Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

Predictable Loss Of Freedom In America: It Had To Happen

This post comes with the usual caveats around various websites and sources of information.
Such a "disclaimer" may be getting redundant, but the last one was erased so its worth repeating.

Before getting into these links, lets recall the caveats:

I am looking at almost every news source possible (that time permits) and attempting to seek the truth by doing so. It is often generally accepted that one can post from certain "main-stream" sites, without giving a second thought to "credibility" - sites such as the NY Times, the Washington Post, CNN etc... Similarly, certain sites are completely disregarded because of their views, their approach, or having been labeled by the MSM as "conspiracy" sites which cannot be trusted.

The above approach is flawed for many reasons. Primarily, I'd like to know why I can reflexively trust the NY Times (for instance) when they have been caught in a number of lies and we know that they are pushing their agenda. The same can be said about many MSM sites and publications. This is perplexing. Additionally, the opposite also happens. We are told to completely disregard certain sites because they are not in lock-step with the MSM.

I reject these notions and rather, rely on the "data" from each article and ask -

- Can the views/information be verified by other, unrelated publications?
- Does the information make sense?
- Is the information something that the MSM would attempt to hide or bury because it isn't consistent with their agenda?

In these last days, I believe it makes sense to look at all available information in order to try and understand what is happening "behind" the veneer of the MSM - and in order to get as close as possible to the truth.

WIth all of that, today we lean heavily on Prison Planet, because this news is inconvenient for the MSM, and you probably won't get much information there. We also have consistent news from a variety of sources and it isn't pretty, nor is it hyperbole:

While You Were Sleeping, They Abolished the Fourth Amendment

Two recent Supreme Court cases have served to virtually abolish the Fourth Amendment in the United States of America, with citizens no longer being “secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizure

In a precedent described by dissenting justices as “breathtaking” and “unnecessarily broad,” the Indiana Supreme Court ruled last week in a 3-2 vote that doing anything to resist police busting down your door and conducting an illegal search is now a criminal act.

“[We] hold that the right to reasonably resist an unlawful police entry into a home is no longer recognized under Indiana law,” the court ruled in the case of Richard L. Barnes v. Indiana.

Dissenting Justices Brent E. Dickson and Robert D. Rucker made it clear that the ruling represented a total rejection of rights enshrined in the Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution.

This ruling is huge.

In a separate case, on Monday the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 8-1 that the police can now also bust down a door and enter your property without a warrant if they smell marijuana or hear sounds that are suggestive of destruction of evidence. The case revolved around the warrantless search of an apartment in Kentucky, Lexington

Of course, the fact that police officers have been known to habitually lie in order to justify illegally entering a property and violating the Fourth Amendment (which is apparently now null and void anyway), was not considered.

These two cases merely scratch the surface of America’s descent into an authoritarian tyranny, which has noticeably deepened over the last few weeks. Describing the United States as a “police state” is no longer a glib or alarmist use of rhetoric, because by every measurable tenet and in every context, the rights guaranteed in the Constitution are now being completely ignored by government or simply abolished altogether.

The concluding statement is absolutely true and can no longer be denied:

The debate is officially over. America has now entered the annuls of history as an authoritarian police state on a par with Soviet Russia, and as that virus spreads throughout all levels of society it will ultimately lead the United States to the same fate – the only question remaining is how messy the collapse will be, how many people will be incarcerated, and how many people the government will murder in the process.

But as stated before, it has to be this way as we approach the Tribulation, More on this later.

No Warrant Necessary

Via: Los Angeles Times:

The justices in an 8-1 decision said officers who loudly knock on a door and then hear sounds suggesting evidence is being destroyed may break down the door and enter without a search warrant.
Residents who “attempt to destroy evidence have only themselves to blame” when police burst in, said Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr.
In a lone dissent, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said she feared the ruling in a Kentucky case will give police an easy way to ignore the 4th Amendment. “Police officers may not knock, listen and then break the door down,” she said, without violating the 4th Amendment.

Indiana Supreme Court Dispenses With Magna Carta, Constitution

In the first case of Lacey v. State of Indiana, the Court ruled that police officers serving a warrant on a private home may simply walk right in without knocking.

The second case of Barnes v. State of Indiana is far more startling. The case deals with one Richard Barnes, a regular Joe citizen of Indiana, who was in the midst of marital problems with his wife one evening in 2007. The couple was arguing when police arrived to the scene and attempted to enter the home.

Barnes made it very clear to the officers that they were not to enter his home. The officers did not have a warrant, and they did not have probably cause to believe that anything illegal was happening. But they entered regardless.

Barnes made it very clear to the officers that they were not to enter his home. The officers did not have a warrant, and they did not have probably cause to believe that anything illegal was happening. But they entered regardless.

Barnes tried to block the door, and as the police officers muscled their way past him, he shoved one of them against the wall in defense of his property. Barnes was choked and tasered in his own home, subsequently hospitalized, then charged with misdemeanor battery on a police officer.

The case went to court, and the Barnes defense team cited a private citizen’s right to resist unlawful entry into one’s home. They lost. The case was appealed, all the way up to the Indiana Supreme Court. Here’s where it gets interesting.

Yet, in summarizing the court’s opinion, Justice Steven David writes, “We hold that there is -no right- to reasonably resist unlawful entry by police officers.”

