Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

More News From The Epicenter

You have to love this first article. So Israeli PM Netanyahu had the audacity to declare that Hamas/Fatah must be willing to recognize and acknowledge that Israel has a right to exist as an independent nation - as a cornerstone to any negotiations - and this statement is, in their eyes, a declaration of war. Really? Are we somehow living in a parallel universe? Bizarro world?

Palestinians: Netanyahu peace outline unacceptable

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's parameters for a peace deal, outlined in a speech to the U.S. Congress on Tuesday, fell far short of what is needed to resume negotiations, Palestinian officials said.

Nabil Shaath, an aide to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, said Netanyahu's insistence on keeping key parts of the territories the Palestinians want for their state is a "declaration of war against the Palestinians."

Netanyahu said Tuesday that he is willing to make "generous" territorial concessions, but also told Congress that Jerusalem must remain united as Israel's capital and that Israel wants to keep key areas of the West Bank where tens of thousands of Jews have settled, as well as areas of strategic importance.

Abbas is set to meet with leaders of the Palestine Liberation Organization and his Fatah movement on Wednesday to discuss their next move. The Palestinians have developed an alternate strategy to moribund negotiations, largely on hold since 2008, and have said they will seek U.N. recognition of their state in September.

Palestinian Statehood Vote Looms Over U.S.-Israel Rift

Though Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly clashed with President Barack Obama on Friday and held firm in his stance Monday night, the Israeli leader still needs American help on a looming test: a proposed United Nations vote on a resolution to recognize Palestinian statehood. The vote at September's U.N. General Assembly would be mostly symbolic, and carry little legal weight.

But passage—which is expected if the resolution proceeds to a vote—would be a visible show of Israel's isolation on the international stage.der still needs American help on a looming test: a proposed United Nations vote on a resolution to recognize Palestinian statehood.

"There is panic in Israeli government political circles about the U.N. resolution in September and the U.N. is an arena where Israel has almost zero influence," said Yossi Alpher, a former Mossad officer who was an adviser to ex-Prime Minister Ehud Barak. "Netanyahu and his aides have got to be saying to themselves, 'Can I depend on American support after lecturing the U.S. president in the Oval Office?' "

That will be the single most important aspect of September's vote: What will the U.S. do?

Abbas: Netanyahu's speech had 'nothing we can build on'

PA president says if no breakthrough in peace process, he's still planning to seek UN statehood in Sept.; senior Fatah member Shaath says PM isn't serious about peace, claims Hamas seeking peace, not war with Israel

Earlier Wednesday, senior Fatah member Nabil Shaath rejected Netanyahu’s address to Congress and said that Israel's policies won’t lead to peace. Shaath accused Netanyahu of having destroyed any chances for peace, effectively waging war on the diplomatic process to bring about a final settlement.

The PA negotiator also rejected Netanyahu’s call to cancel the reconciliation agreement between Fatah and Hamas. He said that Hamas came to Fatah denouncing violence and seeking peace with Israel, not war.

That last statement would be hilarious if the stakes weren't so high. Hamas, who refuses to accept any independent Israeli nation under any circumstances, is "seeking peace with Israel". Yea, right. There comes a point where such statements insult one's intelligence.


US: Hezbollah has more missiles than most states

Hezbollah is armed with more missiles and rockets than most states, according to outgoing US Defense Secretary Robert Gates.

In a speech to the American Enterprise Institute, Gates warned against the Shiite group's arming methods and the possibility that it owns chemical and biological weapons, CNN reported Wednesday.

The US official made similar statements last year, but did not back them up with proof. "Hezbollah cruise missiles could threaten US ships with anti-ship missiles with a range of 65 miles," he added.

Two months ago, an Israeli security official provided the Washington Post with a map detailing no less than 550 bunkers, 300 surveillance sites and 100 other facilities the Jewish state believes belong to Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon.

The weapons storage facilities are located in close proximity to medical centers and schools.

And this:

Israel: New Iranian missile likely bound for Hezbollah

A new Iranian missile test-fired on Sunday is likely intended for delivery to terror proxies of the Islamic Republic, like Hezbollah, Israeli defense analysts said on Sunday.

Iran’s Arabic-language state television channel Al Alam reported that the successful test of the new surface-to-surface missile, called Qiyam 1 (Resurrection), demonstrated the country’s self-sufficiency in mass producing weaponry.

