Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2011

A Dose of Reality II

Three very interesting articles are seen today and they are all related as we seek a dose of reality.

FINALLY we can see "the bottom line" regarding the "PA Statehood" bid to the UN that we have been following. It really boils down to a simple extortion scheme:

Abbas: 1967 lines, settlements freeze could stop UN bid

In other words, the message to Israel is this:

- Concede indefensible borders which would allow for our "real' goal - the complete destruction of Israel - or we will get it done directly through the UN, and THEN we will destroy Israel.

From the article:

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Saturday set two conditions for abandoning his plan to ask the United Nations to recognize a Palestinian state in September: acceptance of the 1967 lines as the basis for a two-state solution and a cessation of settlement construction.

"We want to fulfill our dream of achieving official recognition of our Palestinian state with full sovereignty over the territories occupied in 1967 and a full membership in the UN."

He said that the Palestinians were going to the UN after having conducted "thorough" consultations with experts and politicians, as well as Arab countries.

At least they are finally coming out and essentially admitting their extortion plans, are just that - extortion plans. In so many words.

Then, we see this article:

Iran Plans to Include Egypt in Terror Axis

Egypt is an interesting story. It has always been assumed that Egypt would be an important player, covertly or overtly, in the Psalm 83-Isaiah 17 scenario, but it seemed hard to believe up until the "Arab Spring" gave rise to the political changes seen in Egypt - with a Muslim Brotherhood takeover (almost complete now) and the most toxic anti-Israeli sentiment we have seen in Egypt in years.

Iran was working behind the scenes to ensure they had yet another partner in the quest to destroy Israel and those plans are now under completion:

Iran has announced it will renew relations with the new Egyptian regime by sending an ambassador to Cairo in several months.

Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said the move will come as soon as the new provisional military regime in Egypt says it is ready to renew diplomatic ties that were severed in 1979 after Egypt became the first Arab country to sign a peace treaty with Israel.

Cairo’s Foreign Minister Nabil al-Arabi said last April that the new regime is ready to "open a new page" in relations with Iran.

“We are certain that [bilateral] relations will improve in future,” Salehi said on Saturday, according to the government’s Press TV.

Well, of course. This is exactly the scenario that we would expect based upon our knowledge of biblical prophecy.

Almost every element of the coming wars has come together now:

A northern axis of Iran, Hizbullah-dominated Lebanon and Syria already threatens Israel from the north. Adding Egypt, which is under growing influence by the Muslim Brotherhood, to the terror axis would be a bonanza for Hamas-controlled Gaza.

Precisely what we would expect.

Isn't it amazing how every single element of biblical prophecy - without exception - is coming together as biblical propkecy would dictate?

In addition to the above, Caroline Glick has another timely piece and it is well worth reading. It is tempting to post multiple quotes, but her following closing paragraphs are best and worth repeating as often as possible:

Column One: Glenn Beck's revealing visit

Israel’s media didn’t come to their hatred of Beck on their own. Most of it is fueled by American Jewish leftists. Beck ran afoul of the liberal American Jewish establishment through his outspoken attacks on George Soros. In January, Beck ran several shows on Soros, the extremist leftist anti-American and anti-Zionist global financier who has given more than $100 million to radical leftist groups.

Among other things, Beck ran a 1998 interview that Soros gave to CBS News’s Steve Kroft on 60 Minutes. During the course of the interview, Soros admitted that as a boy in Nazi occupied Hungary he collaborated with the Nazis in confiscating Jewish property. Beck dwelled on Soros’s statement and his stated lack of guilt for his actions. Beck considered its impact on the shaping of Soros’s personality.

But in truth the media’s embrace of Israel’s enemies, their rejection of Beck, and most important Beck’s refusal to bow to their conventional wisdom that Israel’s enemies should be praised and its friends should be condemned all reveal the reason that Christian Zionists can be trusted and embraced by Israelis.

And this one should be bolded and framed:

Christian Zionists – like Jewish religious Zionists – are unmoved by the media’s intimidation because of their faith in God, and their reliance on scripture. Their faith provides them with a means of judging reality that is independent of the largely post-religious intellectual commissariat that runs the media and the cultural elite in the Western world. They don’t seek or care about receiving the accolades of the New York Times or other post-religious totems for their actions. And Beck’s message to Israelis is that we shouldn’t care either.

Amen, amen, amen.

With faith in God - the only thing that matters is how God Himself judges us and our actions - and as a result, the media, the 'pundits', the professors, the 'culteral elite', the aggressive political hacks down the street, etc., simply don't matter to we Christians.

We serve only one God and we concern ourselves only with His view of the world.

And that terrifies the MSM.

Therefore we must be destroyed - and the use of ridicule, mockery, sarcasm, and efforts to paint us as stupid and unenlightened are then employed.

Their usual manipulations, application of pressure points, intimidation, use of 'political correctness' as a form of coersion, and all the other methods so commonly used simpy don't work with true, God-fearing Christians.

That is precisely why we see them continue to demonize honest, strong Christian women such as Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann (just to name two).

One more idea seems obvious.

As long as "we" are around this planet, it would be almost impossible for their delusional utopia to come to completion - a world government led by a world dictator - a world which would, theoretically, bring complete utopia to the entire planet, since government is the answer in a Godless society.

That is yet another reason we know we'll be gone before this plan is completed, and it is found in the prophetic scriptures:

"And now you know what is holding him (the antichrist)* back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. And then, the lawless one will be revealed..."

(2 Thessalonians 2:6-8) (*=my insertion).

According to John Walvoord (and many others), in "The Rapture Question", as quoted in "Signs of the Coming Christ" (pg 160):

"The restrainer clearly refers to the Holy Spirit's presence in the Church, as this interpretation represents the best answer to the grammatical, contextural, and theological questions in 2 Thessalonians. Other possibilities as to the identification of the restrainer, such as human government or some powerful human figure seem highly unlikely.

Understanding the role of the restrainer further confirms that it must be the Holy Spirit residing within the Church: first, this restraint must represent a worldwide influence which suggests omnipresence; second, the restrainer must have supernatural power in order to be able to restrain such potent forces such as worldwide apostasy and the emergence of the Antichrist; third, the restrainer must have some logical reason for ending the restraint of lawlessness and the ability of the Antichrist to seize absolute power."

"There is simply no other likely choice than the Church including the presence of the Holy Spirit as representing this Restrainer.

In addition, the scripture speaks of the Holy Spirit as the One who restrains evil, both in the world (Genesis 6:3) and in the heart of the believer (Galatians 5:16-17)."

We must be removed before this plan can reach completion. It is that simple.

Those who are left behind will be glad to see our removal.

That feeling will be very mutual - although, even from New Jerusalem, we will continue to pray for the salvation of those left behind.

Its just a dose of reality.

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