Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011

Iran, Turkey and "The Ten"

This is an interesting note from Hal Lindsey (thanks to Tasarwen for the find) and it is relatively brief, so I've linked it below. Some of his comments are really worth repeating, because such comments reveal the basis for a literal view of prophecy and the reproducibility of prophecy over time - again, assuming a highly literal view.

I recall the various predictions (not limited to the examples posted below) that brother Hal made decades ago, based upon a literal view of prophecy, and the scoffers appeared in abundance - arguing against his literal view but basing their arguments on current news as known at that time.

As described by the apostle Peter, and found in 2 Peter 1, we know that we can trust prophecy more than what we actually see and hear around us. In other words, the words of prophecy are even more trustworthy than the things our senses can determine. Just ponder that thought for a few minutes.

Hal Lindsey's Report

When I wrote "The Late Great Planet Earth" in 1969, I was roundly criticized for my predictions about the roles of Iran and Turkey in the 'last days' scenario. Many of those critics have now fallen silent. It doesn't take a prophecy scholar to see that, indeed, Iran and Turkey are moving into the positions foretold by the ancient prophets.

Of course, I was also taken to task by other critics who belittled the importance I placed on Russia and the European Union back in 1969. I'm not sure where those detractors are now, because, true to Bible prophecy, Russia has risen from the ashes of the fallen Soviet Union.

Likewise, the European Union, though currently gripped in the throes of economic upheaval, is still moving forward to solidify its role in the final days of this Age. In fact, on July 1, 2011, a major milestone was quietly passed in the evolution of that body.

I want to properly set the stage so you will understand the importance of events that have taken place in the last few weeks in Turkey.

I really don't see this as any sort of 'bragging' by Mr Lindsey, but pointing out the nature of literal prophecy. World events can always, reliably, be counted on to line up with the prophetic scriptures. Always. Despite the scoffers and despite what seems reasonable to us at the time.

After describing some of Turkey's past history, and their distancing themselves from radical Islam, we see more recent history:

Turkey's military has found it necessary to seize the government several times since its founding. Each time, Islamic forces have been curtailed and the government returned to secular civilian rule. But since the rise of the Justice Party, an Islamic-leaning political party also known as AKP, the Turkish military has seen its role as the guarantor of Turkey's constitution slowly eroded.

In fact, the ranks of Turkey's military officers' corps have been thinned considerably by hundreds of arrests in the last several months. The officers have been charged with conspiracy to stage a coup d'etat in 2003! Oddly enough, that's precisely the military's job when it sees Islam becoming too strong an influence on the state.

Last month, dozens of senior officers -- generals and admirals -- were arrested on conspiracy charges. Last week, the Turkish military Chief of Staff and the heads of all the services resigned abruptly. They were replaced by officers more sympathetic to the cause of Islam.

And here is the bottom line:

What makes these developments noteworthy is the fact that Turkey has been a solid Western ally for more than half a century.

So when Turkey begins to pull away from the West, turn on Israel (as we've seen in recent years), cozy up to Iran and other Islamic nations, and start drifting into Russia's sphere of influence, it bears prophetic significance.

And now we get to the most interesting part:

Remember Daniel's interpretation of King Nebuchadnezzar's dream of an image constructed of various metals? Remember his description of the final kingdom consisting of "ten kings?"

Well, on July 1, the EU formally invested certain critical powers always reserved to the core group known as the "Western European Union," in a new 'Permanent Council.' By its own choice and in its own official documents, that group is hereinafter to be known as "The Ten."

Eerily familiar, isn't it?

In fact, there is a lot we read in today's headlines and see in each day's newscast that is eerily familiar, especially to those who seriously study the Bible's prophecies for the final days of the Age of Grace.

Each time I review those prophecies and each day when I watch the news, I'm reminded that our time on this earth is growing short. If you have not received the free gift of pardon that Jesus Christ died to purchase for you, do it now. Today is the only day we're promised. Today is the day of salvation.

Now I have no idea who will end up representing the biblical 10 kings.

Personally, I tend to lead towards the idea that we will ultimately see 10 world regions/unions formed (well, they are already formed or forming with the 10th being a North American Union), in the model of the EU. But that is 100% speculation.

Many prophecy watchers see the EU developing a powerful block of 10 nations (similar to or equal to the WEU).

Who knows. The details are unclear but they are beginning to crystalize. One thing is very clear however - we are rapidly approaching the last days as the Tribulation looms just ahead.

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