Kamis, 31 Oktober 2013

Causes of high methane levels over Arctic Ocean

Methane levels in the atmosphere over the Arctic Ocean are very high, as illustrated by the image below, by Leonid Yurganov, showing IASI methane readings for October 11-20, 2013.

Previous posts have discussed these high levels of methane, pointing at links between high methane levels over Arctic Ocean and earthquakes and volcanic activity.

Malcolm Light points at another factor that is contributing to the high methane levels observed over the Arctic Ocean in October 2013.

Malcolm says: The massive methane release in the Arctic this October is partly because the Gulf Stream waters got massive heating in the Atlantic off the North American coast in July. It takes the Gulf Stream currents almost 4 months to reach the emission sites along the southern side and end of the Eurasian Basin. This combined with the earthquake activity along the Gakkel Ridge and deep pyroclastic eruptions is escalating the rate of methane release by destabilizing the submarine Arctic methane hydrates at increasing rates.

The NOAA image below shows temperature anomalies for July 2013. NOAA adds that in July 2013 many regions were much warmer than average, with part of the northeastern Atlantic off the coast of North America observing record warmth.

The image below shows how water traveling along the Gulf Stream ends up in the Arctic Ocean. Water in the Gulf Stream travels at 4 miles per hour, but slows down to less than 1 mile per hour in the North-Atlantic Current. This means that water warmed up off Florida in July will start reaching waters beyond Svalbard in October.

The image below, from Malcolm Light's September 2012 post Further Confirmation of a Probable Arctic Sea Ice Loss by Late 2015, shows how warm water flows into the Arctic Ocean and warms up methane hydrates and free gas held in sediments under the Arctic Ocean.
 The image below shows the methane readings over the past few days on the Northern Hemisphere.

Israeli Planes Strike Syrian Military Base

This is pretty big news - as we never know what will serve as the triggering point for the Middle East to erupt:

Israeli warplanes struck a Syrian air defense base near the port city of Latakia on Thursday, US official have confirmed to media.
An Obama administration official told AP that the attack happened overnight on Thursday, but provided no details. Another security official told the news agency that it took place in the Syrian port city of Latakia, and that the targets were Russian-made SA-125 missiles. 
Another US official told CNN that the Israelis believed the base near Snobar Jableh, south of Latakia, had sensitive and sophisticated missile equipment that may have been transferred to the Lebanese Shiite militant group Hezbollah.
Earlier, Dubai-based broadcaster al-Arabiya reported two attacks carried out by the Israeli Air Forces – one in Latakia and the other one in Damascus. 
Neither the Syrian nor Israeli governments have commented on the alleged attacks.
A spokesman for the Israeli Defense Ministry declined to speak on the matter. 
"We're not commenting on these reports," he told Reuters.

However, an Israeli official speaking anonymously to the news agency said he was inclined to believe that Israel had carried out a strike, although he was not entirely certain. 

The Lebanese military said it observed six Israeli jets flying over Lebanese territory on Wednesday, Reuters reported. Israeli jets frequently fly over Lebanon, but such high numbers have in the past been an indication of a military strike against Syria. 
Earlier in the day, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said there was a series of explosions at a Syrian air defense base in the Mediterranean coastal province of Latakia.

"Several explosions were heard in an air defense base in the Snubar Jableh area," SOHR director Rami Abdel Rahman said, adding that the reason for the blasts remains “unclear.” 

While Israel has remained tight-lipped over an alleged strike in Syria, an Obama administration official confirmed on Thursday that Israeli warplanes had in fact attacked an airbase in Latakia on Wednesday. The target was “missiles and related equipment” the Israeli government assessed might be transferred to the Lebanese terror group Hezbollah,the report said.
A security official told AP that the attack occurred in the Syrian port city of Latakia and that the target was Russian-made SA-125 missiles.

The Israeli government and military establishment have declined to comment on the reports, although one Israeli official told Reuters he thought Israel had carried out the strike, but wasn’t certain. Israel has repeatedly warned that any attempt to transfer to Hezbollah chemical or other game-changing weapons would constitute a “red line” and precipitate military action.

Earlier Thursday, on the heels of reports that the airbase had contained advanced, Russian-made anti-aircraft missiles, Al-Arabiya reported that Israel had attacked not one, but two targets in the civil war-torn country.
Al-Arabiya’s report said two targets had been hit in Syria on Wednesday night – not just the Latakia air defense base, but a target in Damascus as well. Both targets were said to have contained shipments of Russian SA-8 anti-aircraft missiles meant for Hezbollah, which were reportedly completely destroyed.

