Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011

Sunday Evening in Israel: More Attacks

This is starting to get redundant - another afternoon into evening and we see more rockets being fired into Israel. Some "ceasefire". Additionally, we can see that the mood over in Egypt is predictably against Israel and the military seems to want to please the crowd based upon their recent and more threatening rhetoric.

Escalation in pictures: Photos from the South

The link above contains some photos of the death and destruction brought about by the terrorist's rocket fire.

Gaza Fires 3 Grad Rockets, 3 Mortar Shells

Gaza terrorist squads fired three Grad medium-range missiles and three mortar shells into Israeli territory Sunday evening. The rockets and shells exploded in open areas within the Eshkol and Hof Ashkelon local authorities.

You almost have to laugh at this last statement in the article:

Hamas said later in the day that it had agreed with other factions on a cease fire. The ceasefire was supposed to begin in the evening but it wound up lasting about 20 minutes.

How predictable was that?

Speaking of predictable - just take a look at this article/video, as we see demonstrations in Egypt are very active and very much directed against Israel. The sad part is, the Egyptian military seemingly wants to appease the demonstrators:

Video: Angry Egyptians Break into Israeli Embassy Compound

More than 2,000 angry Egyptians broke down barriers at Israel’s embassy in Cairo, burned Israeli flags and raised the Egyptian flag, backing up demands by the provisional military government’s cabinet that Egypt expel Israel’s ambassador.

Egyptian police outside the embassy did not try to prevent the crowd from pulling down the Israeli flag from the embassy.

Egypt has summoned the Israeli ambassador and said it is not enough for Israel to apologize. The regime’s cabinet said, “Egypt lays on Israel the political and legal responsibility for this incident, which constitutes a breach of the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel.”

Its foreign ministry stated, “Egypt denounces the use of force against civilians in any circumstance and strongly advises Israel to immediately stop its military operations against Gaza.”

Several eyewitnesses to Thursday’s attack said it appeared to them that Egyptian soldiers fired on Israelis, but this has not been confirmed by military officials. However, one of the terrorist attacks began under the noses of Egyptian soldiers in an observation post adjacent to the Israeli border.

We need to be watching this situation in Israel very closely, but we also need to keep one eye on Egypt and their demonstrations - as the demonstrations may lead to an increase in anti-Israeli rhetoric and actions. The situation between Israel and Egypt is far from over at this point.

We also need to watch Syria very closely right now. It would be completely predictable to see them getting involved in this violence against Israel - and thus create a diversion from their internal problems by causing a disturbance of some sort in or near the Golan Heights. The time may be ripe for their desperate government to get involved now that tensions are increasing so rapidly in the region.

There is a lot to watch in the Middle East - after all, we know it is a powder keg just waiting to explode.

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