Senin, 22 Agustus 2011

Updates: A Dose of Reality Needed

That is what struck me this morning - going through the news. Prophecy watchers really don't need it, as we live in reality but the MSM and its loyal followers desperately need a dose of reality.

Ceasefire around Israel? Please.

Hamas Breaks Its Ceasefire 14 Times in 24 Hours

Hamas has repeated its past performance of declaring a ceasefire and immediately breaking it, firing more than a dozen more rockets and mortar shells on southern Israel Sunday night and Monday morning.

One rocket in the pre-dawn hours hit a building in the Eshkol region, adjacent to Gaza, causing damage but no injuries.

The Israeli Security Cabinet Monday morning stated that the ceasefire is one-sided and that the IDF will continue to attack to stop missile launches. It added that Israel will respond to any more rocket and mortar shell attacks with “pinpoint” retaliation.

The following description of reality seems highly accurate and makes a lot of sense:

"Hamas is trying to draw Israel into fighting in [Gaza] to weaken its [Israel’s] power in the international arena in preparation for the Palestinian statehood decree in September," a senior diplomat told Army Radio. "This way Hamas will be seen as leading the way for the establishment of a Palestinian state."

He said that Hamas wants an escalation despite its ceasefire announcement. The ensuing missile attacks on Israel Sunday night and Monday morning may have been an attempt to draw into an escalation.

Consider this: Is Hamas et. al., attempting to set the stage for the "Responsibility to Protect" doctrine to be used? Food for thought.

Gaza Fires 3 Grad Rockets, 3 Mortar Shells

Gaza terrorist squads fired three Grad medium-range missiles and three mortar shells into Israeli territory Sunday evening. The rockets and shells exploded in open areas within the Eshkol and Hof Ashkelon local authorities.

Terror Alert in Jerusalem

The Jerusalem Police raised the level of alert in Jerusalem Sunday after receiving intelligence that a squad of Arab terrorists intends to carry out an attack inside the city.

The intelligence information is of a general, not specific, nature. It is known that terrorists intend to enter Jerusalem and carry out an attack. The time range for the attack is described as "immediate."

Jerusalem on high terror alert

Jerusalem Police went on high alert Sunday following warnings that terrorists were planning to carry out attacks in the capital.

Throughout the city, officers set up checkpoints and additional forces were deployed. Patrols and security checks on suspicious vehicles also increased.

Before moving on to Libya and recent events there, lets get a dose of reality in terms of what is really happening in the region:

Burying the Arab Spring

After all, what is happening in Libya, we're told, is part of this so-called "Arab Spring", so lets get a dose of reality:

It was only three months ago that you could hardly open a newspaper without encountering columns full of growing predictions about the revolution sweeping the Middle East. Now the Arab Spring is swiftly becoming the embarrassing relative in the journalism family. The predictions as silly as crystal healing and alien visitations.

In Libya and Syria, the Arab Spring has become a slow grinding death match between the government and the opposition.

In Egypt, the revolution has been more like a realignment, with the army and Muslim Brotherhood sharing power. Tahrir Square is over. The Western backed leftists who were meant to benefit from the coup are hanging around foreign capitals giving speeches about the importance of a movement that has already made them irrelevant. El Baradei is a punchline in an Egyptian joke, and the only one who doesn’t get it is Thomas Friedman.

Lets stop there for a second. We were told by the MSM that freedom would come to Egypt as a result of the "uprisings", but interestingly we aren't hearing the MSM mantra anymore, as a dose of reality has set in (hence the news blackout by the MSM).

Instead, as many prophecy watchers predicted, Egypt has been taken over by the radical Muslim Brotherhood and since then, the border with Israel has allowed thousands of modern weapons in, and look at what we have in Israel today.

So much for the utopia around the "Arab Spring".

In Tunisia and Yemen, the Islamists have a clear path to power. And if Libya and Syria do fall, it won’t be to the enlightened forces of secular democracy, but to a populist Islamic state that will make the Taliban look like secular humanists.

Exactly. More on this later.

The Arab Spring will become an Arab Winter. And the Western media columnists who drove the narrative will go on associating themselves with a grand revolution that failed.

They all worked to manufacture and distribute a narrative that had as much in common with regional realities as Harry Potter does with the British public school system.

The reality? see below:

The majority of the Muslim world is not interested in Whiskey, Sexy and Democracy. Rather they want Whippings, Sharia and Dhimmis. They want security and stability, and that can only come from either a dictatorship or an Islamic state. They want state subsidized prices and jobs, which makes for a stagnant economy. And they want Islamic morals policing and second class status for non-Muslims and women, which means there is no room left for human rights.

