Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

The Arrival of the 12th Imam?

Thanks to James for forwarding this link below. It may explain Ahmadinejad's erratic behavior lately:

Ahmadinejad's Team Expects Arrival of 12th Imam...on June 5

First, some background on this situation:

Increasing tensions between Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad intensified when hardline clerics exerted pressure on Ahmadinejad to obey the supreme leader as the ultimate authority.

Those tensions were exacerbated with the arrest of over 25 of Ahmadinejad’s associates and loyalists, along with a high-level member of his inner circle.

Supporters of the supreme leader are referring to Ahmadinejad’s group as “The Deviant Movement.”

We've been watching this growing divide between Ahmadinejad and Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei and their respective followers. But apparently Ahmadinejad's group has something 'up their sleeve':

This “group” has announced that within the upcoming weeks a monumental event will turn the tide to their advantage.

...one of the officials within “The Deviant Movement” has informed his confidants that certain sources close to the “Mahdi’s Emergence Movement” have stated that an important event will soon change the course of operations to Ahmadinejad’s favor

Apparently, this will happen in two stages:

According to interpretations offered by Ahmadinejad’s team, a high-ranking member of the Islamic Republic will meet with a climactic incident.

This in turn will build up to the announcement of the “covert emergence” of the Twelfth Imam (or Mahdi) in Medina, Saudi Arabia.

So they believe that the Madhi's coming is imminent?

Hardliners critical of Ahmadinejad maintain that his team believes a covert emergence will commence on the 14th of Khordaad (June 5) in Medina, setting the stage for the announcement of the actual emergence in the next few years.

Certain accounts have chronicled that prior to the official emergence of the Mahdi, he will appear covertly in Medina, and during a period of one to three years he will lay the foundations for the actual announcement of his appearance.

The Deviant Movement states that: “At the time of the covert emergence, his regent (i.e., the supreme leader) will be deposed from his position.”

This is interesting - and it explains why Ahmadinejad has become disloyal to Iran's "Supreme Leader". If the Mahdi makes his appearance known, then the "Supreme Leader", the Ayatollah would be rendered irrelevant. Ahmadinejad must be very confident of the Mahdi's appearance if he is taking such an aggressive stance towards the Ayatollah.

Additionally, it appears that Ahmadinejad believes that the first phase of the Mahdi's return, a "covert emergence" has already occurred.

Previously, Ali Mottahari — a pro-supreme leader member of the Islamic Parliament — criticized Ahmadinejad:

Ahmadinejad believes that the covert emergence has, in fact, occurred. Therefore, he acts like he no longer needs the supreme leader and that he can disobey him, as he is taking his orders directly from the Mahdi himself.

The article reminds us of Ahmadinejad's obsession with the return of the Mahdi:

Since Ahmadinejad’s ascent to power, talk of the emergence of the Mahdi has increased. A number of hardliners, who are installed within the halls of the presidency, are attempting to utilize the Iranian and global situation to demonstrate the signs of the emergence of the Mahdi.

As I revealed recently, a secret Iranian documentary, The Coming is Upon Us, details the last condition for the reappearance as the destruction of Israel and the conquest of Jerusalem by Ahmadinejad.

He has been portrayed as the mythical figure in centuries-old Hadiths, Shoeib-ebne Saleh, the Islamic commander who attacks Israel in the End of Times and creates the needed circumstances for the reappearance of the Shiite messiah, the 12th Imam Mahdi.

The question is: Will the rifts in the Iranian leadership push Ahmadinejad and his team to draw Israel into an unwanted war to prove that he is that mythical figure?

This scenario which involves Ahmadinejad considering himself as this "commander who attacks Israel" while creating "the needed circumstances for the reappearance of the Shiite messiah, the 12th Imam Mahdi" - could represent yet another tipping point for the entire Middle East.

If this article is correct, then Ahmadinejad believes that the first phase of the Mahdi's appearance is already underway, a phase which consists of a "covert emergence" of the Mahdi, a period in which the Mahdi is in Medina laying the foundations for his "emergence" to be followed by his announcement of a world-wide "appearance".

There is just one small problem. The Mahdi won't formally appear to the entire world until the "commander" (aka Ahmadinejad) triggers war by attacking Israel - and only then will the Mahdi emerge from Medina to lead the world into Sharia law (after defeating Israel).

It looks like we are getting close. Certainly Ahmadinejad believes this. He is already openly defying Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah under the premise that the Mahdi is present. Ahmadinejad must be very confident in his prophetic beliefs and in the presence of the Mahdi in Medina.

The next move will be Ahmadinejad's - and that move is to trigger war with Israel. Then and only then can he fulfill his self-designated Islamic end times role.

Things are getting very interesting in the Middle East as we approach yet another potential tipping point.

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