Iran did not disclose the range of the missile, but Tal Inbar, head of the Space Research Center at the Fisher Institute for Air and Space Strategic Studies, said that the Qiyam was similar to the Scud missile, which has a range of a few hundred kilometers, makes up the backbone of Syria’s arsenal and is believed to have been transferred to Hezbollah.

Israel links EU support for Palestinians to anti-Semitism

"It's very easy to put all the blame in the world on the Jewish state. As Joschka Fischer, the former German foreign minister once put it in Israel, he said 'I cannot ignore the fact there is an old European tradition of 2,000 years to blame the Jews.' So maybe some of the animosity toward the state of Israel is a disguised [form of this], is coming from this tradition."

Palestinian diplomats say around 10 European countries, including Greece, Ireland, France, Spain and Sweden, as well as non-EU member Norway, will back the UN bid, which is planned to take place in September.

"Once it will be clear that the Arab people, including the Palestinians, really recognise Israel's right to exist as it was established as a Jewish state, then I think it will be possible to achieve an agreement," he said.

The minister described the UN plan as a "challenge to Israel's very existance" because it would bypass deal-making on questions such as the right of return of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees driven out by Israeli soldiers in the 1940s.

Russians Work To Destroy Israel Through Palestinian Statehood

Russia is still manipulating anti-Israeli forces in the Middle East, just as the Soviet Union did before it.
Note that Palestinian People’s Party, mentioned below, is an unreformed Marxist-Leninist organization and the Russian Academy of Sciences was a long time tool of the KGB and the International Department of the old Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

Russia is definitely behind the formation of a Palestinian State on israel’s borders; a major stepping stone in the planned destruction of the Jewish homeland.

From Novosti:

Palestinian movements Fatah and Hamas said they appreciated the support of Russia in their efforts to reach national reconciliation and establish a sovereign Palestinian state.

Representatives of the two rival movements, which signed a reconciliation agreement in Cairo in early May, arrived to Moscow last Friday on an invitation from the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The leaders of Fatah and Hamas, as well as of the People’s and Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the Palestinian People’s Party, Al-Shaabare, met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Monday and agreed a joint statement with Russia.

Russia may have dropped the openly Marxist–Leninist trappings of Soviet days, but Moscow’s anti-Western foreign policy goals have changed little.

Westerners need to realize that Russia is not a moderating influence against extremism in the Middle East, but is still the key instigator of religious and political radicalism in the region

And lastly, we see this interesting perspective:

US Congress sides with Netanyahu over Obama

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech before the US Congress on Tuesday was seen by most Israelis as a resounding success, and as a rejection of President Barack Obama's policy speeches over the previous few days.

Speaking before a joint gathering of the House of Representatives and Senate, Netanyahu reiterated that Israel will not return to its 1967 borders, as Obama had insisted it must do for the sake of peace. The Israeli leader also adamantly restated Israel's position that Jerusalem must not be divided.

Netanyahu's strong statements won no fewer than 29 rounds of applause (26 of them standing ovations) from the lawmakers, despite the fact that he was seen to be defying the Americans' own president.

Writing for Foreign Policy Magazine, analyst Michael Cohen noted that "the idea that Congress would openly side with a foreign leader against the president of the United States seems too far-fetched to believe. Remarkably, however, something not dissimilar happened in Washington Tuesday."

Cohen said congressional leaders, both Republican and Democrat, had consciously provided Netanyahu with the most visible of public podiums from which to rebutt Obama's peace policies.

Israeli cabinet secertary Zvi Hauser told Israel Radio that what the speech also did was put the ball firmly in the Palestinians' court. "Ninety percent of the conflict will be resolved" if Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas simply recogizes Israel as the Jewish state, Hauser noted, echoing Netanyahu's own demands.

Indeed. Israel has two simple requests:

1. That they have borders which will ensure their viability as a nation and

2. They are formally recognized as a nation who has a right to exist on their own land.

Some nerve huh?

And this is considered as a declaration of war by the "Palestinians".

Doesn't this conclusively prove what their real intentions are?

The goal is to create borders which will facilitate the next invasion of Israel. It couldn't be more clear. There is no interest in peace - that is a smokescreen for the true intent:

The complete destruction of Israel.

Meanwhile, the politicians around the world ignore this obvious fact and continue on their path to enable these progressive means to ultimately destroy Israel.

We'll see how this works out.

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