Earlier Thursday, Al-Arabiya quoted opposition forces as saying the base held S-125 missiles.
The S-125 is especially effective against maneuverable low- to medium-altitude targets, including aircraft. The Egyptians used such missiles with some success during the War of Attrition and the 1973 Yom Kippur war, and batteries used by Iraq may have knocked down coalition aircraft in the First Gulf War.
The system has undergone improvements since then, but countermeasures have also progressed significantly.
A massive explosion was reported at the base late Wednesday night, with some reports that it was targeted by missiles fired from the sea. The Syrian news outlet Dam Press, considered loyal to the regime of Bashar Assad, reported that the site was damaged but that there had been no injuries.

Syria is reportedly in the midst of upgrading its missile defense system to the Russian-made S-300, a move Israel has lobbied against.

Jerusalem: "A Burdensome Stone"

Jerusalem is back in the news. One cannot read these articles without thinking about the warnings from the prophet Zechariah:

"And In that day I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it."
(Zechariah 12:3)

As 26 Palestinian inmates were released from Israeli prisonsovernight Tuesday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Interior Minister Gideon Sa’ar agreed to expedite four East Jerusalem construction plans, including one which would significantly expand the size of an already contentious neighborhood.

Earlier this week, in part to offset the political fallout from the release and counter criticism from the right, Netanyahu’s office announced that the government would approve tenders for the construction of 1,200 new housing units across the pre-1967 Green Line in Jerusalem.

Among the projects to be pushed through, according to Tuesday night’s decision, is a plan to approve 1,500 new apartment units in Ramat Shlomo, and a measure to allow construction of additional rooms in existing apartments in the neighborhood.

Netanyahu and Sa’ar also gave the green light for advancing a tourism and archaeology center adjacent to the City of David — the site of an ongoing archaeological dig and a political flashpoint on the slopes below the Temple Mount — and a national park on Mount Scopus’s eastern slopes.

An Israeli official last week said the Americans and Palestinians were aware of the Israeli building plans, which were made clear before peace talks resumed in the summer.

“For us, all settlements are illegal and Israel should top putting obstacles in the way of peace and all its acts in this regard are illegal and void,” said Rdeneh.

The Palestinians consider settlements a major obstacle to establishing a state that includes the West Bank and East Jerusalem, territories Israel captured from Jordan in the 1967 Six Day War. Israel has since built widely over the Green Line inside Jerusalem, and at dozens of settlements in the West Bank, that are home to some 550,000 Israelis.

The European Union’s foreign policy chief Thursday condemned Israel’s announcement of expansion plans in East Jerusalem neighborhoods, calling on the government to desist even from construction intended to accommodate “natural growth.”

“The EU deplores the recent settlement announcements. Any actions that could hamper or undermine the ongoing negotiations must be avoided,” Catherine Ashton said in a statement. “The EU has repeatedly stated that settlements are illegal under international law. It has also called on Israel to end all settlement activity, including natural growth, and to dismantle outposts erected since March 2001.”

With her statement, Ashton joined a long list of international leaders who criticized the Israeli plan, which was largely seen as a response to the release of 26 Palestinian prisoners from Israeli prisons Tuesday night. Controversial in Israel, the prisoner release occurred in the framework of US-brokered peace talks with the Palestinian Authority.

PA President Mahmoud Abbas’s spokesman, Nabil Abu Rdeneh, was quoted by the AFP news agency saying the move “destroys the peace process and is a message to the international community that Israel is a country that does not respect international law.”
In Washington, State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said, “We do not consider continued settlement activity or East Jerusalem construction to be steps that create a positive environment for the negotiations.”

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said Wednesday that he “deplores” Israel’s announcement of settlement construction plans. The Jordanian government issued a statement warning that the new plans pose “a direct threat” to the peace process

There is “no real prospect for peace” between Israelis and Palestinians unless the status of Jerusalem is resolved, the top UN envoy to the peace process said on Wednesday.

Robert Serry’s brief address to a conference in Jerusalem came in the middle of a tense week, which featured a prisoner release, announcement of settlement construction and the trading of fire between the IDF and terrorists in Gaza. Serry is the UN special coordinator for the Middle East peace process.

“Without resolving Jerusalem, there will be no solution,” he said. “The [UN] secretary general believes that a way has to be found for Jerusalem to emerge as a capital for two states.”

Serry said both sides had “committed themselves” to addressing the status of Jerusalem, and he praised the involvement of the United States in jump-starting negotiations.

