Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011

5.9 Earthquake Rocks East Coast, Wash D.C.

This is just breaking. I'll be out for the next few hours, so please post any updates in the comments section so folks can keep updated. Here are a few early updates:

Alert: Earthquake rocks central Virginia, D.C. region

U.S. Geological Survey has confirmed an earthquake struck central Virginia at 1:53 p.m. It has been felt throughout the D.C. metro region. It measured 5.8 on Richter scale. More to follow...

Minutes after the quake, the director of the U.S. Geological Survey, Marcia McNutt -- who watched objects falling from the shelves in her office -- cautioned that the shaking might not be over.

“What the concern is, of course, is that this is a foreshock. If it’s a foreshock, then the worse is yet to come.”

Apparent Earthquake Rocks Wash D.C. Area

6.0 Earthquake Hits Virginia, Washington, D.C.

A 6.0 magnitude earthquake has hit the Washington, D.C. metro area, prompting the evacuation of the Pentagon.

The quake hit at 1:51 p.m. EDT about 87 miles southwest of Washington D.C. and about 9 miles south of Mineral, Virginia.

The shaking was felt as far away as New York City.

Stay with News Channel 3 and for the latest on this developing story.

I felt it here in North Carolina - originally thinking it was a low flying helicopter shaking the house.

Buildings in Washington, D.C. are being evacuated and the airports are closing.

Apparently the quake was relatively shallow as well. There is some confusion as to the magnitude, but 5.9 is the latest.

Keep two things in mind right now. Matthew 24:6-8 and also remember we just had a very strong "unusual" quake in Colorado:

Rare Strong Earthquake Hits Colorado

Pair of Rattlers

More updates to come.

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