Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

1967 Lies

Just when I was ready to move on to some different news (other than the calls for Israel to retreat back to 1967 borders), I came across this interesting and germane commentary, and it is worth posting:

1967 Lies

Yes, I said 1967 lies, not 1967 lines. President Obama today totally and shamelessly moved the United States of America into direct violation of Joel 3:2, the consequences of which will bring fearful calamities on America. I am not making this up.

He proclaimed this seismic shift in US policy, at a time when this nation has suffered six weeks of continuous tragedies already, including two rounds of killer tornadoes, fires in Texas and now flooding in the Mississippi River and delta. I use the word seismic with great trepidation since earthquake is the one natural disaster we have not seen. To quote Thomas Jefferson, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.

Let’s look deeper into Joel 3:2.

"I will also gather all nations, And bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat; And I will enter into judgment with them there On account of My people, My heritage Israel, Whom they have scattered among the nations; They have also divided up My land"

First, note that the historical timing of this event is clear from verse one; it is after God has regathered Israel from all the nations into their own land. The reason for the prophesied judgment of God is simple. The nations have divided His land

Now we turn to the ramifications of Israel's potential return to the '67 borders:

Israel is now 45 miles wide; the entire country is only 45 miles wide! Reverting to the 1967 pre-war borders would make Israel 8 (EIGHT!) miles wide. What is wrong with this picture? President Obama has agreed to the Palestinian pre-condition demanded by Yassar Arafat. This division of the land would assure Israel’s destruction by the growing menace of radical Islam surrounding them. With friends like President Obama, who needs enemies?

The world is also rewriting the history of 1967. Again, Israel was drawn into war by invading armies. When the dust settled, Israel had a miraculous victory and control of more land (Gaza, West Bank, the Sinai and the Golan Heights). President Obama thinks it is a good idea for Israel to give it all back so they can try again. Either way, there will be war. Obama’s speech simply moves up the timing.

Helen Thomas was wrong. The Jews will not “go back where they came from.” There is no other place for them. Israel is their land and they are there to stay, not by UN permission, but by the authority of Almighty Yehovah God and His unbreakable promise.

Lets collectively shout "AMEN" at that last comment.

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