Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

The Kings of the East: Paving the Way

This one occasion in which the term "paving the way" (to the Tribulation) is used in a literal sense. The point in this article is to show how close we are to some of the expected events which we know will occur during the Tribulation.

First, to the article:

Russia Warns China Invasion of Middle East Nearer Than Thought

An apocalyptic report prepared by Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov for President and Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Medvedev is warning that the strategic military agreements signed between China and Pakistan signal that the “end game” between the East and West over the vital energy resources of the Middle East “has now begun.”

According to Minister Serdyukov, the most vital aspect of this new strategic agreement is the allowing by Pakistan for Chinese military forces to begin the “immediate use” of the Karakoram Highway which will allow China’s massive ground forces direct access to the Middle East and into direct confrontation with the West.

This is fascinating, because I can recall years ago, when Hal Lindsey would mention this strategic highway being built and how it could facilitate the movement of massive amounts of troops from China to the Middle East - and here it is. Amazing.

Important to note about the Karakoram Highway [aka China National Highway 314 and in Pakistan as N-35] is that it is the highest paved international road in the world stretching over 1,300 km (800 miles) without which China would have no direct access to the sub-continent.

China’s “grand strategy” behind this new move, Minister Serdyukov’s report continues, is to join its ground forces with those of its air forces it has pre-placed in NATO member country Turkey, both of whom have been carrying out joint air defense exercises since last year much to the alarm of the United States and European Union.

Even more alarming to the West has been China’s air route for refueling its warplanes being readied for a Middle East war which include Pakistan, Iran and Turkey.

Before continuing, take a look at this little hidden nugget in the midst of this article:

Minister Serdyukov further states in his report that China’s actions to protect its energy future based upon Middle East oil (of which it could not survive without) is its belief that the United States is about turn against Israel using the same type of United Nations maneuvering it used to launch attacks on Libya.

We have been discussing this aspect frequently - how the "Doctrine to Protect" could be used against Israel. Ok, back to the rest of the article:

China’s amassing of a military force to secure its energy future through an invasion of the Middle East lies exactly within the interests of the United States seeking to protect itself too. The “lynchpin” needed by both China and the US to secure the Middle East is the Shiite nation of Iran, who unbeknownst to all but the most knowledgeable has been defended and strengthened by the US who since the end of the Cold War have eliminated all of the Persian nation’s enemies on its borders, most especially the Sunni ruled Iraq and the Taliban controlled Afghanistan.

The United States taking out of Libya also gives the Shiites total control over the formerly controlled Sunni nations of Northern Africa, which includes the critically positioned country of Egypt.

To conclude, the article actually points to prophetic scriptures:

Left out of the “equation”, of course, are both Saudi Arabia and Israel, both of whom face imminent destruction, with none being more important than the Israelis whose vast oil shale reserves (second only to the United States in the entire world) estimated at over 250 Billion barrels (compared to Saudi Arabian reserves of 260 Billion barrels) make it the “crown jewel” to be captured in this last “Great Game” on Earth.

Most important of all of these things is to warn that when the headlines of today start matching the ancient prophecies of yesterday, maybe it’s time one should really start reading exactly what was written, especially the aforementioned Book of Revelation, that though written nearly 2,000 years ago foretold a time when a 200 million man army from the East (China can field over 600 million troops) [Revelation 9:14-16] would cross the great Euphrates River that was dried up (and which “coincidentally” it is today due to its severest drought in known history.) and begin the final battle for this planet.

Good idea. Lets take a look at the scriptures:

"Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates. And the four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind. The number of the mounted troops was two hundred million. I heard their number.

The horses and riders I saw in my vision liked like this: Their breastplates were fiery red, dark blue, and yellow as sulfur. The heads of the horses resembled the heads of lions and out of their mouths came fire, smoke, and sulfur.

A third of mankind was killed by the three plagues of fire, smoke, and sulfur that came out of their mouths. The power of the horses was in their mouths and in their tails; for their tails were like snakes, having heads with which they inflict injury."
(Revelation 9:14-19)

And later in the Tribulation, we see the Kings of the East again:

"The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East." (Revelation 16:12)

Was the apostle John describing, in the best terms that he could use, 2000 years ago - modern day warfare?

Could his description of "horses" (modern day weapons - perhaps mounted to helicopters, airplanes, or tanks), with rocket launchers ("out of their mouths came fire, smoke, and sulfur"), launching missiles? In order to kill a third of mankind, perhaps John was actually seeing the launching of nuclear missiles. Certainly, China has such capability.

More importantly, we are seeing secular sites speculating on the same scenarios that prophecy watchers have been observing for years. This is very interesting.

Now we have a mechanism for the "Kings of the East" to make their movement into the Middle East, just as the Bible foretold.

We also have a reason - oil. On the heels of Israel making the largest oil and gas discoveries in the region in decades (possibly ever), along with the other Middle East oil - coupled with China's increasing dependence on oil makes for a very interesting situation.

Once again, we see the road being paved to the Tribulation. This time it is the Karakoram Highway (aka the "Chine National Highway") - a vital link which now gives China, and their enormous military direct access to the Middle East.

Sometimes you look at the news and you just have to shake your head - at the amazing literal accuracy of biblical prophecy.

But would we expect anything different from our Omniscient God?

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