Senin, 29 Agustus 2011

Rumors of War

It seems that the rumors of war are in the news daily in and around Israel, as the terror attacks continue - while Israel braces for more:

South Tel Aviv: 8 hurt in terror attack outside nightclub

Eight people were injured in south Tel Aviv early Monday morning, when a terrorist from the West Bank carjacked a taxi and rammed it into a police road block protecting a Tel Aviv nightclub, before going on a stabbing spree.

Police said the terrorist, a 20-year-old Nablus resident, entered a taxi near the beginning of Salameh Street, and hijacked the vehicle, stabbing the driver in the hand. He then drove for approximately a kilometer down Salameh Street towards the Haoman 17 nightclub, which was filled with high school children at an end-of-summer party. At the time of the attack, almost all of the teenagers were inside the club.

"He then got out of the car, screamed Allah Akbar [God is Great], and went on a knife attack," a police spokeswoman said.

Also see:

PA Terror Attack in Tel Aviv Was Aimed At 2,000 Teens

Terror Alert in South, IDF Beefs up Forces

The IDF has beefed up its presence in the south amid a report that Islamic Jihad terrorists from Gaza are planning to attack from the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt and bordering Israel.

The Sinai always has been an area which Bedouin tribes and terrorists – some of them Bedouin and some of them Arab terrorists from Egypt and Gaza – have tried to control. They have staked out more claims of sovereignty since the ouster of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.

The latest terror alert comes almost two weeks after the murder of eight Israelis in multiple terrorist attacks near the Ovdat Airport on Highway 12, approximately half an hour northwest of Eilat.

A Terror Attack Every Two Days

In the 10 days after Palestinian raiders killed eight Israelis on the Eilat highway on Aug. 18, Israel has suffered five terrorist attacks, the latest in Tel Aviv Sunday night which targeted a big teenagers' back-to- school party.

Since then, Israel has received a specific warning that another attack is building up fast: A Jihad Islami team has departed the Gaza Strip for Sinai where it has set up another multiple attack from the Egyptian border on southern Israel.

Sunday night, dire security concerns closed two national highways, 12 and 10, to traffic, suspending the road links between northern Israel and the South – causing major disruptions in the entire affective region.

Since last week, Jerusalem has been on high terror alert level. Various signs of preparation for several attacks in the capital were spotted by security forces at sensitive locations.

Barak: We won't tolerate terror attacks in our daily lives

Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Monday assessed the current security situation following a terror attack in Tel Aviv and the threat of another attack near Gaza and said "we won't tolerate terror attacks that affect daily life in Tel Aviv or the country as a whole."

"We are on high alert in the South with the potential of a further terror attack similar to the one that took place ten days ago," Barak said during a visit to Ashkelon.

In other news around the world:

The Mystery of Comet Elenin

Astronomers and other outer space experts are speaking out on a comet expected to make a close call with colliding into Earth later this year. The consequences could be dire, so why are so many people unaware of it?

“I think it’s worth a raised eyebrow” says author Brooks Agnew. He’s done a lot of research on Elenin and tells RT that there are some rather strange coincidences regarding the comet that people should take into consideration.

Agnew says that NASA calls the comet just “a harmless little fuzzball of ice” that won’t come within more than 20 million miles from Earth. Others, he says, are claiming that this comet should raise concern since it doesn’t look like a comet, doesn’t act like a comet and is coming from outside of the area where most comets are accustomed to originate out of.

“There are a lot of things about this comet that don’t make sense,” Agnew says.

Another thing raising concern for the author is that another large asteroid is expected to come close to Earth around the same time. Coincidentally, he says, a new emergency alert system has been announced to debut the same day that asteroid will rock right by our planet.

Nationwide EAS Test to Last About 3 Minutes

More technical details about the upcoming national EAS test are trickling out of the FCC.

For one thing, the commission is confirming that the test on Nov. 9 will last for about three minutes, something of an eternity in modern-day radio.

The FCC says that during the test, FEMA will originate a “live” Emergency Action Notification code to all EAS participants, including radio and TV stations, cable systems, Sirius XM, satellite TV providers and wireline video service providers.

As part of the test, the public will be told the EAS has been activated for a national emergency, along with an audible notice that “this is a test.”

It looks like another asteroid will pass by earth just after Elenin passes by:

Huge Asteroid to Pass Near Earth in November

Mark your calendars for an impressive and upcoming flyby of an asteroid that’s one of the larger potentially perilous space rocks in the heavens – in terms of smacking the Earth in the future.

It’s the case of asteroid 2005 YU55, a round mini-world that is about 1,300 feet (400 meters) in diameter. In early November, this asteroid will approach Earth within a scant 0.85 lunar distances. [Photo of Asteroid 2005 YU55]

“The close Earth approach of 2005 YU55 on Nov. 8, is unusual since it is close and big. On average, one wouldn’t expect an object this big to pass this close but every 30 years,” said Don Yeomans, manager of NASA’s Near-Earth Object Program Office and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.

Massive asteroid hurtling towards Earth

A massive asteroid will fly within the moon's orbit narrowly missing Earth later this year.

The space rock, called YU55, will hurtle past our planet at a distance of just 201,700 miles during its closest approach on November 8.

That is closer to Earth than the moon, which orbits 238,857miles away on average.

With a width of some 400metres and weighing 55million tons, YU55 will be the largest object to ever approach Earth so close.

And lets not forget Europe:

Polish finance minister says Europe at risk of "collapse"

Polish finance minister Jacek Rostowski has said the EU could "collapse" if leading countries such as Germany mishandle the financial crisis.

Speaking in Polish daily Gazeta Wyborcza on Monday (29 August), the minister said: "European elites, including German elites, must decide if they want the euro to survive - even at a high price - or not. If not, we should prepare for a controlled dismantling of the currency zone."

He added: "We have a simple choice: Solidarity or the collapse of Europe."

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