Wait. Full stop. A citizen has no right to resist unlawful entry by police officers on his private property? Apparently we’re all supposed to lay down like two-toed tree sloths while these jackbooted monkeys turn private property into yet another ‘rights free’ zone.

This ruling simply represents a moving trend towards less and less freedom for people in America:

Americans already have to put up with dispensation of the Constitution at airports, border checkpoints, political events, many train station, and soon to be bus terminals and shopping malls. We’d better add ‘private residence’ to that list as well.

The right to protect oneself and one’s property against unlawful entry is the hallmark of any free civilization. Conversely, it is the hallmark of a totalitarian police state when government goons have the authority to go stomping around on private property without oversight of a judicious, impartial court.

There is no middle ground here… and a government that is on the way to denying this right is not far down the road from denying other basic, seemingly no-brainer rights– like assembly, criticizing the government, and possession of firearms.

And this:

10 Indications The United States Is A Dictatorship

For a people to be free, they must first be honest with themselves, their government, and the world at large. History is filled with stories of free nations that fell under the spell cast by their governments who exploited the threat of terror.

Today we are entering a nebulous world where our "enemy" cannot be defined, has no particular allegiance to one country, and is able to adopt new leaders at will. Rather than encourage a sense of resilience and independence in its citizens, America has chosen to amplify the terror threat in order to concentrate power in the hands of the State.

The very first signpost on this historically familiar road to tyranny is an atmosphere of hate, suspicion, and vindictiveness. It first begins as an outwardly directed aggression and then rather abruptly turns inward upon itself.

The good news is that freedom is won and lost in the hearts and minds of men. It is for this reason that we must state the obvious: we have clearly passed through the first "atmospheric" stage of approaching dictatorship, and have now entered the second -- the open behavior of a dictatorship in the United States.

We stand no chance of reversing this forced march by false democracy until we understand where we are headed, who is leading us there, and for what purpose.

This article is well worth reading. I won't list each factor, but here is a glimpse:

In the last week we have also seen the official elimination of the 4th Amendment in Indiana, which is a clear precedent-setting ruling to say that the State now believes that it owns the property and person of its citizens. As a result, the militarized police have been granted unlimited access, which will only cause an escalation in cases of police brutality and misconduct. This is yet another addition to the precedent set by TSA groping and sexual harassment in airports, Child Protective Services kidnapping children of activists in pro-liberty causes, public school surveillance, and the lawless detention of activists who videotape the police.

All areas of society are now ruled top-down through state legislation adopted to justify federal grants that have installed a police state apparatus in America. And these federal agencies such as the TSA actually believe they rule supreme over the states.

The slow acclimation of the populace to military-style checkpoints began first as border control operations up to 100 miles inland in what the ACLU calls the Constitution Free Zone. However, this has rather quickly morphed into local traffic stops across the country for "unsavory" characters such as those targeted by the Amber Alert system and DUI checkpoints. Though apparently well meaning, we are now far beyond even loosely suspected criminal activity, as VIPR teams have been introduced to take over public transportation and events.

The TSA tyranny has hit the streets of America, now forming a de facto internal passport system straight out of the totalitarian playbook.

Dictatorships know how difficult it is to rule over large populations with only the relatively small numbers of military and police. Despite the lessons of terror created by citizen surveillance that the East German Stasi files left us to examine, just such a network has been openly introduced to present-day America -- and now it's even more high-tech and populated.

Our head of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano -- in partnership with retailer Wal-Mart -- kicked off the See Something, Say Something program, which goes beyond the already high-tech surveillance apparatus of the NSA and turns each of us into an unpaid employee of the police state.

Most dangerous of all, though, is new legislation introduced by Peter King that enshrines Janet Napolitano's program and would provide immunity for accusers "acting in good faith" while reporting suspicious activities. This is guaranteed to lead to false arrests and disappearances, just as it has on every occasion throughout history when a society's fear becomes self-directed.

Even the LA Times takes notice:

Supreme Court gives police a new entryway into homes

Our loss of freedom has been ongoing for decades, and just like the frog not noticing that the temperature in his pot of water has increased slowly, to the point of boiling - we, collectively, have barely noticed - yet now we wake up to a world which is ominously just like the bleak, depressing images by Orwell's "1984".

But as mentioned before - a strong, free America is inconsistent with the world that is coming. We know that world control will be implemented by a figure known as the anti-christ and we know that the world will be under his totalitarian control. This could never take place with an America under a leader such as Ronald Reagan. That America would haven't allowed a world takeover by such a powerful figure.

Additionally, we know that entering into the Tribulation has to be a gradual process, as opposed to an acute singular event. Things just don't happen that way.

Watching the last truly free country slide into a form of central, unabated control from the government is exactly what we should expect as the Tribulation approaches, so in that regard we shouldn't be surprised.

The world is shaping up just as we would expect. America is no exception.

To add to this mix - we must also consider the warnings of Genesis 12:3, where God warned the nations about their actions for or against Israel. As we approach September, it will become even more clear that the U.S. does not support Israel, but does support Israel's enemies.

Genesis 12:3 is clear and unambiguous in terms of God's directive regarding Israel:

"I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you;
I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.

I will bless those who bless you
and whoever curses you I will curse."

How will America be judged based upon that criteria?

Stay tuned, we should get more answers on this question as we approach September.

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