Jumat, 06 Mei 2011

The Fatah-Hamas Unity Deal: What it Really Means

If you want an in depth analysis of the newly formed alliance of Hamas and Fatah/PA/PLO, we have Caroline Glick's review and it is worth reading. This is a long article - below are a few interesting quotes:

The PLO's desperate defenders

By most accounts, the Fatah-Hamas unity deal signing ceremony Wednesday was a grand affair. Hamas terror-chief Khaled Mashaal jetted in from Damascus. PLO/Fatah/Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas flew in from Ramallah.

The ceremony was held under the auspices of the newly Muslim Brotherhood-friendly Egyptian intelligence services. UN representatives and Israeli Arab members of Knesset were on hand to witness the “historic” accord which officially put the PLO in bed with Hamas, the Palestinian branch of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood and a terrorist organization dedicated to the annihilation of Israel and the establishment of a global caliphate.

The true significance of this agreement and the reality of what this will lead to is largely being hidden from the public. Those who are watching this through the lens of biblical prophecy realize the same things that are quoted in this article:

They realize that the Fatah-Hamas unity deal discredits the land-for-peace paradigm. If the public is permitted to recognize the importance of what has happened, then that policy will be abandoned. All Israeli and US support, recognition and legitimization for the Hamas-partnering PA/PLO/Fatah will have to be ended.

This is not the first time we have been at the point of recognizing the truth – that the PLO/PA/Fatah never turned its back on terror and that all the commitments it has made to Israel have been subordinate to its commitment to maintaining its support for terror. We were here in 1990 and again in 2000.

In 2000, Arafat again lost credibility when he rejected then prime minister Ehud Barak’s offer of peace and Palestinian statehood at Camp David, joined forces with Hamas and launched a terror war against Israel. Upon returning from Camp David, Barak bragged that he had taken the mask of peacemaker off of Arafat’s terrorist face.

And looming large is PM Netanyahu's upcoming speech before the U.S. Congress on May 24:

From the perspective of US-Israel relations, the Fatah-Hamas unity pact couldn’t have come at a more crucial time. Netanyahu’s speech before the joint houses of Congress on May 24 provides the premier with a rare opportunity to radically alter the terms of reference for the discourse on the Palestinian conflict with Israel at home and in the US.

If he continues to highlight the PLO-Hamas alliance, Netanyahu can drive the political discourse away from the false narrative of Palestinian peacefulness and towards the truth about their devotion to terror and war. With just one address, Netanyahu can potentially do more to strengthen and safeguard Israel than he has in his entire career. And in so doing, he will guarantee his place among the ranks of the great statesmen.

Politically, Netanyahu has much to gain by remaining on offense and much to lose by surrendering. Unlike Barak’s voters, Netanyahu’s voters know that the discredited land-for-peace paradigm has failed, and they will reward Netanyahu for speaking the truth.

International affairs rarely provide the opportunity to correct past mistakes. If Netanyahu does the right thing, he will be attacked viciously by the mindless supporters of endless concessions. But their condemnations will be drowned out by hoots and cheers of enthusiastic support from the overwhelming majority of the public at home, and from Israel’s friends in Congress and throughout the world. They will thank him for freeing us all, finally, from the myth of peace with terrorists.

This speech on May 24 could be very interesting. Things are heating up, there is no doubt, and Israel is right smack in the middle of the everything, just as expected. Seeing the date of May 24 also reminds me of how rapidly September is approaching. By the time May 24 rolls around, we'll be three short months away from September.

We are rapidly approaching God's season. The season in which God will reveal Himself to the world, not only during the Gog-MaGog battle when He intervenes on Israel's behalf, but throughout the Tribulation where He will also make His presence known.

Somewhere in this mix of current events another epic event will occur - known as the Rapture of the Church.

This generation is reaching its last days. We know what is coming and we can almost see it. New Jerusalem is almost within reach. We're almost there.

"Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world to test those who live on earth.

I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so no one will take your crown.

Him who overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will he leave it. I will write on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the New Jerusalem which is coming down out of heaven from my God."
(Revelation 3:10-12)

It may be time to start focusing in our eternal home. A nice summary can be found in Revelation 21-22, and there is guaranteed to be much much more, but its a start. The closer we get to the end of this generation, the more "real" this place called New Jerusalem becomes. After all, Jesus will personally take us there, in order for us to be with Him (John 14:1-3).

And as Jesus said in Revelation 3:11, He is "coming soon". You can bet on that - its a direct promise from Jesus Himself.

Meanwhile - I'm going to brush up on Revelation 21-22. Our next destiny. I can't wait to be there.

How about you?

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