiency in mass producing weaponry.

“The new surface-to-surface missiles, Qlyam (Resurrection) 1, were successfully tested and delivered to the armed forces today,” Iran’s Arabic-language state television channel Al Alam said.

It did not disclose the range of the missile, delivered to the aerospace wing of the elite Revolutionary Guards, but said it was designed to be less easily detected than older models.

The build up to war and the subsequent "rumors of war" continue with Iran. This fact is even more troubling given these details:

With the Bushehr nuclear reactor just weeks away from going online the very real threat of a nuclear armed Iran should demonstrate the vital role of our Israeli allies in maintaining a semblance of stability in the troubled region.

Israel sees the potential of a nuclear armed Iran – which refuses to recognize the Jewish state and supports Hamas and Hezbollah – as a major threat to both it and its ally Washington do not rule out military action to prevent such a scenario.

Iran has said it would respond to any attack by targeting US interests and Israel.

Next, we see this bit of ominous information:

The Tehran Times reports that Iran’s intelligence service has delivered a serious blow to our intelligence network.

In a statement published on Saturday, the ministry announced that it managed to identify and break up the complicated spy network and identify 42 CIA intelligence officers in different countries through carrying out major intelligence and counterespionage operations at home and abroad.

According to the statement, a number of CIA intelligence officers established the network in several countries and starting setting various traps for Iranian citizens to elicit information from them and convince them to spy for the United States.

If the Tehran Times is to be believed this would be a serious setback for our intelligence community. Still Mr. Obama seems to think that everything will be alright if only he can persuade Israel to pull back to its 1967 borders.

Revolutionary Guard unveils Iranian-produced missile

Iran's military received a new ballistic missile system on Sunday, which it said demonstrated the country's self-sufficiency in mass producing weaponry.

"The new surface-to-surface missiles, Qiyam (Resurrection) 1, were successfully tested and delivered to the armed forces today," Iran's Arabic-language state television channel Al Alam said.

It did not disclose the range of the missile, delivered to the aerospace wing of the elite Revolutionary Guards, but said it was designed to be less easily detected than older models.

"The mass production of the Qiyam missile, the first without stabilizer fins, shows the Islamic Republic of Iran's self-sufficiency in producing various types of missiles," Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi was quoted as saying.

Iran's military gets new missile system

Israel sees the potential of a nuclear armed Iran - which refuses to recognize the Jewish state and supports militant groups Hamas and Hezbollah - as a major threat and both it and its ally Washington do not rule out military action to prevent such a scenario.

Iran has said it would respond to any attack by targeting US interests and Israel.

Just as we were told by Jesus - we can expect to see a constant flow of "rumors of war" during this age, and indeed that is certainly the case in today's world.

The build-up to war which has been ongoing for several years now continues to escalate. Just the raw number of missiles held by Hezbollah, Syria, Hamas, and located within easy reach of Israel is staggering.

Right now we are seeing the preparations for the final battles in and around Israel.

The powder-keg also known as the Middle East just needs a small spark to become ignited. And once it does, the dominos will fall quickly. We see a region that is just on the brink of war.

It will happen. All in God's perfect timing and no sooner.

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