Jumat, 06 Mei 2011

Daily Headlines

Palestinian state will be Iranian foothold

"The unilateral establishment of a Palestinian state with Hamas will strengthen Iran's foothold in the region," Katz said, while visiting the Itamar home of the Fogel family, who were murdered by Palestinians in March. "Hamas and its leaders are the only ones in the world that criticized the killing of Osama bin Laden, and we do not need to be in contact with an organization," that partners with Hamas, he added.

Ahmadinejad's nightmare

As in previous years, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad used his country’s celebration of Army Day on Monday to bash Israel and the US... and it has become customary for Ahmadinejad to utter threats against the Jewish state and epithets against the bulwark of freedom and democracy, America.

“A new Middle East will emerge without the presence of the United States and the Zionist regime and their allies in the near future,” Ahmadinejad declared, claiming that the US and Israel were plotting to “spark an Iranian-Arabian Shia-Sunni conflict.”

UNFORTUNATELY, AHMADINEJAD’S prediction that the current revolutionary changes sweeping the region will lead to greater antagonism against Israel and the US and, therefore, to more of the same repressive, backward and/or fundamentalist leadership is no less valid than more optimistic views that see the Arab Spring as a harbinger of a bright new future for the Arab world.

The article then proceeds to give us a realistic view of current events in the Middle East:

Contradictory messages are being conveyed from Egypt, for instance, regarding the future of the Camp David peace agreement with Israel. And the threat that the Muslim Brotherhood will become a dominant force in Egypt is very real. Such a development would further strengthen Hamas-controlled Gaza.

In Libya, the little that is known about the rebels presently receiving Western backing to fight Muammar Gaddafi’s regime is not reassuring. The Libyan Islamic Movement for Change, one of the rebel groups, was formed by Islamists, and the Transitional National Council, the group formed by the anti-Gaddafi rebels during the uprising of 2011, was endorsed by Abu Yahya, a Libyanborn al-Qaida official who broadcast a video message urging the Benghazi rebels to continue the fight for the establishment of an Islamic regime.

Evidence at bin Laden's home raises nuclear concerns

The U.S. has worried quietly about the infiltration of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and military for years. Those concerns heightened in recent months when the CIA learned that bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad was a stone’s throw from Pakistan's military academy.

Pakistan is neither a member of the IAEA nor a party to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Analysts estimate Pakistan to have more than 100 nuclear weapons. The latest estimate by Princeton University’s International Panel on Fissile Materials, which takes account of the world’s nuclear material, estimates that Pakistan possesses between 1.6 tons and 3.8 tons of weapons-grade uranium and between 132 pounds and 286 pounds of plutonium.

“Up to now, the Pakistanis have said the nuclear material is under military and ISI control and particularly the plutonium and highly enriched uranium,” Mr. Heinonen said. “These are from facilities that are not under IAEA control at all.”

“Our major concern has not been that an Islamic militant could steal an entire weapon but rather the chance someone working in [Pakistani government] facilities could gradually smuggle enough fissile material out to eventually make a weapon and the vulnerability of weapons in transit,” said the cable, which was released Wednesday by the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks.

Al Qaeda Revenge Attacks "Certain"

Al-Qaida is much stronger than it was on 9/11 despite the death of Osama bin Laden and it’s a virtual certainty that the growing terrorist group will launch a major revenge attack, according to author and former CIA bin Laden expert Michael Scheuer.
In an exclusive Newsmax.TV interview, Scheuer predicted that bin Laden will have “an enduring resonance among Muslims for hundreds of years,” because he hurt the United States and survived for a decade afterward.

Levee blast means lost year for Missouri farmers

Blasting open a levee and submerging more than 200 square miles of Missouri farmland has likely gouged away fertile topsoil, deposited mountains of debris to clear and may even hamper farming in some places for years, experts say.

The planned explosions this week to ease the Mississippi River flooding threatening the town of Cairo, Ill., appear to have succeeded — but their effects on the farmland, where wheat, corn and soybeans are grown — could take months or even years to become clear. The Missouri Farm Bureau said the damage will likely exceed $100 million for this year alone.

Massive asteroid hurtling towards Earth

A massive asteroid will fly within the moon's orbit narrowly missing Earth later this year.

The space rock, called YU55, will hurtle past our planet at a distance of just 201,700 miles during its closest approach on November 8.

That is closer to Earth than the moon, which orbits 238,857miles away on average.
With a width of some 400metres and weighing 55million tons, YU55 will be the largest object to ever approach Earth so close.

Fatah-Hamas Unity Will End the Peace Process

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned that reconciliation between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas could spell the end of the peace process. “You can not have peace with both Israel and Hamas,” Netanyahu said.

Reacting to the reconciliation deal, Defense Minister Ehud Barak told members of the media that Israel will not negotiate with the Palestinians if Hamas is part of their leadership. “Hamas,” Barak added, “is a murderous terrorist organization that fires rockets on civilians and has recently fired at a school bus with children in it. This is an organization that we have nothing to negotiate with.” Barak charged that Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas), Chairman of the Palestinian Authority, is responsible for what just happened. He added: “ Israel will request from its friends in the world not to negotiate with such a government.”

If you need proof of this idea, here it is (try finding this document discussed in the MSM):

While there is no substantive difference between the Fatah charter and that of Hamas (both call for the disappearance of the Jewish state), the Hamas charter does not mince words:

“Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.”

“The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf, consecrated for future Muslim generations until Judgment Day. It, or any part of it, should not be squandered: it, or any part of it, should not be given up. ”

“There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals, and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.”

“After Palestine, the Zionists aspire to expand from the Nile to the Euphrates. When they will have digested the region they overtook, they will aspire to further expansion, and so on. Their plan is embodied in the ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion,’ and their present conduct is the best proof of what we are saying.”

IAEA: Contaminated Water May Reach West Coast

The International Atomic Energy Agency says radioactive water leaked from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in northeastern Japan may reach the West Coast of North America in one or 2 years.

The IAEA said that, based on an analysis of data provided by Japan and other sources, the contaminated water may spread across the Pacific on the Kuroshio current, and reach the coast of North America by next year at the earliest.

High-Level Radiation Found on Seabed Near Japan's Crippled Nuclear Plant

Japanese officials say radiation readings are 100 to 1,000 times the normal level on the Pacific seabed near the Fukushima nuclear power plant that was damaged in a natural disaster in March.

Local news media Tuesday quoted the plant's operator, Tokyo Electric Power Company, as saying that high levels of radioactive materials were found in samples taken from the seabed at points 20 to 30 meters deep.

The Tokyo Electric Power Company Tuesday began releasing findings on radiation leakage from the Fukushima nuclear accident. The information had been withheld for fear of causing mass panic. Some of the data was posted Tuesday on the company's websites.

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