Jumat, 27 Mei 2011

Middle East Summit?

According to DEBKA we may be approaching a U.S. planned summit between Obama, Netanyahu and Abbas for restarting the peace process.

White House is set for Obama-Netanyahu- Abbas summit.

The White House is going full steam ahead with preparations for an early summit between US President Barack Obama, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas for restartng the peace process, DEBKAfile's Washington sources report exclusively.

Sources in Jerusalem and Ramallah confirm that they too are getting set for the occasion. A high-ranking US official told DEBKAfile: "Till now, we have had the curtain-raiser and opening positions: Now we are going for the real show - negotiations."

The official pointed out that although the Israeli and Palestinian leaders assert that the differences between them are too wide to bridge, both are busy preparing for the triple summit at the White House

State Department sources told DEBKAfile that, considering the Palestinian refusal for almost two years to sit down and talk to Israel, some members of the White House National Security Council and State Department as closely watching the Arab League foreign ministers' meeting in Qatar Saturday, May 28,as the key to unlocking Mahmoud Abbas' resistance to the peace track.

Those officials stress that the start of negotiations is the best way to stop Abbas turning to the UN in September for recognition of a Palestinian state within 1967 borders.

And a realistic look is given to this situation:

Sources in Jerusalem confirmed the preparations for the triple summit, but were absolutely sure that the US official was overdoing the optimism in order to squeeze Israel for more concessions...and laid down two propositions that Israel can on no account accept.

--- No Israeli military presence would remain across the new agreed borders between Israel and the Palestinians, i.e. Israel would be denied security provisions;

--- As part of the land swap, Israel would have to give up territory – or, in other words, withdraw not just to the 1967 lines but further west and give up chunks of pre-1967 sovereign land.

If Obama sticks to this position, Israeli sources stressed, the negotiations will end very soon after they begin and the distrust between Israel and Washington will only deepen.

That arrangement would pretty much guarantee Israel's destruction, as such borders would be even more indefensible than the 1967 borders.

Of course PM Netanyahu knows this all too well, and with the current lack of trust between Obama and Netanyahu, it appears that this renewed effort at peace talks will result in failure.

We really can't expect to see a covenant confirmed until the antichrist makes his appearance. Having said that, it is still possible that some sort of agreement could be signed yet not "confirmed", until later at the implementation phase which would come after the formal signing.

This could be an important distinction.

If this were the case, after the signing of a "covenant", some kind of military intervention such as UN forces or EU forces could be sent to the region in order to confirm/maintain the newly formed borders. Such actions could conceivably come months after the signing of the agreement/covenant.

To continue speculating - one has to ask - could it be possible that we could see the initial signing of a peace deal in the Middle East, and it wouldn't be the antichrist who actuallysigns the document, but he (the antichrist) could appear later as the head of a peace-keeping and border control forces?

Just some food for thought. Even if the above scenario played out, I still believe that the gathering up of the Church would occur prior to the initial signing of the document.

What is interesting to a prophecy watcher is how much intense international pressure is being applied to getting a deal done and creating a Palestinian State - as soon as possible.

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