The US State Department and the Palestinian Authority on Wednesday denounced Israel’s announcement that it would expedite several settlement expansion plans, with Ramallah saying the move “destroys the peace process.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Interior Minister Gideon Sa’ar on Wednesday agreed to expedite four East Jerusalem construction plans, including one which would significantly expand the size of Ramat Shlomo, with the addition of 1,500 homes. The move was seen as a response to the release of Palestinian prisoners from Israeli prison

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s spokesman, Nabil Abu Rudeina, was quoted by AFP saying the move “destroys the peace process and is a message to the international community that Israel is a country that does not respect international law”.

Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri railed against both Israel and the Palestinian Authority on Wednesday, saying the ongoing peace negotiations are responsible for “now providing [Israel] with a cover for these crimes.”
In Washington, State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said, “We do not consider continued settlement activity or East Jerusalem construction to be steps that create a positive environment for the negotiations.”
The Jordanian government issued a statement warning that the new plans pose “a direct threat” to the peace process.
He said the move was “contrary to international law and constitutes an obstacle to peace.”
Philip Gordon, Washington’s National Security Council coordinator for Middle East policy, told the audience at the American Task Force on Palestine’s annual gala that “The United States does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlement expansion,” in an apparent reference to Israel’s new housing starts.

Also see these articles, which are squarely in the category of "wars and rumors of war", and in the category of the rise of the land of MaGog:

Russian strategic forces carried out a large-scale surprise military drill on Wednesday, launching four nuclear missiles that were closely monitored by U.S. intelligence agencies, U.S. officials said.
The drill began around 9:00 am ET and included the test launch of two land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and two submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs).
The test firings were unusual because of the number of missiles fired at one time, said officials who discussed some details of the drill on condition of anonymity.

Mark Schneider, an arms control specialist, said Russian reports of the exercises described the test firings as a “a major strategic nuclear exercise involving a nuclear war.” The exercises also involved Russian President Vladimir Putin as a commander.

The missiles test fired were identified by the officials with their NATO code names, including a silo-based SS-18 and a road-mobile SS-25, along with the two submarine-launched missiles, an SS-N-18 and SS-N-23.
The SS-18 is Russia’s largest land-based ICBM with a range of up to 10,000 miles and up to 10 warheads, or multiple, independently-targetable reentry vehicles (MIRVs).
The SS-25 is a road-mobile missile capable of launching up to four MIRVs and has a range of up to 6,200 miles.
The SS-N-18 Stingray missile can be equipped with up to seven warheads and is carried on Delta III missile submarines. It has a range of up to 5,000 miles.
The SS-N-23 can carry up to 10 MIRVs and has a range of up to 5,000 miles. It is deployed on Delta IV missile submarines.

Forbes magazine named Russian President Vladimir Putin the most powerful man in the world on Wednesday, ranking the autocratic leader ahead of US President Barack Obama.

 Two Russian Tupolev Tu-160 Blackjack strategic bombers arrived in Nicaragua on Thursday after taking off from an airbase in Venezuela, the Russian Defense Ministry said.
The nuclear-capable bombers “flew above the neutral waters of the Caribbean Sea, entered the airspace of Nicaragua and performed a planned landing,” the ministry said.
The aircraft covered over 2,500 km during their three-hour flight from the Maiquetia airfield in Venezuela.

The Tu-160 Blackjack is a supersonic, variable-geometry heavy bomber, designed to strike strategic targets with nuclear and conventional weapons deep in continental theatres of operation.

Also see:

Kerjasama Militer RI dengan Berbagai Negara: Tank Sampai Jet Tempur

 RI memproduksi tank bersama Turki, dan jet tempur bersama Korsel. 

MBT Altay Turki
Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono pada Hari Ulang Tahun TNI ke-68 di Skadron Halim Perdanakusuma Jakarta, 5 Oktober 2013, menjanjikan kekuatan alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista) RI akan meningkat signifikan dalam waktu dekat hingga akhir tahun 2014. Untuk memodernisasi alutsista sekaligus meningkatkan kualitas sistem pertahanan RI, pemerintah telah menjalin kerjasama dengan industri pertahanan di dalam dan luar negeri.
Ucapan Presiden SBY itu bukan omong-kosong. Sejumlah negara pada akhir Oktober ini membeberkan kerjasama pertahanannya dengan Indonesia. RI aktif menggandeng berbagai negara untuk memperkuat militernya. Mulai negara-negara di kawasan Asia sampai benua Eropa, semua digaet RI dengan rakus demi transfer teknologi pertahanan.

