Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011

Israel: On the Brink of War?

If you have been keeping up with the news you know that we are now seeing a dramatic escalation of violence against Israel. More and more rockets are pouring into Israeli cities and rural areas, Egypt appears to be involved and is continuing to increase their rhetoric against Israel as their citizens call for more Israeli blood, Syria is a ticking time bomb and Ahmadinejad is sabre-rattling more than usual.

War seems to be in the air.

One also has to wonder if the terrorist groups and nations realize that their time may be short - with upcoming U.S. elections possibly ending the current anti-Israeli administration of the U.S. - especially considering Obama's continual sinking in the polls. At the risk of stating the obvious, it would be far more preferable to attack Israel now - while the current administration is in office, as compared to waiting until a conservative, pro-Israel administration is in office.

Ahmadinejad: Iran is determined to eradicate Israel

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that Iran was determined to eradicate Israel, ISNA news agency reported Thursday.

Wow. Even for Ahmadinejad, who usually has at least a tiny amount of political correctness, this is a shocking statement and he has now completely taken off the gloves towards Israel. I cannot recall such a dramatic, bold, unequivocal statement directed towards Israel.

"Iran believes that whoever is for humanity should also be for eradicating the Zionist regime (Israel) as symbol of suppression and discrimination," Ahmadinejad said in an interview with a Lebanese television network, carried by ISNA.

"Iran follows this issue (the eradication of Israel) with determination and decisiveness and will never ever withdraw from this standpoint and policy," the Iranian president added in the interview with the Al-Manar network.

Why is he coming out now and making such bold statements?

Take a look at these other recent updates (below) revealing just how much things are escalating in Israel - and connect the dots with Ahmadinejad's statements.

At Least 17 Rockets, Mortars Fired From Gaza

Rocket fire from Gaza resumed as expected Thursday evening in an onslaught that started with last week’s deadly bus-attack that left 8 Israelis dead.

At lest seventeen Qassam rockets and mortar shells were fired from Gaza on Thursday evening exploding in open fields in Eshkol, the Sha'ar HaNegev Regional Council, and south of Ashkelon. The "Color Red" warning siren was sounded in the areas under attack.

Shortly after 7pm another rocket was fired that struck near the Erez crossing. The IAF reported that warplanes struck a separate terror cell preparing a launch just before the Erez attack and scored a "precise hit."

The attacks come as Israelis braced for more attacks after at least 20 rockets fired into Israel Wednesday night. These were in addition to a shooting attack that wounded two and the par for the course rock-throwings.

And see this - we're only at the beginning of what is to come:

Islamic Jihad vows to send rockets deeper into Israel

Terror group says it will extend rocket range; More than 15 rockets fired into Israel; Erez-border crossing damaged; 2 Islamic Jihad members killed in IAF strike, Palestinian report says.

Hours after Palestinian sources reported that the IAF killed to Islamic Jihad operatives in the Gaza Strip, the terrorist group vowed to extend the range of their rocket capabilities, sending projectiles deeper into Israeli territory, Israel Radio reported Thursday.

According to Islamic Jihad, a small terrorist group with roots in the Muslim Brotherhood, it would triple the number of Israelis affected by rocket attacks.

The Code Red siren was heard throughout the Eshkol and Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Councils and in Ashkelon as 15 rockets and mortar shells fell throughout those areas, the IDF Spokesman's Office said in a statement.

Take a look at Egypt becoming more and more involved:

Egypt: Forbade an Israeli Gaza Operation

Yasser Othman, the Egyptian ambassador to the Palestinian Authority, said Wednesday that there Egyptian-Israeli relations are still tense after the killing of five Egyptian soldiers last week, in the aftermath of a murderous terror attack on Israel.

Egypt had "forbidden" Israel from launching a large-scale operation in Gaza, he added.

“We want a clear, strong apology and a pledge to not to repeat such acts in the future,” he told Bethlehem-based Maan News.

We are very very close to all-out war in the region. Period.

Not only that, but the overall situation in the region is more volatile and more unpredictable than it has ever been - the rapid changes in Egypt and their deteriorating relations with Israel - the uprisings and instability in Syria - the Hezbollah takeover of Lebanon - the rapid infusion of arms into Gaza (via Egypt) - and even Jordan, who is having more and more demonstrations - and more importantly, the increasing number of rockets coming into Israel, which is almost at wartime levels right now.

And on top of that - one of the leading nations in the Gog-MaGog conflict, Iran - is making unprecedented threats to Israel - clearly stating that they are "determined to eradicate Israel" with "determination and decisiveness".

We're close. So close.

Once the warfare begins, I believe the dominoes will topple rapidly - including the Isaiah 17 scenario rapidly followed by the Gog-MaGog conflict detailed in Ezekiel 38-39.

This all means that the gathering up of the Bride of Christ is coming soon as well.

The time to prepare - at peak levels - is now.

UPDATE: A href="http://www.jpost.com/Defense/Article.aspx?id=235472">South pounded by rockets, prepares for more violence

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