Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011

Signs Everywhere: Birth Pains are Increasing in Frequency and Severity

There is absolutely no doubt about it - the generational birth pains are most definitely increasing. Every single sign: Earthquakes, war/rumors of war, pestilence, persecution, famine, you name it and its increasing in an undeniable way. We seem to be reaching the last stages of "labor" as we approach the Tribulation:


Virginia Earthquake 2011: USGS Warns it May be a Foreshock

Minutes after the quake, the director of the USGS, Marcia McNutt -- who watched objects falling from the shelves in her office -- cautioned that the shaking might not be over.

"What the concern is, of course, is that this is a foreshock. If it's a foreshock, then the worst is yet to come," McNutt told The Washington Post.

Today we see yet another huge quake in the world, this time in Peru:

7.0-Magnitude earthquake strikes northern Peru

A 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck northern Peru on Wednesday, authorities said.

The quake's epicenter was about 350 miles (570 kilometers) northeast of the country's capital, Lima, and 50 miles (80 kilometers) north of Pucallpa, Peru, the U.S. Geological Survey reported.

4.5=Mag Aftershock Rumbles Overnight

The 5.8-magnitude earthquake Tuesday that shook people from Georgia to Canada has produced at least five aftershocks, including one at 1:07 a.m. Thursday that clocked in at a magnitude of 4.5 and woke up many people across the D.C. region.

Just take a look at the quakes over the past two weeks:

Earthquake Map


Libya's deadliest weapons not yet corralled

No one can be sure who controls the Libyan government's weapons stockpiles, a stew of deadly chemicals, raw nuclear material and some 30,000 shoulder-fired rockets that officials fear could fall into terrorists' hands in the chaos of Moammar Gadhafi's downfall or afterward.

One immediate worry, U.S. intelligence and military officials say, is that Gadhafi might use the weapons to make a last stand. But officials also face the troubling prospect that the material, which was left under Gadhafi's control by a U.S.-backed disarmament pact, could be obtained by al-Qaida or other militants even after a rebel victory is secured.

Nuclear experts warn of Libya "dirty bomb" material

A research center near Tripoli has stocks of nuclear material that could be used to make a "dirty bomb," a former senior U.N. inspector said on Wednesday, warning of possible looting during turmoil in Libya.

Islamist Cleric: Meet an Israeli? Kill Him

Keep this in mind as the MSM tells us that the Muslim Brotherhood is a "moderate" group:

A senior cleric in the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood has declared that ordinary Egyptians are obligated to kill 'Zionists' whom they encounter. According to Arutz Sheva Arab affairs expert Dalit Halevy, the pronouncement is part of a general wave of incitement that directly endangers Israelis who are currently in Egypt.

Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood Threatens To Kill Israeli Ambassador Unless He Leaves The Country

The Muslim Brotherhood has threatened to kill Israel’s ambassador to Cairo if he does not leave the country. The radical Muslim group has been leading daily protests at the Israeli embassy in Cairo, demanding the expulsion of the envoy and a break in relations between Egypt and Israel.

Hundreds of demonstrators surrounded the embassy Monday as armored military and police officers prevented them from repeating Saturday night’s incident when rioters broke down the gate. One firebomb smashed through a front window of the embassy’s office.

Rocket hurts baby: IDF hits Gaza arms depot

At least 20 rockets were fired at Israel's southern communities since Wednesday evening with calm nowhere in sight.

A rocket fired at Ashkelon Wednesday evening exploded near a house in the Hof Ashkelon Regional Council. A 9-month-old baby was hit by glass splinters and sustained light to moderate wounds. He was taken to the Barzilai Medical Center. A vehicle caught fire and damage was also caused to several structures.


America is Under Attack

As most of you are aware, the fascist and Marxist left has, over the years, infiltrated and virtually taken over middle and upper management of our government agencies. Land and environmental management agencies, especially, have been infested with radicals and extremists, the way the Democrat-run inner cities are infested with rats, cockroaches, and criminals. They are everywhere, in the daylight, and in the dark nooks and crannies.

As early as 1946, the left began a strategy to use people’s concern for the environment to impose government control over land use (http://sovereignty.net/). They tricked people into accepting laws that on the surface appeared designed to protect some aspect of the environment, but always, with vague or ambiguous language, or clauses hidden deep within the legalese and gobbledygook, gave government the power to regulate and control our property, our businesses, and our lives. Today, we see this manifest in the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the totally misnamed Environmental Protection Agency.