But after the decline and fall of the Arab Spring into tyranny and brutality, there are no other arguments to make. None that can avoid the central issue of Islam.

The reality is - the fact that the Arab Spring has accomplished one dictator with a radical Islamic regime, and this was the plan all along. The exact same scenario will happen in Libya:

Libya conflict: FInal battle for Libya under way

The final battle for Libya was under way last night as advancing rebel forces routed loyalist troops on the outskirts of Tripoli and Nato declared Col Muammar Gaddafi’s regime was “crumbling”.

Rebels sweep into Tripoli as Gaddafi forces crumble

Rebel fighters sweep into Tripoli as Gaddafi's forces collapse, crowds take to streets to celebrate end of dictator's regime. Two of Libyan leader's sons captured by rebels, while Gaddafi's own whereabouts remain unknown

The rebels made their entrance into the capital driving in convoy through a western neighborhood.

A rebel spokesman said the rebels now controlled over 95 percent of Tripoli, including the Libyan state radio building.

Debka gives us a dose of reality and asks a few interesting questions:

Qaddafi regime falls in Tripoli.

Qaddafi's regime fell in Tripoli just before midnight Sunday, Aug. 22. The rebels advanced in three columns into the heart of the capital after being dropped by NATO ships and helicopters on the Tripoli coast. Except for pockets, government forces did not resist the rebel advance, which stopped short of the Qaddafi compound of Bab al-Aziziyah.

Take a look at the questions that are being asked in this article. Very interesting. Here are just a couple:

Can the heavily divided rebels, consisting of at least three militias, put their differences aside and establish a reasonable administration for governing a city of many millions? Their performance in running the rebel stronghold of Benghazi is not reassuring.

DEBKAfile's military and counter-terror sources suggest a hidden meaning in Qaddafi's comment that Tripoli is now like Baghdad. Is he preparing to collect his family, escape Tripoli and launch a long and bloody guerrilla war like the one Saddam Hussein's followers waged after the US invasion of 2003 which opened the door of Iraq to al Qaeda?

There are other questions that are being asked as well.

Additionally, there is one aspect to this "uprising" that you can count on. Whatever "faction" assumes rule in Libya will consist of radical Islamic elements - count on it and take it to the bank.

With that, we go back to Israel with another dose of reality:

Escalation in the south behind us?

Tensions remain high in the south after four days of escalating violence and deadly rocket fire reminiscent of the days before Operation Cast Lead, but the next few hours may prove crucial as far as Israel's next steps go.

Although we clearly disproved any premise of a "ceasefire" in the first few posts today, the following confirms that - with a further dose of reality:

Meanwhile in Gaza, Hamas and Islamic Jihad officials may have agreed to a ceasefire but a spokesman for the Popular Resistance Committees immediately issued a statement saying the group would not accept a ceasefire agreement with Israel.

"Our stance is clear. We have no connection to the ceasefire agreement with the Zionist enemy," Abu Mujahed told a Palestinian news agency.

He said Israel had stepped up violence by assassinating members of the PRC and that it had to take responsibility for its actions. "We cannot accept a ceasefire while airstrikes continue to reverberate everywhere," Abu Mujahed said, adding that the ceasefire was "cursed".

No, there will be no ceasefire. The only time peace will come to the region is immediately following the 2nd Advent of Christ Jesus as He returns to earth to establish His reign on earth. Only then will there be peace in the region (or the world for that matter). Before that, the only peace agreement that appears to broker peace will be when the antichrist confirms his covenant - but that one, like all the others, will be short-lived.

Reality is given by biblical prophecy and a discerning eye. The MSM doesn't get it and they never will, as they attempt to impose their view of utopia.

The irony is - the fact that soon enough, those who hate the God of the bible, and those who actively engage in persecution of Jews and Christians will seemingly get their utopia. And for a brief period, it will appear that they have their perfect world. The Christians will have mysteriously disappeared and their coveted world leader will appear on stage and seem to have all of the answers to the world's problems.

And then it will all come crashing down.

Meanwhile, the Church Saints will have indeed "mysteriously disappeared". But it will be no mystery to us. We'll be residing in our eternal home - a place called New Jerusalem. For a preview of what is to come, just read the last two chapters of the book of Revelation - that is where we will be. Those two chapters, 21 and 22 give us a glimpse of what is to come.

After all, New Jerusalem will be our new reality soon enough.


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