Kamis, 17 Oktober 2013

Two For One

What we are now seeing is "two for one". Or also known as "two items for the price of one".

As mentioned before, when I first became involved in biblical prophecy about 30 years ago, one of the 'big' questions was, what would happen to America to make it disappear from the pages of prophecy (as there is no mention or even a vague reference to America in end times prophecy) - and how could a world-wide dictator arise and engage in world-wide tyranny?

In America, both are happening simultaneously - we're getting a 'two for deal' and at the same time watching the shocking developments that bring the Tribulation within view. The changes in America are just part of this. Because of the U.S. administration's actions, not only are we getting this "two for one' deal, we are seeing the necessary instability in the Middle East, the lack of support for Israel, the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood, the continual rise of terrorist groups in that region, the decline and fall of previous "stable" government structures, the growing of the Gog-MaGog alliance, the pending financial collapse, insurmountable debt, the destruction of the U.S. constitution, loss of freedom in the face of rising tyranny, and on and on this list goes. All of the above have been facilitated and promoted by the current U.S. administration. 

Before getting to those headlines - this first article represents a timely piece from Jan Markell:

I am just off "Understanding the Times 2013." The unstable tide of our times brought almost 3,500 attendees from at least 20 states and one foreign country. And while I do not call these events a "prophecy conference," we certainly hit upon that topic with great enthusiasm. We look at current events, apologetics, discernment issues, the culture, and more.

A few days later, I received an e-mail from an attendee who had come from Indiana to Minnesota for the event. At first I was stunned by one word she used. I got her permission to report this. She writes, "It is so comforting to spend a few hours with people of like minds. Even among believers, I find it unsafe to speak of Bible prophecy."

I've heard eschatology (prophecy) called sensational, speculation, fear mongering, a date-setting scheme, unreliable, and more. I have never heard it suggested that the subject matter is "unsafe." That's like a contagious plague. That's equating it with going into a dark alley in a crime-infested neighborhood. This is nuts.
This woman told me she felt that raising this subject with fellow Christians made her feel unsafe. Fearful. Uncertain.

How did this happen? In part because our churches have called the greatest news in the Bible, that occupies 1/3 of the Bible, a waste of time or too controversial to ever address.  And in part because major Christian leaders such as Rick Warren and Bill Hybels suggest we just not go there. 

The fact that the King is coming should be front-and-center in every church pulpit many times a year. The topic should not be marginalized, mocked, or scorned, and certainly no one should suggest it is "unsafe." If there isn't "safety" in the hope of Heaven, the hope of His return, then we truly are a pitiful generation. The fact that we have this hope sets believers who think this way light years ahead of a hopeless society today.

Things have gone terribly wrong. Things once stable are coming apart. It's when things go terribly wrong that we have the stability of our God and the Bible and the assurance of all Bible promises past, present and future.

That stability is very safe! It's a cup of cold water when lost in a steaming desert. It's a comforter reminding us that no matter how bad things get on earth, perfection awaits in Heaven. It offers peace amidst the pieces. 


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