Anggaran modernisasi dan perawatan alutsista TNI sampai akhir tahun 2014 tercatat Rp99 triliun, dan Kementerian Pertahanan masih membutuhkan tambahan anggaran Rp57 triliun. “Kami prioritaskan mencari alutsista bergerak seperti pesawat temput dan tank. Sementara alutsista yang tak bergerak seperti radar,” kata Menteri Pertahanan Purnomo Yusgiantoro

 Tank Bersama Turki-RI 

Selasa 29 Oktober 2013, Duta Besar Turki untuk Indonesia Zekeriya Akcam mengungkapkan negaranya telah mengikat nota kesepahaman (Memorandum of Understanding) untuk bekerjasama membuat tank dengan Indonesia. MoU itu diteken di sela kegiatan Pameran Industri Pertahanan Internasional (IDEF) ke-11 di Istanbul, Turki, Mei 2013.

Produksi tank bersama Indonesia dan Turki tak digarap terburu-buru. Saat ini pemerintah kedua negara lebih dulu mendesain satu prototipe tank. “Setelah desain tank selesai dibuat, maka akan diproduksi massal dan digunakan bagi militer kedua negara,” ujar Zekeriya kepada VIVAnews. Desain tank RI-Turki ini akan diumumkan ke publik internasional setelah kedua negara selesai menggelar pemilu yang sama-sama berlangsung Juli 2014.

Di pihak Indonesia, produksi tank RI-Turki akan melibatkan dua Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN), yakni PT Pindad dan PT Len Industri. PT Len merupakan mitra perusahaan Aselsan asal Turki yang sudah berpengalaman memproduksi peralatan komunikasi militer taktis dan sistem pertahanan elektronik untuk Angkatan Bersenjata Turki.

Sementara dari pihak Turki, proyek tank bersama ini akan ditangani oleh kontraktor pertahanan Turki, FNSS Defense System, yang kerap memproduksi roda kendaraan tempur lapis baja dan senjata untuk militer Turki dan sekutunya. Dari segi teknologi, FNSS jelas lebih maju dari PT Pindad. Ini menjadi peluang bagi Indonesia untuk menerima transfer teknologi dari Turki.

Jika Indonesia sukses memproduksi tank Anoa yang diklaim gesit mendekati sasaran, Turki berhasil membuat tank tempur utama bernama Altay yang berbobot 65 ton dan dipersenjatai meriam kaliber 120 mm dan senapan mesin kaliber 12,67 mm. Seperti dilansir www.artileri.org, tank Altay mampu melaju dengan kecepatan 70 km per jam di jalan mulus. Belum lama ini, Turki juga meluncurkan kendaraan lapis baja intai baru yang diberi nama Kaplan atau Harimau.

Soal tank, PT Pindad juga bekerjasama dengan Belarusia untuk mengembangkan tank. Kerjasama industri pertahanan adalah salah satu poin dalam nota kesepahaman RI-Belarusia yang ditandatangani dalam kunjungan Presiden Belarusia Alexander Lukashenko ke Istana Negara, Jakarta, Maret 2013. Indonesia dan Belarusia juga menjalin kerjasama dalam bidang teknologi informasi dan nanoteknologi.

 Radar Ceko 

Bukan hanya Turki dan Belarusia yang tertarik menjalin kerjasama pertahanan dengan RI, tapi juga Republik Ceko. Ceko kini sedang menjajaki kerjasama dengan militer RI terkait pertahanan radar. Ceko dikenal punya catatan yang baik soal teknologi radar, terutama radar pasif ERA Ceko.

"Ada beberapa perusahaan Ceko yang menawarkan teknologi pertahanan kepada militer Indonesia. Salah satu teknologi yang kami coba jual yakni radar pasif yang dapat digunakan untuk memantau wilayah udara. Kami juga memiliki radar untuk menara pemantau udara (Air Traffic Controller),” kata Duta Besar Republik Ceko untuk Indonesia Thomas Smetanka kepada VIVAnews, Senin 28 Oktober 2013.

Antusiasme Ceko menawarkan teknologi radarnya kepada Indonesia sudah dimulai ketika Presiden Republik Ceko Vaclav Klaus berkunjung ke Indonesia Juli 2012. Indonesia sendiri enam-tujuh tahun lalu pernah menjajaki penggunaan radar pasif Ceko untuk memperkuat pertahanan udaranya. Ketika itu TNI Angkatan Udara datang langsung ke Ceko.