The insane reporting requirements for “greenhouse gas emissions” that will cost consumers tens of millions of dollars, are just the beginning. What the neo-fascist and Marxist Democrats were stopped by the American people from doing with cap-and-trade, they are now trying to do using administrative rules and executive orders. Remember when he told us we couldn’t keep using air conditioning and heat?

Shadowhawk: RC Copter from Hell

When you think about RC helicopters, the word lethal isn’t really something that pops into mind, but it might when you see this one. The Shadowhawk helicopter is remote-controlled and can fire stun batons, shotgun shells and grenades at your enemies.

It took Vanguard Defense about three years to come up with this, but it will sure surprise anyone who dismisses the Shadowhawk as a toy. It’s 7 feet long and weighs 49lbs. It can travel at speeds of up to 70mph. It’s got a bunch of sensors so that it can also serve as a drone, as well as laser pointers, range finders, and 37mm or 40mm grenade launchers.

Judge Calls Location-Tracking Orwellian, While Congress Moves To Legalize IT

A federal judge’s decision requiring the government to get a court warrant before obtaining mobile-phone location data is one of a string of conflicting opinions on the topic. It comes as lawmakers and the Supreme Court weigh in on the hot-button issue of locational privacy.

U.S. District Judge Nicholas Garaufis ruled on Tuesday that the government can only acquire cellphone location data on a surveillance target with a full-blown “probable cause” warrant from a judge. The government had argued that it’s entitled to the data whenever it’s “relevant” to a criminal investigation — a lower standard. The feds were seeking 113 days worth of cell-site data, or “recorded information identifying the base-station towers and sectors that received transmissions” from the target’s cellphone.

“While the government’s monitoring of our thoughts may be the archetypical Orwellian intrusion, the government’s surveillance of our movements over a considerable time period through new technologies, such as the collection of cell-site-location records, without the protections of the Fourth Amendment, puts our country far closer to Oceania than our Constitution permits,” (.pdf) the judge wrote.

Ron Paul: Mobs in Europe A Sign Of Things Coming


Magnitude 7.0 - Northern Peru

Hurricane Irene: Major Northeast Threats

Our projected path map below continues to paint an ominous picture by pointing Hurricane Irene right in the direction of the East Coast this weekend. The latest computer model guidance confirms this threat and the first hurricane watches have been issued for the United States.

The potential is real for the strongest hurricane hit on the Northeast in at least a couple decades this weekend!

We're clearly in the mist of growing birthpains, both in frequency and magnitude. There can be no doubting this fact.

Jesus gave us these signs for a reason - our knowing the signs and preparing for His coming is of tremendous importance to Jesus.

Just consider that His last teaching - only moments before His arrest and execution - He was discussing end times prophecy in great detail (Matthew 24, Luke 21, Mark 13)...

And consider that immediately following His resurrection, He was discussing the importance of prophecy and He was teaching that confusion arose about His death and resurrection because the people of that day (including the apostles) resulted from not knowing the prophetic scriptures. Take a look at Luke 24, where Jesus described the prophecies to the two men walking back to Emmaus, and His detailed review of the prophecies of His first coming to the apostles.

He wants us to be prepared for His coming - one of the main reasons we have these prophetic scriptures.

The signs are in abundance - every single sign that He gave us is peaking right now - all of them.

Jesus gave us a "cheat-sheet" concerning His coming - He took considerable time and effort making sure that these prophecies were transcribed and available to all of us. It is that important to Jesus.

Just take a look Luke 12. Jesus actually called His followers hypocrites for not understanding the prophetic scriptures of that day, as they pertained to His first coming.

Time is growing short now. The time to be fully prepared for His coming is now.

We need to prepare by continual deep prayer and a longing to be with Him.

The Groom is coming for His Bride. What Bride doesn't want to be prepared for that day?

This is an expectation that Jesus has - the basis of His prophetic scriptures.

He also said to be looking up at this time. Looking up for His return with a focus on Him and our imminent fate - not to be concerned, worrying or fretting over the condition of this world.

Jesus has a far better plan for us. A plan that will be coming soon. Its a promise.

Now is the time. We need to be fully prepared for His coming.


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