Namun saat itu TNI belum memutuskan untuk menggunakan radar pasif Ceko karena radar tersebut masih harus diintegrasikan dengan sistem radar yang sudah ada di Indonesia. Kesulitan mengintegrasikan radar baru dan radar lama juga terjadi ketika Indonesia menggabungkan sistem radar buatan Inggris dan Prancis.

Selain menawarkan radarnya, Ceko juga berharap dalam menjalin kerjasama pembelian senjata ringan dengan Indonesia. “Tapi saya tidak bisa memaparkan hal tersebut secara spesifik karena masih dalam tahap penjajakan,” kata Dubes Ceko Smetanka.

 Jet Tempur Korea-RI 

Proyek pesawat tempur Indonesia-Korea Selatan yang dimulai tahun lalu, ditargetkan selesai tahun 2020 meski ada kendala dana. Wakil Menteri Pertahanan Letjen TNI (Purn) Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin menekankan pentingnya keberlanjutan produksi jet tempur bersama RI-Korsel itu, siapapun yang terpilih menjadi Presiden RI pada Pemilu 2014.

“Program pesawat tempur KFX/IFX (Korea Fighter Xperiment/Indonesia Fighter Xperiment) adalah program nasional demi kepentingan bangsa dan negara. Kita harus mewujudkannya demi kemandirian bangsa membangun kekuatan pertahanannya,” kata Sjafrie. Tekad itu tak mengherankan karena bila proyek ini berhasil, maka KFX/IFX akan menjadi pesawat tempur pertama yang dibuat Indonesia.

Proyek tersebut kini memasuki tahap kedua, yakni pengembangan pesawat atau engineering manufacturing development. PT Dirgantara Indonesia menyiapkan 30 item dari 72 teknologi dalam pesawat itu. Untuk pengerjaan pesawat dengan skema joint production ini, Indonesia telah mengirimkan 40 orang teknisi dan insinyurnya ke Korsel pada pertengahan tahun 2012.

Pengembangan teknologi jet tempur KFX/IFX akan dilakukan hingga tahun 2020, dan dana yang dibutuhkan untuk memproduksi pesawat ini mencapai US$8 miliar, di mana Indonesia mendapat porsi anggaran sebanyak US$1,6 miliar.

Apapun, ambisi RI dan Korsel untuk memiliki pesawat tempur buatan sendiri masih terganjal dana. Dalam pertemuan antara Ketua Parlemen Korsel Ahn Hong-joon dan Ketua Komite Ekonomi Nasional (KEN) Chairul Tanjung, Mei 2013, terungkap bahwa pemerintah Korsel kesulitan mencari dana untuk proyek mahal tersebut. Namun Hong-joon meyakinkan, proyek KFX/IFX tak akan terhenti.

Direktur Utama PT DI Budi Santoso mengatakan, jet tempur Korsel-RI ini nantinya akan lebih canggih dari F-16 buatan Amerika Serikat. “Kalau F-16 itu generasi keempat, F-35 generasi kelima, KFX/IFX di tengah-tengahnya. Sukhoi buatan Rusia masih generasi empat,” kata Budi.

Untuk diketahui, F-16 dan F-35 merupakan pesawat tempur buatan Amerika Serikat, namun diproduksi oleh perusahaan yang berbeda. F-16 dikeluarkan oleh General Dynamics, sedangkan F-35 dikembangkan oleh Lockheed Martin.

KFX/IFX buatan RI-Korsel nantinya akan diproduksi sebanyak 250 unit, dan Indonesia mendapat bagian 20 unit. Satu unit pesawat tempur ini nantinya dihargai sekitar US$70-80 juta.

Masih banyak negara-negara lain yang berminat menjalin kerjasama dalam industri pertahanan dengan Indonesia, misalnya Ukraina. Komisi I DPR RI yang membidangi pertahanan, intelijen, dan luar negeri telah berkunjung langsung ke Ukraina, April 2013. Ukraina merupakan salah satu pusat industri militer di masa Uni Soviet masih berdiri.

Di Ukraina, DPR antara lain mengunjungi industri lapis baja, radio, roket jarak jauh dan luar angkasa, penerbangan, serta perkapalan. “Ukraina adalah negara produsen peluru kendali terbesar ketiga di dunia. Indonesia menginginkan pola kerjasama transfer teknologi dan produksi bersama,” kata anggota Komisi I Husnan Bey Fananie.

Namun kerjasama pertahanan RI-Ukraina sejauh ini belum terealisasi karena belum terbentuk komisi gabungan antara kedua negara.(eh)
